Sunday, June 9, 2013

Wrestlers WWE should focus on in 2013

Wrestlers WWE should focus on in 2013
February 25, 2013
By Ryan Porzl

It's no secret the WWE has many great wrestlers on their roster. However, in recent years it's obvious the WWE has not used their roster to their full potential. Tons of great stars have either been buried, wasted, or given half-assed pushes. Here's a list of names that the WWE should focus on in 2013.

Dolph Ziggler- Perhaps the best reason to get behind the Show-off is the fact he's been compared by many with WWE Hall of Famer: “Mr. Perfect” Curt Hennig. That should be nuff' said but there's more. Simply put, Ziggler has the whole package. He's an excellent athlete, he can bounce around like a superball, can cut a great promo, and has charisma. Overall at his best, Ziggler comes across as a star.

AJ Lee- WWE resident “crazy chick” had a colorful 2012 but she was still wasted. Unlike most WWE diva's, Lee has had history in wrestling as she was a trained wrestler who worked the independent circuit before making her way to the WWE. Unlike most of the diva's, AJ shows shat she can fly and deliver a style the diva's don't show. Best of all, she also has a gimmick. Outside of AJ, Diva's are usually generic “Loving life and having fun” babyfaces or “Conniving bitch” heels. AJ, meanwhile, is the crazy chick. Her gimmick of a being crazy and unpredictable is something not regularly seen in the diva's division.

Ezekiel Jackson- Jackson's not the most technical wrestler but he's a very good power wrestler. In this day and age, Jackson is a good hand to have since most of WWE's “big men” or “monsters” are in their 40s and well past their prime.

Drew McIntyre- Hard to believe that only 3-4 years ago, McIntyre was looked at by both fans and the company as a future star. Fast forward to 2013 and the WWE has seemed to have given up on him which makes no sense. McIntyre is another wrestler with all the tools. He's around 6'5, has a good look, charisma, can cut a promo, and can wrestle. Like Ziggler, when McIntyre is at his best, he comes across as a star. The WWE would be well-served to get him out of the 3 Man Band stable and get him back on track.

Cody Rhodes- Rhodes is an interesting case as the WWE seems to know he has potential. The problem sometimes isn't that he's not pushed but rather is saddled with horrible gimmicks. From his “Dashing” gimmick where he gave beauty tips to wearing a mask & believing himself to be disfigured to now growing a mustache and everyone mocking him over it; it just seems Rhodes can't catch a break. It would be nice to see Rhodes get a real gimmick and some credible wins in 2013. The sky's the limit, he just needs something to sink his teeth into.

Antonio Cesaro- While Cesaro is the United States Champion as of writing; the WWE can still do more for him. Like most champions, Cesaro doesn't seem to have many feuds all the while he's losing to main event wrestlers. The former Claudio Castagnoli could definitely benefit from a strong rivalry with a great opponent and not having to get squashed by main eventers.

Kaitlyn- Yes Kaitlyn is Diva's Champion as of writing but the WWE can still do more for the Hybrid Diva. While Kaitlyn has made a lot of improvement, she's still green and needs more experienced wrestlers to work with. If WWE is serious about it's women's division, Kaitlyn should be put in there with women who could mask her weaknesses. Feuds with Natalya and AJ Lee would be great for her. The matches would be good for her reign and the stories would make sense.

Damien Sandow- The intellectual savior of the masses is another up and comer to get behind. Sandow is a great heel and while he's no where near ready for a main event run, he would be great as the Intercontinental or United States Champion.

Daniel Bryan- While Bryan has been pushed in his WWE career, it's obvious the WWE could do more with him. It would definitely be nice to see Bryan be treated like he was when he was the “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson: “The Best Wrestler In The World Today!”. The WWE needs to ditch this stupid “YES! YES! YES!” and “NO! NO! NO!” idiot who's mocked as a goat. The WWE can get so much more out of Bryan than some comedy character.

Natalya- Perhaps the most wasted talent in the WWE (which says a lot), Natalya has beauty and is easily one of the best wrestlers on the roster period. Yet inspite of all that, she's been wasted for years. She's constantly used as a jobber who is forced to put over women with a fraction of her talent or love for the business. As if that wasn't bad enough, she's also been given several embarrassing gimmicks including a farting gimmick and being apart of a freakish trio with the Great Khali and Hornswoggle. If WWE was smart, then they would push Natalya and put her in a position she deserves. Either as champion or a top contender where she can wrestle with diva's like Kaitlyn and AJ who have talent.

The Shield- So far in 2013, the Shield have been booked great and hopefully it stays that way. The Shield consists of three talented performers who can go far. Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose have shown in the independent circuit to be phenomenal while Reigns shows potential. Best of all, the three work well together. They come across as a unit that works as a well-oiled machine. Rollins and Ambrose are great talents that more than make up for whatever Reigns may lack. On the other hand, while Reigns is green, he comes across well as the “muscle” of the group and the guy who is the big guns of the stable.

CM Punk- Yes Punk has held the WWE Championship for over a year. But he still had the most botched reign in WWE History. The WWE should continue to back Punk but if he gets the title back then he needs to be the guy. He shouldn't be second banana to John Cena or be given a lame heel turn. While it'll probably never happen, it would be nice if the WWE did give Punk a real run.

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