Friday, June 14, 2013

Kid Yamamoto Highlight

Masahiro Chono highlight

This is a highlight video of one of my favorite wrestlers: Masahiro Chono. A legend in Japanese Wrestling, Chono is best known for his time in New Japan from 1984-2010. There he was one of the top three stars of the 1990s along with Keiji "The Great Muta" Mutoh & Shinya Hashimoto. He was the New Japan IWGP Heavyweight Champion, a seven time New Japan IWGP Tag Team Champions, a record five time G1 Climax Tournament Winner, three time Super Grade/G1 Tag League Winner, and the 1987 Young Lions Cup Winner. Outside of his New Japan achievements he held the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, the WWA (World Wrestling Alliance) World Heavyweight Championship, and the NWA Central States Television Champion. Finally, he was also the leader of nWo Japan.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Wrestlers TNA Should Focus On In 2013

Wrestlers WWE should focus on in 2013

Wrestlers WWE should focus on in 2013
February 25, 2013
By Ryan Porzl

It's no secret the WWE has many great wrestlers on their roster. However, in recent years it's obvious the WWE has not used their roster to their full potential. Tons of great stars have either been buried, wasted, or given half-assed pushes. Here's a list of names that the WWE should focus on in 2013.

Dolph Ziggler- Perhaps the best reason to get behind the Show-off is the fact he's been compared by many with WWE Hall of Famer: “Mr. Perfect” Curt Hennig. That should be nuff' said but there's more. Simply put, Ziggler has the whole package. He's an excellent athlete, he can bounce around like a superball, can cut a great promo, and has charisma. Overall at his best, Ziggler comes across as a star.

AJ Lee- WWE resident “crazy chick” had a colorful 2012 but she was still wasted. Unlike most WWE diva's, Lee has had history in wrestling as she was a trained wrestler who worked the independent circuit before making her way to the WWE. Unlike most of the diva's, AJ shows shat she can fly and deliver a style the diva's don't show. Best of all, she also has a gimmick. Outside of AJ, Diva's are usually generic “Loving life and having fun” babyfaces or “Conniving bitch” heels. AJ, meanwhile, is the crazy chick. Her gimmick of a being crazy and unpredictable is something not regularly seen in the diva's division.

Ezekiel Jackson- Jackson's not the most technical wrestler but he's a very good power wrestler. In this day and age, Jackson is a good hand to have since most of WWE's “big men” or “monsters” are in their 40s and well past their prime.

Drew McIntyre- Hard to believe that only 3-4 years ago, McIntyre was looked at by both fans and the company as a future star. Fast forward to 2013 and the WWE has seemed to have given up on him which makes no sense. McIntyre is another wrestler with all the tools. He's around 6'5, has a good look, charisma, can cut a promo, and can wrestle. Like Ziggler, when McIntyre is at his best, he comes across as a star. The WWE would be well-served to get him out of the 3 Man Band stable and get him back on track.

Cody Rhodes- Rhodes is an interesting case as the WWE seems to know he has potential. The problem sometimes isn't that he's not pushed but rather is saddled with horrible gimmicks. From his “Dashing” gimmick where he gave beauty tips to wearing a mask & believing himself to be disfigured to now growing a mustache and everyone mocking him over it; it just seems Rhodes can't catch a break. It would be nice to see Rhodes get a real gimmick and some credible wins in 2013. The sky's the limit, he just needs something to sink his teeth into.

Antonio Cesaro- While Cesaro is the United States Champion as of writing; the WWE can still do more for him. Like most champions, Cesaro doesn't seem to have many feuds all the while he's losing to main event wrestlers. The former Claudio Castagnoli could definitely benefit from a strong rivalry with a great opponent and not having to get squashed by main eventers.

Kaitlyn- Yes Kaitlyn is Diva's Champion as of writing but the WWE can still do more for the Hybrid Diva. While Kaitlyn has made a lot of improvement, she's still green and needs more experienced wrestlers to work with. If WWE is serious about it's women's division, Kaitlyn should be put in there with women who could mask her weaknesses. Feuds with Natalya and AJ Lee would be great for her. The matches would be good for her reign and the stories would make sense.

Damien Sandow- The intellectual savior of the masses is another up and comer to get behind. Sandow is a great heel and while he's no where near ready for a main event run, he would be great as the Intercontinental or United States Champion.

Daniel Bryan- While Bryan has been pushed in his WWE career, it's obvious the WWE could do more with him. It would definitely be nice to see Bryan be treated like he was when he was the “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson: “The Best Wrestler In The World Today!”. The WWE needs to ditch this stupid “YES! YES! YES!” and “NO! NO! NO!” idiot who's mocked as a goat. The WWE can get so much more out of Bryan than some comedy character.

Natalya- Perhaps the most wasted talent in the WWE (which says a lot), Natalya has beauty and is easily one of the best wrestlers on the roster period. Yet inspite of all that, she's been wasted for years. She's constantly used as a jobber who is forced to put over women with a fraction of her talent or love for the business. As if that wasn't bad enough, she's also been given several embarrassing gimmicks including a farting gimmick and being apart of a freakish trio with the Great Khali and Hornswoggle. If WWE was smart, then they would push Natalya and put her in a position she deserves. Either as champion or a top contender where she can wrestle with diva's like Kaitlyn and AJ who have talent.

The Shield- So far in 2013, the Shield have been booked great and hopefully it stays that way. The Shield consists of three talented performers who can go far. Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose have shown in the independent circuit to be phenomenal while Reigns shows potential. Best of all, the three work well together. They come across as a unit that works as a well-oiled machine. Rollins and Ambrose are great talents that more than make up for whatever Reigns may lack. On the other hand, while Reigns is green, he comes across well as the “muscle” of the group and the guy who is the big guns of the stable.

CM Punk- Yes Punk has held the WWE Championship for over a year. But he still had the most botched reign in WWE History. The WWE should continue to back Punk but if he gets the title back then he needs to be the guy. He shouldn't be second banana to John Cena or be given a lame heel turn. While it'll probably never happen, it would be nice if the WWE did give Punk a real run.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Super Smash Bros Ideas

Super Smash Bros Ideas
January 23, 2012
By Ryan Porzl

New Characters- 
Cloud (Final Fantasy VII) 
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII) 
Little Mac (Punch-Out) 
Mega Man (Mega Man) 
Mega Man X (Mega Man X) 
Simon Belmont (Castlevania) 
Alucard (Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse) 
Knuckles (Sonic The Hedgehog 3) 
Mouser (Super Mario Bros 2) 
Chris Redfield (Resident Evil) 
Jill Valentine (Resident Evil) 
Geno (Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars) 
Smithy (Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars) 
Banjo (Banjo-Kazooie) 
K. Rool (Donkey Kong Country)   
Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden) 

Barrett Wallace (Final Fantasy VII) 
King Hippo (Punch-Out) 
Mr. Dream (Punch-Out) 
Nemesis (Resident Evil 3: Nemesis) 
Try-Clyde (Super Mario Bros 2) 
Tatanga (Super Mario Land) 
Ripley (Metroid) 
Wizpig (Diddy Kong Racing) 
Zant (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) 
Dr. Robotnik (Sonic The Hedgehog) 
Vile (Mega Man X) 
Count Dracula (Castlevania) 
Zero (Mega Man X) 
Doku (Ninja Gaiden) 
Chaos (Sonic Adventure) 
Bass (Mega Man) 
Jaquio (Ninja Gaiden) 
KAOS (Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble) 
The Sun (Super Mario Bros. 3) 
Exor (Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars) 

Bowser's Keep (Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars) 
Banana Hoard (Donkey Kong Country) 
Gangplank Galleon (Donkey Kong County) 
Punch-Out Ring (Punch-Out) 
Death Egg (Sonic The Hedgehog 2) 
Venom (Star Fox 64) 
Station Square (Sonic Adventure) 
Midgar (Final Fantasy VII) 
Spencer Mansion (Resident Evil) 
Spiral Mountain (Banjo-Kazooie) 
Count Dracula's Castle (Castlevania) 
Imperial City (Ninja Gaiden) 
Temple of Time (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) 
Star Road (Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars) 
Mario Zone (Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins) 
Tick Tock Clock (Super Mario 64) 

Costumes/Final Smash- 

Costume #1- Usual Look 
Costume #2- Fire Flower Mario 
Costume #3- Dr. Mario (Dr. Mario)   
Costume #4- Referee Mario (Punch-Out) 
Final Smash- Giant 2D Look 

Costume #1- Usual Look 
Costume #2- Fire Flower Luigi 
Costume #3- Mr. L (Super Paper Mario) 
Costume #4- With Poltergeist 3000 (Luigi's Mansion) 
Final Smash- Poltergeist 3000 

Costume #1- Usual Look 
Costume #2- Skeletal Bowser (New Super Mario Bros.) 
Costume #3- Rookie (Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga) 
Costume #4- Giga Bowser (Super Smash Bros: Brawl) 
Final Smash- Bowser Clown Car   

Samus Aran-   
Costume #1- Usual Look   
Costume #2- Suit without helmet (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption) 
Costume #3- Zero Suit Samus (Metroid Zero Mission) 
Costume #4- Dark Samus (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption) 
Final Smash- Gun Ship

Costume #1- Usual Look 
Costume #2- Toon Link (Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, Legend of Zelda: Phantom Glass)   
Costume #3- Kid Link (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask) 
Costume #4- Shadow Link (Zelda II: The Adventure of Link) 
Final Smash-  Triforce Smash 

Costume #1- Usual Look 
Costume #2- Ganon   
Costume #3- Agnahim (Legend of Zelda: A Link To the Past) 
Costume #4- Ganon Blue Silhouette (Zelda II: The Adventure of Link) 
Final Smash-  Lightning 

Costume #1- Usual Look   
Costume #2- Robo Sonic (Sonic The Hedgehog 2)   
Costume #3- Metal Sonic (Sonic CD) 
Costume #4- Mecha Sonic (Sonic & Knuckles) 
Final Smash- Hyper Sonic (Sonic 3 & Knuckles) 

Costume #1- Usual Look
Costume #2- Bull Wario (Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3)
Costume #3- Dragon Wario (Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3)
Costume #4- Jet Wario (Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3) 
Final Smash- Wario-Man 

Costume #1- Usual Look
Costume #2- Kid Zelda (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) 
Costume #3- Tetra (Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker) 
Costume #4- Sheik (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)  
Final Smash- Light Arrow

Costume #1- Usual Look 
Costume #2- Boshi Look (Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars) 
Costume #3- With Wings (Super Mario World) 
Costume #4- Baby Yoshi (Super Mario World) 
Final Smash- Super Dragon 

Costume #1- Usual Look
Costume #2- Muscular Look (Kid Icarus)
Costume #3- Helmet and Spear (Kid Icarus)
Costume #4- Armor Look (Kid Icarus)
Final Smash- Laser Arrows

Costume #1- Usual Look
Costume #2- With Party Hat
Costume #3- Raichu
Costume #4- Pichu
Final Smash- Volt Tackle

Solid Snake-
Costume #1- Usual Look
Costume #2- Old Snake (Metal Gear Solid 4)
Costume #3- Metal Gear (Metal Gear)
Costume #4- Metal Gear 2 (Metal Gear 2) 
Final Smash- Grenade Launcher

Costume #1- Usual Look
Costume #2- Animal
Costume #3- Bomb
Costume #4- Shadow Kirby (Kirby & The Amazing Mirror) 
Final Smash- Cook Kirby

Costume #1- Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem (Mystery of the Emblem)
Costume #2- Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon Look (Shadow  Dragon)
Costume #3- Fire Emblem: TCG 5 (Fire Emblem: TCG 5)
Costume #4- Fire Emblem: TCG 6 (Fire Emblem: TCG 6)
Final Smash- Critical Hit

Costume #1- Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)
Costume #2- Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn)
Costume #3- Lord (Fire Emblem: Path of Rediance)
Costume #4- Vanguard (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn)
Final Smash- Great Aether

Princess Peach-
Costume #1- Usual Look
Costume #2- Red Hair (Super Mario Bros)
Costume #3- Brown Hair (Super Mario Bros 2)
Costume #4- Short Dress (Mario Tennis)
Final Smash- Peach Blossom

Donkey Kong
Costume #1- Usual Look
Costume #2- Donkey Kong Jr. Look
Costume #3- Strikers (Super Mario Strikers)
Costume #4- Boxing Gloves (Punch Out!!)
Final Smash- Konga Beat

Diddy Kong
Costume #1- Usual Look
Costume #2- Sunglasses (Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest)
Costume #3- Soccer (Mario Strikers Charged)
Costume #4- Barrell Jetpack (Donkey Kong Country Returns)
Final Smash- Rocketbarrel Barrage

Costume #1- Usual
Costume #2- Pajamas
Costume #3- Robot
Costume #4- Ghost
Final Smash- PK Starstorm

Costume #1- Usual Look
Costume #2- Pajamas
Costume #3- Pigmask Commander
Costume #4- Pigmask
Final Smash- PK Starstorm

Fox McCloud
Costume #1- Usual Look
Costume #2- Sunglasses (Star Fox 64)
Costume #3- Assault (Star Fox: Assault)
Costume #4- Adventures (Star Fox Adventures)
Final Smash- Landmaster

Falco Lombardi
Costume #1- Usual Look
Costume #2- Star Fox 64
Costume #3- Assault (Star Fox Assault)
Costume #4- Black Feathers (Star Fox)
Final Smash- Landmaster

Wolf O'Donnell
Costume #1- Usual Look
Costume #2- Injuries (Star Fox 64)
Costume #3- Star Fox 2 (Star Fox 2)
Costume #4- Assault (Star Fox Assault)
Final Smash- Landmaster

Cloud Strife
Costume #1- Usual Look
Costume #2- Scarf/one wing (Kingdom Hearts: Re:code)
Costume #3- Shinra Guard (Final Fantasy VII)
Costume #4- Half Trenchcoat (Kingdom Hearts 2)
Final Slam- Omnislash

Costume #1- Usual Look
Costume #2- One Wing (Kingdom Hearts)
Costume #3- Shirtless (Final Fantasy Dissidia)
Costume #4- Safer (Final Fantasy VII)
Final Smash- Supernova

Little Mac
Costume #1- Usual Look
Costume #2- Giga Mac (Punch Out Wii)
Costume #3- Blond hair and Taped Fist (Super Punch Out)
Costume #4- Pink Track Suit
Final Smash- Star Punch

Mega Man
Costume #1- Usual Look
Costume #2- Power Adaptor (Mega Man VI)
Costume #3- Super Adaptor (Mega Man VII)
Costume #4- Rock
Final Smash- Charged Mega Buster

Mega Man X
Costume #1- Usual Look
Costume #2- Ultimate Armor X
Costume #3- Shadow Armor (Mega Man X5)
Costume #4- Command Mission (Mega Man X: Command Mission)
Final Smash- Ride Armor

Simon Belmont
Costume #1- Castlevania 1
Costume #2- Castlevania 2
Costume #3- Chronicles (Castlevania Chronicles)
Costume #4- Judgement (Castlevania Judgment)
Final Smash- Triple Shot

Costume #1- Usual Look
Costume #2- Castlevania 3 
Costume #3-Judgment (Castlevania: Judgment
Costume #4- Genya Arikado (Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow)
Final Smash- Werewolf

Costume #1- Usual Look
Costume #2- Sinbad the Sailor (Sonic and the Secret Rings)
Costume #3- Sir Gawain (Sonic and the Black Knight)
Costume #4- Mecha Knuckles (Sonic Advance)
Final Smash- Hyper Knuckles

Costume #1- Usual Look
Costume #2,3,4- Different Colors
Final Smash- Giant Bob-omb

Chris Redfield
Costume #1- STARS (Resident Evil) 
Costume #2- CV (Resident Evil: Code Veronica)
Costume #3- Alternate (Resident Evil)
Costume #4- RE5 (Resident Evil 5)
Final Smash- Rocket Launcher

Jill Valentine
Costume #1- STARS (Resident Evil)
Costume #2- RE3 (Resident Evil 3: Nemesis)
Costume #3- BSAA (Resident Evil 5)
Costume #4- RE5 (Resident Evil 5)
Final Smash- Rocket Launcher

Costume #1- Usual Look
Costume #2,3,4- Different Colors
Final Smash- Geno Flash

Costume #1- First Form
Costume #2- True Form
Costume #3- Tank Head
Costume #4- The Magic Head
Final Smash- Giant Wooden Sledgehammer

Costume #1- Usual Look
Costume #2- With Kazooie
Costume #3- Without Backpack (Banjo Tooie)
Costume #4- With Suit Jacket (Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts) 
Final Smash- Kazooie Gun

K. Rool
Costume #1- King (Donkey Kong Country) 
Costume #2- Kaptian (Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest)
Costume #3- Baron (Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble)
Costume #4- Boxer (Donkey Kong 64)
Final Smash- Cannon Balls

Ryu Hayabusa
Costume #1- Usual Look
Costume #2- Fiend (Ninja Gaiden)
Costume #3- Blue Ninja (Ninja Gaiden)
Costume #4- Future Costume (Ninja Gaiden)
Final Smash- Ninpo

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Batman '89 Review

Batman '89 Review
January 18, 2013
By Ryan Porzl

Movie Title: Batman
Release Date: June 23, 1989
Running Time: 126 Minutes
Director: Tim Burton
Budget: $48 Million
Box Office: $411,348,924
Composer: Danny Elfman

Michael Keaton as Batman/Bruce Wayne- Billionaire Playboy philanthropist by day, vigilante by night. As Batman, he mostly goes after criminals that the police are unable to capture.

Jack Nicholson as The Joker/Jack Napier- As Jack Napier, Joker is a mobster working under crime boss: Carl Grissom. After Grissom finds out of Napier's affair with his mistress, he sets him up to be killed at Axis Chemicals. After falling into some chemicals, Napier eventually emerges as the Joker. From here, Joker gets revenge by killing Grissom and taking control of his gang. Afterwards, he largely goes on killing rampages and obsessively stalks Vicki Vale.

Kim Basinger as Vicki Vale- Formerly a photographer of Vogue and Cosmo magazines. Came to Gotham City to investigate Batman. Later becomes a love interest to Bruce Wayne.

Michael Gough as Alfred Pennyworth- Bruce Wayne's butler. He also assists Batman whenever he can. He's served as a father figure and guardian to Bruce after Bruce's parents were murdered.

Tracey Walter as Bob the Goon- The Joker/Jack Napier's right hand man.

Robert Wuhl as Alexander Knox- Reporter at the Gotham Globe. He largely investigates Batman and his sightings. He's constantly ridiculed by the Gotham City Police and his colleagues for his belief in Batman.

Pat Hingle as Commissioner Gordon- Commissioner of the Gotham City Police Department.

Billy Dee Williams as Harvey Dent- Gotham City Destrict Attorney.

Jack Palance as Carl Grissom- Crime boss who employs Jack Napier. After finding out of Napier's affair with his mistress, he sets him up to be killed. After Napier becomes Joker, Grissom is confronted by him and killed. The Joker takes over his gang.

The Plot-
The plot involves Gotham City indulged in crime thanks to a variety of people ranging from muggers and petty crooks to a crime organization led by crime boss: Carl Grissom. The mayor of Gotham tries to fight back with the always reliable Commissioner Gordon of the Gotham City Police Department and new District Attorney: Harvey Dent. Unfortunately with they're hands tied, they're unable to make much of an impact. In response for the growth in crime, a new and mysterious vigilante named Batman begins to emerge to protect the helpless citizens of Gotham. In reality, Batman is the reclusive and equally mysterious billionaire: Bruce Wayne who decided to fight crime due to an incident as a child where his parents were murdered in front of him. While Batman is largely unknown to the public, his exploits begin to get notice thanks to reporter: Alexander Knox but his reports are largely mocked and not taking seriously by either the police or his colleagues. Eventually, he's joined by photojournalist: Vicki Vale who also begins dating Bruce Wayne on the side. During all this, Grissom begins to have issues with his right hand man: Jack Napier after finding out of Napier's affair with Grissom's mistress. As revenge, Grissom tries to have Napier killed in a firefight with the Gotham Police at Axis Chemicals. The plan seems to work as Napier falls into a vat of chemicals but he survives and with a changed appearance & unstable personality, Napier becomes the Joker. As the Joker, he confronts and kills Grissom and takes over his organization. Now in charge, the Joker decides to cause as much death and mayhem as possible with only Batman standing in his way. 

Tim Burton's first Batman is one of the best Batman's ever released. It was also a good first for Warner Bros. as it was their first Batman. Not to mention, the movie had been planned for nearly a decade before finally being made.

The scenery was excellent. It really captured Gotham City as this dark and gloomy city swarming with crime and corruption. It reminds you of cities like New York decades ago where it wasn't safe to go out at night. Wayne Manor also looked very good like an old castle. Also Axis Chemicals looked good as well and probably what you would expect in a chemical plant. Gotham also looks very industrial.

The first appearances of Batman and Joker were perfect. Batman's first appearance sees him sneak up on two muggers. When he confronts them, he gets gunned down only to get up immediately and takes them out. There wasn't a better way to show Batman as he scares the muggers and puts fear into their hearts. The Joker makes his first appearance as the Joker by confronting his former boss: Carl Grissom. He emerges from the elevator and confronts Grissom in the shadow. Finally he emerges in the light to show his new look and proceeds to blow him away. As he's shooting, Nicholson does a great job with the Joker coming across as someone who not only enjoys killing but enjoys every bullet he fires until finally running out.

The Joker was very well-written and creative. His weapons range from obvious items like guns and gas to creative stuff like a joy buzzer than sets a guy on fire, a large quill pen, a chemical in everyday items that results in the victims laughing themselves to death and left with grins. The best one was the Joker luring everyone the streets of Gotham with the promise of $20 million in cash only to try to gas them with parade balloons.

Another plus was the fact Batman would occasionally kill in this movie. While most fans probably hate this since Batman doesn't kill in the comics, it was necessary feature for Batman. While Batman doesn't kill in the comics and TV shows, it's easier to get away with that in those forms of entertainment. With more issues and episodes being released, it's necessary to keep villians alive so they can appear in future issues/episodes and fight another day. In the movies, people expect closure and it makes no sense for super villians to be inprisoned and never be heard of again. The killing is also done carefully as Batman is not a mindless killer but rather only kills when he has to. Mostly when put up against someone who's too dangerous to be kept alive like the Joker.

Danny Elfman's soundtrack is also amazing. It really adds more to an already great movie. From the excellent Batman theme to the great finale at the end and everything in between. Prince's songs were also very good choices and made sense in the scenes they were used for.

The casting was also well done. Jack Nicholson is excellent playing an already not stable mobster: Jack Napier and then takes it to a whole new level as the crazed Joker. Basinger is good as Vicki Vale but her yelling and screaming can get on your nerves. Michael Gough is perfect as Alfred as he's believeable as both a father figure to Bruce Wayne and still able to help when Bruce becomes Batman. Tracey Walter is great as the Joker's right hand man: Bob the goon. As Bob, Walter does a great job playing the straight man to Nicholson's crazed and over the top Joker. Robert Wuhl is entertaining as Alexander Knox. Pat Hingle, Billy Dee Williams, and Jack Palance are good in their roles but aren't given a lot to work with.

The big winners are director Burton and star Michael Keaton. Burton's direction was great and even more impressive considering this was only his third full length movie (Previous movies were Pee-Wee's Big Adventure in 1985 and Beetlejuice in 1988) but watching the movie you wouldn't know that. Keaton was also amazing as the Caped Crusader. His performance in this role probably makes him one of the most underrated actors of his time. A good example of how great he was in the role, people need to remember that when Keaton was first cast he was mostly a comedic actor. His casting also resulted in over 50,000 negative letters to Warner Bros. as many fans believed he didn't have the attributes of Batman in the comics. Even Batman creator: Bob Kane questioned the casting. Fast forward nearly 25 years later and many fans consider Keaton the best Batman. Keaton was believeable as the billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne (though he didn't show this side as much as future Batmans) and the dark, brooding Batman. One of the best features of Keaton was the little things like attempting to mask his voice which is something most Batmans failed to do (except Christian Bale). It's even more better when your reminded that Keaton admited to not following Batman comics. Because he thought Batman was similar to the 60s TV show, Keaton didn't understand Batman or get inspiration until he read the Dark Knight Returns graphic novel.

As far as negatives are concerned, there's some. While Robert Wuhl is entertainng as Knox, his role is largely useless and doesn't add much to the movie. Pat Hingle and Billy Dee Williams were wasted. One of the biggest problems in Burton's Batman movies is the lack of interaction between Batman and Gordon. Hingle's Gordon would get better treatment in later movies. William's Harvey Dent was also barely used. It would've been nice to see more interaction between Batman/Bruce Wayne and Dent which could add more history between then so it's a bigger deal when Dent eventually becomes Two-Face.

The Batcave also didn't look good as it was too bare bones. It would've been nicer if it was more hightech and detailed.

The Bruce Wayne/Vicki Vale relationship dragged the movie down at times and wasn't entertaining or fasinating to watch.

One of the early ideas in the movie was to have a young Commissioner Gordon on duty the night Bruce Wayne's parents were murdered in the flashback scene but wasn't used (it was eventually used in Batman Begins). It's one of those little things that would've added to the movie and enhanced Batman's relationship with Gordon.

All in all, Batman '89 is a great action movie and one of the best superhero films of all time. If you get a chance you should see it.


Batman'89 Facts:
Michael Keaton being cast as Batman was so controversial that Warner Bros. received over 50,000 letters protesting the decision. Batman creator: Bob Kane was also said to have been against Keaton being cast.

Despite the movie being released in 1989, the first draft was written in 1980.

Jack Nicholson ultimately agreed to play Joker after receiving top billing and royalties on all merchandise. He reportedly made over $60 million dollars.

The Jack Napier name is a tribute to Alan Napier who played Alfred in the 60s Batman TV show and the 1966 movie. The name is also a play on the word “Jackanapes”.

Michael Jackson was offered the chance to write and perform new songs for the movie but was forced to turned it down due to touring.

When Billy Dee Williams signed on as Harvey Dent, he knew that Dent would become Two-Face. As a result, he had a clause put in his contract which reserved the role for him in sequels. He was eventually bought out when Warner Bros. & Joel Schumacher wanted to cast Tommy Lee Jones for Two-Face in Batman Forever.

When Jack Nicholson wouldn't give an answer as to whether he would accept the role of Joker or not, the producers approached Robin Williams on playing the role. After Williams showed interest, the producers went back to Nicholson and told him about the offer to Williams and Nicholson eventually accepted. After realizing he was used as bait, Williams was angry at Warner Bros. and refused to work with them for several years.

First Batman in which the actor playing Batman didn't get top billing (Jack Nicholson got top billing over Michael Keaton). The next time would be in Batman & Robin when Arnold Schwarzenegger got top billing over George Clooney.

When Michael Keaton was cast, he wasn't surprised as he thought it would be similar to the 60s TV Show. It wasn't until Tim Burton gave him a copy of Frank Miller's novel: The Dark Knight Rises when he realized Batman's dark and brooding side

Igor Vovchanchyn Highlight

Simply put before Anderson Silva. Even before Fedor Emelianenko. There was Igor Vovchanchyn.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Thoughts on TNA Slammiversary XI

Tonight TNA celebrates their 11th anniversary with they're yearly Slammiversary. I'll breakdown the card and give my two cents.

Jay Bradley vs. Sam Shaw- I expect a nice big man/little man match here. It will be interesting to see how the match goes as both are still green and Bradley didn't have a good match with Christian York. Nevertheless, I'm interested and looking forward to this match.

Gail Kim vs. Taryn Terrell- This could probably be the weakest match on the card. Kim is one of the best talents in business but Terrell is very green. While Kim is great to put a green talent with, she still could do more with an experienced talent. Not to mention in Last Man/Knockout Standing matches, people expect blood and weapons but I don't see either happening.

Samoa Joe, Magnus, and Jeff Hardy vs. Wes Brisco, Garrett Bischoff, and DOC- One of the matches I'm most looking forward to. You can never get enough Joe and Magnus while it's good to see Hardy back. I'm mostly glad to see the younger Aces and Eights getting a spot because if there's one thing that bothers me about A&8s is the focus on the older guys like Bully, Devon, Mr. Anderson, and D-Lo. Don't get me wrong Bully and Devon are good but I want to see the younger guys like Brisco, DOC, Bischoff, and Knux getting time.

Kenny King vs. Chris Sabin vs. Suicide- Yet another fun match. King and Sabin are two guys who have the chance to go far and Suicide is welcome addition to the X Division. This can be a match of the night candidate as King is incredible, Sabin seems back to normal, and Suicide is played by the very talented TJ Perkins.

Devon vs. Joseph Parks- Not sure what to think of here. Joseph Parks in an entertaining character but the character is not going to ever have the best match of the night. Fortunately, Chris Parks (Abyss & Joseph Parks) is a veteran and has played the character very well. Add to the fact that Devon is another vet and they'll find a way to be entertaining.

Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez vs. Bad Influence vs. Austin Aries & Bobby Roode vs. James Storm & Gunner- I'm mixed on this match. On one hand all these guys know how to put on a great match and it's great to see Gunner back. The problem is the first three teams have been feuding with each other for so long that it's kind of stale and dull. Another problem is Storm is going in hurt and will likely not do much for this match. I'm still looking forward to it but I hope Storm heals soon and we get some fresh blood in the tag team division after this show.

AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle- These two have had many classics over the years and I'm sure this will be another one. It should be interesting as Styles is not as flashy as he once was since developing his current lone wolf character and Angle is also selling a knee injury. Regardless these two should be able to come up with something special.

Bully Ray vs. Sting- Not the most excited for this match since Sting in the main event is stale but there is a well told story and rivalry here. The no holds barred stipulation should add to the match as Bully has been in many street fights and Sting can still go in the ring at 54 years old. It won't win Match of the Year but it should be fun.