Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sucks to hear that Michihiro Omigawa lost again today at ROAD FC 012 event. He was in their featherweight tournament and it would've been a great comeback to win, advance, and go on to win at a future date. Sad to say but this makes Omigawa's record to a negative 13-14. I hope he can pull out of this slump but time is running out for the 37 year old. I wish he would consider a new gym since I'm not sure training at Yoshida Gym will help him anymore.

Also heard Jeff Monson lost for the second straight time this month back on Thursday. I like the Snowman and have a lot of respect for him to be so active at 42 but 2 times in a month is too much and I hope Monson takes a break before fighting again.

On the plus side, glad to hear King Mo won his fight against Seth Petruzelli which puts him one step closer to  winning the Bellator Summer Series 2013 Light Heavyweight tournament.

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