Sunday, June 9, 2013

Wrestlers TNA Should Focus On In 2013

Wrestlers TNA Should Focus On In 2013
April 19, 2013
By Ryan Porzl

Currently the #2 promotion in the country, TNA (Total Nonstop Action) is home to some of the brightest stars in the business. Because of this, there's talent that deserve to be focused on this year and this article will be a list of wrestlers that TNA should focus on this year.

AJ Styles- Who better to start with than Mr. TNA himself? The Phenomenonal One is still one of the best wrestlers in the world. He can fly, he can wrestle, he can do hardcore, he can do it all. Styles also has an excellent story going on where he's at rock bottom due to a bad 2012. He currently refuses to pledge allegiance to either TNA or the Aces & Eights stable like how Sting was in the middle of the WCW/nWo war back in 1996/1997. If done right, Styles' story could be a powerful one as he returns from rock bottom and seeks redemption. Best of all, the current champion is Bully Ray, who feuded with Styles two years ago with Bully winning the blowoff match. This can lead to a great story for this year's Bound For Glory with Bully doing the whole “You never beat me” type promos until Styles wins the title at the big event which results in Mr. TNA defeating the threat that is Aces & Eights once and for all.

Crimson- Crimson is one of the most promising talents in TNA today. He has the look of a badass, he can wrestle, he can cut a good promo, and he's a very good performer. As a fan favorite, Crimson can play a very convincing badass with a never say die attitude. As a villain, he can play a great manipulating snake who pulls strings and stirs the pot. While he's currently in Ohio Valley Wrestling, Crimson might return to the main roster later this year. If he does, he's definitely a guy TNA can and should use effectively.

Hernandez- Hernandez is one of a kind. He's a strong big man but has great agility and can fly like an X Division wrestler. He's also pretty good on the mic and carries himself well as he has an aura of confidence. Despite turning 40, he still hasn't lost a step and can easily keep up with wrestlers half his age and size. He can also appeal to the growing hispanic market and give them someone to get behind. During his long career in TNA, Hernandez has become one of the most successful tag team wrestlers but hopefully 2013 will see Supermex win some singles gold.

Wes Brisco- One of Aces & Eights second generation wrestlers, Wes Brisco is a member of wrestling royalty. The son of former NWA World Junior Heavyweight Champion: Gerald Brisco and the nephew of former 2-time NWA World Heavyweight Champion: Jack Brisco, Brisco has kind of an old school thing about him. He's got a load of potential, can cut a promo, has a good look, and looks great in his feud with Kurt Angle by playing an ungrateful punk who turned on his mentor. Brisco is currently doing good in his current role and hopefully they'll continue to use him well.

Magnus- To say the very least, Magnus is one of the brightest up and comers in TNA. Since his 2008 debut, the Mag Daddy already had a great look, charisma, and mic skills. His only problem was he was very green in the ring but no more. As each year has passed, Magnus has made leaps and bounds of improvement and is now a complete wrestler. Another advantage for Magnus is the fact that he is British and TNA has a very big following in the UK so it wouldn't hurt to showcase him and allow the UK fans to have a home country hero. Having won the tag team titles two times over the years, it would be nice to see Magnus finally get a singles championship that has eluded him so far.

Miss Tessmacher- Tessmacher has been a pleasant surprise in TNA. Years ago, she was in the WWE and she seemed to be just another model brought into the company. Since her arrival into TNA in 2010, Tessmacher has made a lot of improvement in the ring. She's a decent talker and is over with fans so she's definitely someone that should get some TV Time. As a bonus, she has a lot of sex appeal which isn't a bad thing. She'll probably not dominate the knockouts (TNA's name for their female talent) division like last year but hopefully she'll be around in title contention.

Kenny King- While King is the current X Division Champion, TNA can still do more with him. While King is not ready for the World Title or the main event, TNA can still utilize him and groom him for that. This year should see King not only continue to defend the X Division Title on a frequent basis but also interact with the main event talent either in backstage skits or in tag matches. If booked right this year, King could have the potential of being a main event talent within two years.

Mickie James- Mickie has been one of the best female talents in wrestling for years. After being out of the title picture for about two years, 2013 should be the year where Mickie once again becomes a top contender. It would also be good to see Mickie be used as a villain as she hasn't been one since 2006. With Velvet Sky as the Knockouts Champion, TNA can now create the rivalry they were planning last year.

Samoa Joe- The Samoan Submission Machine is always someone to focus on. This year, TNA has plenty of options for Joe including a feud with Devon, who defeated him for the TV Title last year or him reuniting with Magnus (as both are feuding with the Aces & Eights stable) and pursue the tag team titles. Of course, Joe possesses all the tools including excellent mic work, charisma, and ring ability. Give him a story he can sink his teeth into and he'll do the rest.

DOC- Aces and Eights' hired muscle is one of the best big men in the game today. Like all big men, DOC (short for Director of Chaos) is not only very strong but he's quite agile for a guy his size. He's also done a great job in his current role as the Aces & Eights' hitman who's responsible for doing their dirty work including injuring several wrestlers with a hammer or by putting Sting through a table. DOC has also proven he can hang with main eventers and not stick out like a sore thumb. Hopefully TNA will give DOC more opportunities like his previous feud with Sting and give him either the tag titles with another A&8s member or another feud with a top star.

Velvet Sky- In 2011, Velvet Sky looked like she was going to have her breakout year when she captured her first Knockouts Title. However, the return of Gail Kim quickly ended her title reign and failed contract negotiations saw her briefly leave the company. Now back in TNA, she's currently enjoying her second reign as champion. TNA should really let her enjoy this reign as she has the tools to be a great champion and has worked hard to improve as a performer. Not to mention, she's a fresh champion and has plenty of fresh feuds as the defending champion.

Christian York- Christian York is the feel good story of 2012. York was part of a lost generation of wrestlers as he turned pro in the late 90s when WWF and WCW were battling for ratings supremacy while ECW was a distant third. York competed in ECW for a period and was on a WWF developmental deal. However, after WCW and ECW went under in 2001, York and many of his generation were left with little options. After a release from the WWF and a few appearances in TNA in 2002, York would retire from wrestling like many of his generation. He returned to wrestling and after years of toiling in the indy circuit, he finally earned himself a TNA Contract. Since that time, York has made the best of it by putting on several great performances. Hopefully,York's feel good story continues in 2013 with him eventually winning some gold.

Bad Influence- Whether they're wrestling in the ring or speaking on a microphone, Christopher Daniels and Kazarian (a.k.a. Bad Influence) are easily two of the most entertaining wrestlers in the business today. It's very rare to see them in any boring match or segment. Hopefully, 2013 will continue to showcase Bad Influence as a top team and future champions.

James Storm- TNA's beer drinking, ass-kicking cowboy has grown so much in the past year and a half. For most of TNA's history, Storm was considered a tag team specialist by being part of two of the greatest teams in TNA history. However, since October 2011, Storm has proven that he can hang as a singles wrestler. He's the blue collar redneck you want to have a beer with, he can put on awesome matches, and can cut excellent promos. Since the beginning of this year, Storm seems to have been put on the backburner outside of his program with AJ Styles so hopefully he'll continue to have more angles and feuds following the conclusion of his storyline with AJ.

Austin Aries- Like Christian York, Aries is another feel good story. After having two falling outs with TNA in the past, Aries returned in 2011 and to say the very least, has made every moment count. Outside of size (he's 5'8), Aries has the whole package. He can play any role (fan favorite or villain), can wrestle various styles including flying and mat wrestling, and is one of the most entertaining personalities. Aries is currently in a tag team with Bobby Roode. Like Bad Influence, Aries and Roode are phenomenonal both in the ring and on the mic. You would have a hard time finding the last time they were in a boring match or segment. 2013 should see TNA continue to use Aries in the tag team division as he & Roode have shined to the point where the division could be based around them.

Gunner- Mr. Intensity hasn't seen much TV time over the past year which is a shame. Gunner has potential to be a future star and 2013 should be TNA getting him back on TV and reestablishing him. Gunner has a great look for a guy who's supposed to be an intense badass, is a good wrestler, and can talk on the mic. Gunner would be a great fit in the ongoing war between TNA and the Aces & Eights either as someone whose not afraid to be the first one into the battles or as a hitman type who tries to take out key members of the opposing group.

Matt Morgan- Morgan is one of those guys that's really puzzling. He's an athletic big man, fast, strong, and can talk. Yet, he's not fulfilled his potential. 2013 has seen Morgan interact with guys like Hulk Hogan and Sting so hopefully he'll finally reach the next level in 2013 by interacting with top stars and once again win a TNA title. The Blueprint has always shown potential and hopefully we'll see it finally get tapped.

Bobby Roode- What list like this would be complete without the IT factor of professional wrestling? Roode is unquestionably one of the best talents in the business today and is probably the best villain. Roode is a great performer whose capable of having some of the best matches on the show as well as cutting excellent promos and interviews. His current team with Austin Aries is one of the best in the business today. With the TNA World Heavyweight Championship being in the forefront of the TNA/Aces & Eights feud & Roode not being involved; hopefully his team with Aries we'll keep going for a long time and enjoy another reign.

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