Saturday, June 29, 2013

Looking Forward at American Wrestling for July 2013

So in the world of the WWE, the next pay-per-view will be the Money in The Bank on July 14. It has been announced that John Cena will defend the WWE Championship against Mark Henry. Speaking of Money In The Bank, it has been announced that Rob Van Dam will return to the WWE at this event. To be fair, the WWE does have some good ideas going right now. Also announced are the WWE Championship MITB participants which are CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton, Sheamus, Christian, Kane, and Rob Van Dam. In a rematch for the World Heavyweight Championship, Alberto Del Rio will defend against Dolph Ziggler and Ryback will face Chris Jericho. Kudos to them for putting the IC Title on Curtis Axel since neither Barrett or Miz were entertaining. Hopefully we'll see the WWE do more and give Axel a good reign. I'm also a fan of the AJ/Kaitlyn feud. I wish WWE did more with them over these last few months but they're doing stuff with them right now. Also great to see that CM Punk is likely turning back into a babyface and getting away from Paul Heyman. Punk is a great performer but his heel turn and alliance with Heyman shouldn't have happened. Sadly it looks like he'll be stuck with Brock.

(Thoughts: So in the world of the WWE, we will be tortured with one of the worst ideas for a match ever as the WWE is beginning a feud between John Cena and Mark Henry. Words cannot express how disgusted I am at this. Cena and Henry are two of the worst wrestlers in the history of the WWE and having them main event is pathetic. Cena is probably the least successful main event wrestler in history and Mark Henry has flopped for 17 years. I hate the WWE for given these two losers chance after chance when they fumble the ball all the time. To be honest, Van Dam returning means nothing other than WWE saving TNA money and a roster spot. There was a time when Van Dam was awesome but now he's like most aging veteran in that he's stale and hasn't changed his look or move set in nearly 20 years. The ladder match should be ok but really Sheamus and Kane have no business being in a ladder match while Orton could send anyone into a coma. Ryback/Jericho is a whatever type of match. Ryback has made improvement as a heel and seems like he's more of a natural but he's still not an incredible performer and he desperately needs a new moveset. Jericho, meanwhile, hasn't been motivated in years and take up a roster spot. While I'm enjoying some of the WWE stuff, I'm not optimistic that WWE will follow through as they've cancelled and messed up many storylines over the years that looked good.)

Over in TNA, they have one of their One Night Only type PPVs which this month will focus on hardcore wrestling. This month will likely focus on the Bound For Glory Series. I'm a fan of the BFGS as it's a round robin type tournament that will crown the #1 contender for the World Title at the biggest show of the year: Bound For Glory. I do have my fears as I hope AJ Styles wins the tournament but I could see them going with Jeff Hardy which will mean a zillionth encounter between him and Bully Ray. The Tag Team Division is getting some new life with new champions: James Storm and Gunner as well as a potential new team of Robbie E and Jesse Goddertz. I wouldn't be surprised if an Aces & Eights team like Wes Brisco & Garrett Bischoff and then Samoa Joe & Magnus join the fun as the weeks and months to come. The Knockouts division is also heating up with Mickie James' recent heel turn, her feud with Velvet Sky, and the feud between Gail Kim & Taryn Terrell. We saw the end of an error with Eric Young & ODB being stripped of the KO Tag Title at long fucking last!

(Thoughts: After a slow April and May, TNA seems to have regained some fire. While some of the reason TNA was slow was because they wanted to establish the Aces & Eights as a powerful force there were other issues. Even with the improvement of many things there still is work to be done including to the feud between Devon and Abyss for the TV Title and getting rid of the whole three way stuff with the X Division.)

It's been announced that due to ROH having problems with their iPPV (internet pay-per-view) yet again that ROH will now tape they're iPPVs and show them via VOD probably on their website.

(Thoughts: This whole scenario is pathetic for so many reasons. The first being it took ROH 3 years and 10 or so shows to figure out that doing iPPVs wasn't a good idea since they kept having feed problems. The second being that the #3 promotion in America is reduced to having to tape their iPPVs while promotions that are supposed to be smaller than them are doing live iPPV because despite being smaller and supposedly not having the same resources; they're still more reliable and trustworthy. I swear if ROH isn't voted Worst Promotion of the Year by the Wrestling Observer Newsletter than Dipshit Dave Meltzer and his readers are bigger morons than I thought).

In the indy circuit we got the next CZW event: New Heights '13 on July 13 and a benefit show for their World Champion: Masada on July 19. We also got the return of Dragon Gate USA who also have two shows with Bushido: Code of the Warrior on July 26 and their fourth anniversary show: Enter The Dragon: Fourth Anniversary Celebration on July 28. All four shows should be good and I know I've been considering purchasing iPPVs since I want to be more up to date with the indy scene.

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