Monday, January 3, 2022

Wrestlers That Should Win a Championship in AEW in 2022

Wrestlers That Should Win a Championship in AEW in 2022
January 3, 2022
By Ryan Porzl

2021 was a huge year for AEW as they won the Wednesday Night Wars against NXT, debuted B-show Rampage, and even scored some demo victories over WWE. Along the way, the promotion also had it's share of champions from top acts like Jon Moxley, Kenny Omega, Cody Rhodes, The Young Bucks, and The Lucha Bros to new blood like Sammy Guevara, Darby Allin, Hikaru Shida, Britt Baker, and "Hangman" Adam Page. 2022 will no doubt be another big year and will have several memorable champions. Who they will be is anyone's guess but I have suggestions as to who should gain AEW gold in 2022 and we'll take a look at those names. Keep in mind, I'm not familiar with contract situations, possible injuries, and possible newcomers so anything can happen beyond our control.

Honorable Mentions

Ricky Starks- The current FTW World Champion and former NWA World Television Champion is someone that has potential especially as a cocky heel and has done good work for AEW. The company also seems high on him not just in the ring but also giving him commentating gigs on the side. In many cases, I would include Starks on the actual lists but I feel there's things that could hold him back. First is Team Taz has potential but aren't getting a big push right now and with the potential of both Hook and Hobbs, it feels like Starks has seen his stock drop a little. Starks is a young up and comer but AEW has plenty of those in Jungle Boy, MJF, Sammy Guevara, and Darby Allin who are higher up the food chain which could also see Starks get lost in the shuffle. On top of that, Starks suffered a minor neck injury earlier this year and it seems like AEW is taking it easy with him as he hasn't done too much in recent months and seems more familiar in the broadcast table instead of the ring. I could see Starks as a potential AEW TNT Champion or maybe a brief Tag Team Champion with Hobbs but he's got to be more active in the ring and get a hot angle or feud going before he gets a title. If his stock increases in 2022, I think he deserve a title but at this rate, it won't happen as it feels like there's too many other choices to go with as champions who are on hotter streaks.

Anna Jay- Out of all the members of the AEW roster, few are probably more promising than Anna Jay. Joining AEW in 2020 and quickly joining the Dark Order, it didn't take long for Anna to show her promise and incredible potential. Anna has all the makings of a star as she's young, beautiful, talented, and has a good personality. In most cases, she would easily make my list for AEW Champions in 2022 but the problem is she did miss half of 2021 due to a shoulder injury which hurt her momentum. I feel like the end of 2021 and into 2022 has been something of a rebuilding for her. Another issue is there's only two titles for women right now and Anna isn't ready for the Women's Championship and there's no Tag Team Championship for her and Tay Conti to go for. If she can stay healthy, I think she be a great choice for the TBS Championship late 2022 but there are other options possibly in front of her that we'll discuss.

Actual Picks

Tay Conti- One of the no-brainer picks on this list. Few have made as much improvement over the last year or so than Tay Conti. Originally an NXT wrestler who didn't stand out, she's continually become one of the most improved talents in AEW and that along with look and likability make her a future star in the making. Even AEW seems to know this as she recently came off a feud with champion Britt Baker for the AEW Women's Championship and while she didn't win it, still got a shot on PPV which means the company must be high on her right now. While I don't think she is ready for the Women's Championship, she would be perfect to hold the TBS Championship at some point in 2022 in order to further elevate her and help her grow for 2023 and beyond.

Nyla Rose- Nyla is someone who should get a belt in 2022 probably more than most. The first reason is she is the "monster" of the women's division and you want someone like her to be kept strong. Nyla is a former Women's Champion but that title reign ended over a year and a half ago so it's been a long time since she's held a title. She also had kind of a slump period for awhile until recently in the TBS tournament. We also have yet to see a female wrestler regain or had more than one title reign and she would be a good choice to break that mold. Also, safe to say, a monster like her, you want her to be a force and a good way to do that is to keep her in the top or as a champion. With the arrival of the TBS Championship coming in 2022, I would like to see Nyla get a title this year as that would make her a threat in the division in ways we probably haven't seen since the first year/year and a half of AEW's history. She's also had some good matches with the likes of Riho and Tay Conti in the past and they could be great title programs, as would a program with Anna Jay, especially for the TBS Championship if they plan to give it to Tay this year.

Powerhouse Hobbs- This would be one of those kill a bunch of birds with one stone situation. Hobbs has been someone considered to have great potential for awhile especially after joining Team Taz and in 2022, it would be nice to see him take that next step and maybe get a run with the TNT Championship. Hobbs could be a great asset for the mid to upper midcard and could have some good matches and rivalries especially as a bruising, bully heel against some of AEW's four pillars. However, along with Hobbs' talent, AEW gains more with a Hobbs push. First is it gives Team Taz more credibility as they would hold a legit AEW championship and not having to rely on Taz's old FTW World Championship. Second is the fact that the men that AEW considers their Four Pillars for the next generation are guys like Darby Allin, MJF, Jungle Boy, and Sammy Guevara who aren't the biggest or have a unique look (outside of maybe Allin) and some might consider them in the "vanilla midget" category. Obviously, Hobbs doesn't fit that description. Another is marketing as AEW has long been criticized for focusing too much on white wrestlers and pushing a talented guy like Hobbs could go a long way from erasing that stigma.

The Jurassic Express- I know most are looking forward to a Jungle Boy singles run and TNT Championship reign but I got to say hold on to that. Yes, Jungle Boy has potential and will get his day but I don't think 2022 is it. That's not to say he shouldn't get gold but a different kind. The Jurassic Express are one of AEW's top teams and have plenty of legs left. They got everything to be the champions as they're talented, they're popular, and have had several great matches proving they can hold their own against the top teams. They also feel like an act overdue for a title reign going into 2022 and it would be nice to see them finally get it this year. It would also be nice to see them get at least one tag title run before Jungle Boy's singles push begins and Luchasaurus potentially becomes the next Jim Neidhart and fades to obscurity. Interestingly enough, these two are set to challenge for the titles on Dynamite's TBS debut so maybe this could happen.

Thunder Rosa- Another no-brainer that will likely happen. What can I say? Rosa is one of the AEW's best talents in the ring, she's popular with the fans, and is more than ready for a title. She already has a lot of history with current champion Britt Baker with the two putting on a match of the year candidate street fight a year ago. I think it's safe to say AEW has plans for another Rosa/Britt encounter in 2022 and I feel Rosa would be the best to take the championship when the time comes. I definitely would like to see Rosa take the Women's Championship this year and it seems like a safe bet this will happen. Like some on this list, another reason for Rosa is AEW does like to think of themselves as a progressive company but have critics who say otherwise. While AEW's choices of women's champion been diverse, it wouldn't hurt to have the first female Mexican champion in 2022.

Proud n' Powerful- Proud n' Powerful have been one of wrestling's best tag teams over the past five years but in spite of their talent and past success, they still haven't held the tag team championship in the two years they've been in AEW and I know many believe it's long overdue. Ortiz and Santana are pretty much a complete package as they're both talented in the ring, they have great chemistry as a team, have charisma, and can cut a promo on the mic. The teams previous matches with The Young Bucks in the beginning to their street fight with The Best Friends shows they can hang in the main event. There would also be some interesting matches for them as champs including a potential rematch with The Best Friends, FTR, The Young Bucks, and the recently reunited reDRagon. Plus, they have history with the champs The Lucha Bros having many great matches with them in Impact so it would be nice to see those two teams go at it again.

Jade Cargill- Like Thunder Rosa, this one seems like another that will happen. Jade is someone the company is clearly high on and somewhat a pet project for good reason as she's a great athlete, has a great look, and can cut a promo. She's also promising in the ring despite inexperience. There's a strong possibility we don't have to wait for her to win a title as she's facing Ruby Soho on the January 5th Dynamite to determine the inaugural TBS Champion and she is the favorite to win. While there is some risk putting a new title on someone inexperienced, Jade has a lot of potential and with a title, there's a strong chance she would work with bigger names and gain further experience. Another thing to consider in this article is she has a win over Thunder Rosa and with Rosa likely to win the Women's Championship this year, this could lead to a big rivalry for the Women's Championship whenever Jade is ready for it. So while she seems a lock to win the TBS Championship, there's a chance she could also take the actual Women's Championship. Also, once again, a Jade title win looks good for AEW's image and quiet critics who think they're too focused on white wrestlers.

MJF- Don't tell me you didn't see this coming. Again, what can I say that hasn't already been said about MJF. As of 2022, you can make a strong argument he's the best heel in the business and can get fans riled up like the best of them. On top of that, MJF is a good wrestler and a phenomenal talker. AEW also clearly sees what it has with MJF having him in big rivalries with the likes of Cody Rhodes, Chris Jericho, and CM Punk which have only further elevated him. You could argue he's the best AEW talent to have yet win a championship despite winning the company's dynamite diamond ring three years in a row. However, with all the praise and big rivalries, MJF is now at a position where even those might not be enough. After nearly three years with AEW, the time has come for MJF to win some AEW gold and not just any gold but the World Championship. While "Hangman" Adam Page just won the championship and you have guys like Bryan Danielson, CM Punk, and Adam Cole just coming in, I don't see why MJF couldn't be world champion in 2022, especially being the guy to unseat Page. Not now mind you but later in the year.

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