Thursday, January 27, 2022

NWA Starrcade 1985 Review

NWA Starrcade 1985 Review
September 22, 2012 (Edited January 27, 2022)
By Ryan Porzl

Event: Starrcade 1985
Tagline: The Gathering
Date: November 28, 1985
Location: Greensboro, North Carolina and Atlanta, Georgia
Live of Tape: Live
Arena: Greensboro Coliseum and the Omni
Attendance: 30,000 (Combined)
Announcers: Tony Schiavone & Bob Caudle
Interviewers: Johnny Weaver and Tony Schiavone
Broadcast: Closed Circuit Television

Starrcade 1985 was an interesting concept as it was held in two venues simultaneously. One was the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carolina and the other was the Omni was Atlanta, Georgia. The WWF would do the same for Wrestlemania 2

We begin with the intro followed by Caudle & Schiavone welcoming us to the show and talking about the card while Johnny Weaver chimes in from Greensboro.

We have the National Anthem in Greensboro.

NWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship: Krusher Khruschev vs. Sam Houston (Greensboro)- This is the finals of a tournament for the vacant title. Khruschev is Barry Darsow who is best known as Smash of the tag team Demolition and the Repo Man in the WWF. Houston is perhaps best known as the younger half-brother of Jake "The Snake" Roberts.

Tie up to start with Khruschev shoving Houston. They tie up again with Houston letting go and allowing Khruschev's momentum to send him to the outside. Back in, Khruschev misses a punch and Houston gets a few thus frustrating Khruschev. Khruschev hits a knee and a choke bomb but misses an elbow drop which the crowd loves. Another tie up with Khruschev getting a knee and whipping Houston to the ropes. Khruschev attempts a back body drop but Houston lands on his feet and lands several punches while dodging Khruschev's punches. Houston applies a side headlock but gets whipped off the ropes. Houston runs the ropes and either leapfrogs Khruschev or Khruschev dropping down to the canvas. Eventually, Khruschev attempts a hip toss but Houston reverses. Because of the size difference, Houston can't hip toss and instead gets a flying head scissor and keeps the legs scissored. Khruschev attempts to roll into a pin but only gets 2.

Houston keeps the head scissor applies until Khruschev powers out and positions Houston on the top rope. Houston blocks a punch and gets one of his own. Khruschev charges in the corner but Houston leapfrogs out and hits a dropkick and a armdrag takedown into an armbar to a good pop. Khruschev makes it to the ropes. Houston goes for an irish whip but Khruschev reverses and catches Houston with a pop up in the air which drops Houston face first. Forearm gets 2. Gorilla Press Throw. Houston gets whipped to the ropes. He ducks underneath Khruschev's legs but gets caught with a punch. Khruschev rams Houston into the top turnbuckle. Khruschev whips Houston to the ropes and catches him coming off with a bearhug. Fans begin to chant "USA" as Khruschev releases the hold and whips Houston to the ropes but lowers his head and takes a kick. Khruschev comes back with a body slam. Khruschev climbs the ropes but Houston recovers and dropkicks the leg and Khruschev gets crotched on the top rope. Houston starts coming back with punches and the 10 punches. Khruschev gets whipped to another corner. Houston hits the bulldog and attempts the pin but Khruschev gets his foot on the rope at 2. Houston believes he won and prematurely celebrates which allows Khruschev to sneak up from behind with the Russian Sickle for the win and the title at 9:30. Houston had his foot on the rope but Khruschev knocked it off before the ref could see.

Thoughts: ***1/2 Very good and fun big man/little man type match. Khruschev did a good job being the strong, bully like heel who uses his power to beat down Houston. Meanwhile, Houston was good as the never say die babyface who used technical ability and speed to wear down the bigger Khruschev. The finish was good too.

Mexican Death Match: Manny Fernandez vs. Abdullah the Butcher (w/Paul Jones) (Atlanta)- The stipulations for this match are no pinfalls, submissions, count outs, or disqualifications. The only way to win is to climb a pole and retrieve Fernandez's sombrero. I must ask from a storyline standpoint, can Paul Jones look more stupid? What genius agrees to a match where their overweight, 360lbs. client has to climb a pole to grab an object?

Abdullah jumps Fernandez to start and jabs him in the forehead with his fork as the ref puts the sombrero up. 2 more fork shots. Abdullah hits a headbutt and uses the fork again. Were you expecting anything less from Abdullah the Butcher? Fernandez is already bleeding. Abdullah uses the timekeepers hammer and steps on top of Fernandez. Chop to the throat. Fernandez tries to fight back but can't as Abdullah starts biting Fernandez on the forehead. Fernandez starts fighting back and hits a monkey flip. Fernandez jumps off the second rope nails Abdullah halfway across the ring with his boot. Fernandez continues to work over Abdullah with the boot as both are bloody messes and the fans love it. Fernandez comes off the rope with the boot but Abdullah dodges. Abdullah works over Fernandez with the boot and tries to climb the pole but Fernandez hits a low blow and Abdullah goes crashing to the canvas. Fernandez uses the boot again and climbs the pole but Abdullah knocks him off but hitting him in the back with boot. Abdullah climbs the pole but Fernandez whips him with his belt and knocks him off. Fernandez then wraps the belt around his fist and nails Abdullah several times until Abdullah blocks and chops the throat. Abdullah gets a kick and a headbutt. The Running Elbow Drop misses. Fernandez hits a clothesline and punches Abdullah with the belt wrapped around his fist. Suplex gets a good pop. Fernandez climbs the pole but Abdullah lowblows him with the fork. That's pretty vicious. Fernandez gets whipped to the ropes, Abdullah misses a clothesline, and Fernandez hits the Flying Burrito. Abdullah starts staggering and Fernandez knocks him down with a second rope clothesline. Fans are going crazy. Fernandez misses a diving splash. Abdullah attempts a charging shoulder thrust but misses and Fernandez climbs the pole and retrieves the sombrero at 9:07.

Thoughts: *** Another fun match. This was brutal and bloody, nothing pretty and that's a good thing which you expect from Abdullah. The crowd was into it which is good and they bled very well.

Johnny Weaver interviews Krusher Khruschev who mentions how Ivan and Nikita Koloff made him the athlete he is and he knows his motherland Russia is proud of him too. He will defend the title all over the world to show Russia is superior. Weaver brings up their titles but that The Koloffs will face the Rock n' Roll Express. Khruschev accuses the RnR Express and the referees of being prejudiced but claims The Koloff's are going out there for one thing and that's keep those belts around their waists. He says The Koloff's will defeat the Rock n' Roll Express to show Russia's superiority. Weaver brings up Sam Houston with Khruschev giving Sam Houston credit but says he'll remain champion because he is a Russian athlete. Ok promo.

Bullrope Match: Ron Bass vs. Black Bart (w/JJ Dillon) (Greensboro)- There's some history here as Bass and Bart were former tag team partners but I guess they split up. Stipulation for this match is if Bass wins, he gets a match with JJ Dillon. This is pinfall not the touch all corners stip. Bass gets a kick and nails Bart with the cowbell. More Cowbell. Bass traps Bart in the corner and nails him with the cowbell several times. Bart is busted open. Bass gets a punch and chokes Bart with the bullrope. Bass places the cowbell on the turnbuckle and rams Bart into it. They start slugging it out. Bass whips Bart to the ropes and catches him with a forearm. Mounted punches follow. Bart comes back with a lowblow. Bart starts to nail Bass with the cowbell and now Bass is busted open. More punching with Bart hitting a few bionic elbows. Bass fights out and hits Bart with the cowbell. Bass rams Bart's head to the canvas. Bass rakes the bullrope around Bart's cut forehead. Bart once again takes control in the corner. Bass blocks Bart from using the cowbell.

The two go back and forth until Bart misses a clothesline and flies over the top. Bass follows with another cowbell shot. Back in, more cowbell. Punch gets 2. Bart comes back with more punches. Bass gets whipped to the ropes and both collide into each other. More punching and use of cowbell. I'm not half assing this review. This is literally all that's happening. Another cowbell shot gets 2. For the love of god, end this match. Bart misses a punch and Bass comes off the second rope with the cowbell to win and put me out of my misery at 8:34.

Thoughts: 1/2* For the love of god, they got nearly nine minutes and all they fucking did was literally punch and hit each other with the cowbell. Come on, I know bullrope matches can be limited but this is the best they could do? How bout kick each other, choke each other with the bullrope, suplex each other on the cowbell, bodyslam each other on the cowbell, pull the bullrope to send the other to the ring post, or stomp the cowbell on the opponent's face? Anything but punching or hitting each other with the fucking bell. I'll give them half a star cause they bled well.

Bullrope Match: JJ Dillon (w/Black Bart) vs. Ron Bass (Greensboro)- Dillon starts stomping at Bass before he can even get up. Dillon chokes Bass and hits him with the cowbell for 2. Another cowbell shot. Dillon drives the cowbell to the forehead. Bass gets choked with the rope until he starts to fight out to a big pop. Dillon tries to escape but Bass pulls him back in with the bullrope. Dillon begs but takes a shot with the cowbell and is busted open. More cowbell shots follow. Bass ties the rope around Dillon's neck and punches him several times. Bass accidentally bumps the ref as he nails Dillon with the cowbell. Bass goes to to cover but no ref which allows Black Bart to sneak in and hit a piledriver and places Dillon on top to win at 3:29.

Thoughts: * A little better than the last thanks to it being shorter as well as doing a bit more like Dillon attempting to escape but getting pulled back.

Arm Wrestling: Billy Graham vs. The Barbarian (w/Paul Jones) (Atlanta)- On the plus side, Graham is back to his “Superstar” tye dye look by this point. Before their match, Graham and Barbarian will engage in an arm wrestling match with the winner receiving $10,000. Well, there's not much to say. It's Arm Wrestling. Barbarian nearly wins three times until Graham powers out and eventually wins. Paul Jones hits Graham with his cane after the match.

Thoughts: No Rating. It's an arm wrestling contest

Billy Graham vs. The Barbarian (w/Paul Jones) (Atlanta)- With Graham feeling the effects of the cane, The Barbarian gets a shot from his cast. Kick to the stomach and Barbarian chokes Graham. Barbarian hits a throat chop and Graham is busted opened. Man there's a lot of crimson tonight and more is still to come. Rake of the eyes and Graham gets rammed to the turnbuckles. A headbutt follows with a yakuza kick. Graham gets whipped to the ropes and runs into a big boot. Barbarian comes off the ropes but misses the leg drop and Graham makes the comeback to the delight of the fans. Graham gets several punches in the corner and whips the Barbarian into another corner but Barbarian rebounds with a chop to the throat. Barbarian climbs to the top but misses the diving headbutt. Graham comes back with stomps. Barbarian gets whipped to the ropes and Graham catches him with the bearhug. As the Barbarian fades, Jones comes in and hits Graham with his cane giving Graham the DQ win at 3:02. After the match, Graham gets the cane and gets a shot on Jones until Barbarian kicks his ass.

Thoughts: * Alright match but too short to mean anything. In retrospect, Barbarian should've won here as he had potential while Graham wasn't far off from falling apart by this point.

NWA National Heavyweight Championship: Terry Taylor (c) vs. Buddy Landel (w/JJ Dillon) (Greensboro)- Ric Flair wasn't the first Nature Boy Dillon managed. Landel is one of several wrestlers who used the Nature Boy moniker who achieved success in the southern United States and Puerto Rico but never achieved his full potential due to derailing his career because of drug problems.

They circle to start and tie up with Landel getting Taylor in the corner but Taylor gets out and the two start trash talking. Tie up again with Taylor getting Landel in the ropes and Landel pushing him off. Another tieup with Landel pushing Taylor only to get slapped down. Landel gets a wristlock and works it for nearly a minute until Taylor armdrags out. Another tieup with Landel getting Taylor to the ropes. Taylor blocks two forearms and nails one of his own. Landel gets a side headlock takedown. Taylor rolls him up for 2 but Landel kicks out and keeps the headlock. Taylor gets up, breaks out, and wrestles Landel down with an armbar. Taylor tries several pin attempts but gets 2. Landel gets up and gets Taylor into the corner. Taylor gets worked over mostly by chops. Landel whips Taylor to another corner but runs into a boot. Taylor whips Landel to the ropes and catches him with a back body drop and then comes off the ropes with a knee drop but gets 1. The two exchange wristlocks until Landel nails Taylor with a forearm.

Landel works over Taylor with stomps, forearms, and chops. Snapmare into a chinlock. JJ Dillon makes his way to ringside with his forehead bandaged. Taylor escapes with a saito suplex. Pendulum back breaker and leg drop follow but Landel gets his foot on the rope at 2. Landel gets chopped in the corner but reverses an irish whip and Taylor runs to the corner with Landel catching him coming out with a nice charging clothesline but gets 2. Landel tries a suplex but Taylor reverses into a small package for 2. Landel gets a camel clutch but Taylor eventually escapes by sending Landel face first into the turnbuckle. Taylor makes the come back with chops in the corner. Snapmare and Taylor walks on Landel's face. Suplex gets 2. Landel gets whipped to the corner and rammed into the turnbuckles several times. The ref tries to break them up which allow Landel to nail Taylor with Dillon's shoe which knocks Taylor into the ref before tossing the shoe back to Dillon. Dillon gets his shoe and climbs to the apron. Taylor gets up but Landel pushes him into the ref. Landel tries to whip Taylor into Dillon's shoe but Taylor reverses and Landel runs into Dillon, knocking him off the apron to a big pop. Taylor gets a forearm and positions Landel on the top rope. Taylor attempts the superplex but Dillon clips Taylor's leg and Landel falls on top for the win and the title at 10:30.
Thoughts: ** Decent back and forth action but kind of dull at times and I think it never really picked up. Landel's title reign would last 3 weeks as he was fired for either showing up late to a TV Taping or due to a drug addiction.

NWA National Tag Team Championship: The Minnesota Wrecking Crew (c) vs. Wahoo McDaniel & Billy Jack Haynes (Atlanta)- The NWA National Tag Team Championship were belts originally from Georgia Championship Wrestling and it's brief successor Championship Wrestling from Georgia. The MWC is Ole and Arn Anderson who won the vacant titles on April 28th, against Thunderbolt Patterson and Manny Fernandez after Ole and Patterson split up with Ole turning on Patterson and joining with Arn. Hayes is a wrestler from Oregon who achieved success in Pacific Northwest Wrestling, Championship Wrestling from Florida, and World Class along with a brief run in the WWF from 1986-1988. He's probably best known to 21st Century wrestling fans as a whackjob conspiracy theorist. Wahoo and Haynes are the United States Tag Team Champions from Championship Wrestling from Florida but those titles aren't on the line.

Haynes and Arn start with a tie up and Haynes shoves Arn to the corner. Another tie up and Arn gets shoved again in the corner which frustrates him. Another tie up with Haynes getting a side headlock. Arn whips Haynes off and to the ropes but Haynes gets a shoulder tackle. Haynes runs the ropes and stops short following an Arn leapfrog and hits a gorilla press slam. Tag to Ole and the two tie up on the ropes with Haynes blocking a punch and getting a few of his own. Haynes gets some more punches and Wahoo gets one of his own and Haynes tags Wahoo. Ole gets whipped to the ropes and chopped. Arn gets knocked off the apron. Elbow drop to Ole and Ole tags Arn. Tie up to the ropes with Arn missing a punch and Wahoo connects with a chop. Wahoo gets a side headlock and takes Arn down.

Arn eventually reverses into a head scissor. Wahoo escapes and goes back to the side headlock. Arn reverses again into a head scissor and Wahoo again escapes. Arn gets a side headlock and tags Ole, who hammers away in the corner. Snapmare and Ole hooks in an armbar. Wahoo gets up and chops out but Ole tags Arn and holds Wahoo long enough for Arn to hit a double ax handle. Arn continues to punish the arm with stomps, knee drops, and armbars. Tag to Ole and the punishment continues. Body slam and an elbow drop gets 2. Wahoo gets rammed into Arn's knee and Ole tags out. Double teaming commences as Haynes tries to come in but is sent back to his corner by the ref. Arn works an arm wringer and jerks the arm. Wahoo chops out of it but Arn tags Ole and holds on to Wahoo to prevent a tag. Wahoo starts to fight back as Ole tags Arn and Wahoo makes the hot tag to Haynes. Haynes cleans house and hits a double noggin knocker. All four are in the ring. Eventually Arn and Haynes are left in the ring. Snapmare from Arn and Haynes tags Wahoo, who whips Arn to the ropes and catches him with a chop but Ole breaks the pin at 2. Arn whips Wahoo to the ropes and Ole trips Wahoo. Arn covers for 2. Wahoo makes the comeback but Ole trips Wahoo and holds his foot long enough for Arn to get the pin and retain at 9:00.

Thoughts: ***1/2 Good back and forth action and good psychology which is expected from any of the Andersons. It's always fun watching the Andersons especially in tag team matches. Good booking to have Wahoo play the victim for the babyfaces and take the pin loss as he was past his prime by this point. I believe this was the last big match for the National Tag Team Championship as they were abandoned in early 1986 in favor of the United States Tag Team Championship.

Johnny Weaver interviews JJ Dillon and Buddy Landel. Dillon considers this the biggest moment of his career in his 15 year career, that wrestling history will look at Starrcade '85 as the single biggest event in wrestling history and how Jim Crockett Promotions is professional wrestling. He says he was prepared for the worst if Bart lost to Bass and he took a beating but said he showed some intestinal fortitude that he didn't know he had and says he's the king of the bullropes. Dillon then congratulates Landel as people said he wasn't championship material but he showed it winning one of the most prestigious championships in wrestling and the last stepping stone to the world heavyweight championship. Landel claims he takes after Tully, Flair, and the Andersons (the future Four Horsemen) and that he modeled his life after them. He says he's the new national heavyweight champion and guys can run their mouth about this and that but the bottom line is when he wakes up in the morning, he can look in the mirror and say he's the national heavyweight champion and he'll take on anyone. Good promos from both.

NWA United States Championship/Steel Cage/I Quit: Tully Blanchard (w/Baby Doll) (c) vs. Magnum TA (Greensboro)- Rules for this match are the only way to win is to make your opponent say "I Quit", 5 letters, 2 words as Gordon Solie would say. The story here was Tully won the United States Title from Magnum on July 21st after Baby Doll (dressed as a security guard) would sneak to ringside and hand Blanchard a foreign object.

Tie up to start with Blanchard getting Magnum in the corner. Magnum blocks a punch and gets one of his own to a big pop. Tully gets a single leg takedown but Magnum kicks him off. Another one works but Magnum rolls on top. They get up with Blanchard hitting several european uppercuts and shots to the stomach. Slugfest takes place which Magnum wins. Blanchard goes between the ropes and the fence as Magnum hits a forearm to the chest and tries to ram Blanchard to the fence but Blanchard blocks. Blanchard fights out and nails an elbow from the top rope. Kick to the stomach and a bionic elbow follow. Magnum gets thrown to the fence. Camel Clutch is applied as Magnum is busted open. Magnum eventually gets up as the fans rally behind him and tries to power out but Blanchard knees him to the kidney area. Magnum reverses an irish whip, presses Blanchard in the air, and drops him on the rope with a hotshot. Blanchard comes back with a kick and a knee but Magnum fights back with punches.

Blanchard uses Magnum's trunks to pull him back in the fence. Blanchard grabs the microphone and wants Magnum to quit but he won't and rakes the eyes. Blanchard gets thrown into the fence. Magnum hooks a hammerlock and throws Blanchard arm first into the fence. Blanchard is now bleeding on his face and left arm as Magnum grabs the mic but Blanchard won't quit and headbutts Magnum in the stomach. Magnum comes back with punches to the arm and face. Magnum attempts to work the arm but Blanchard gets out by raking the eyes. Blanchard nails a forearm to the stomach and stomps the head. Blanchard gets the mic but Magnum doesn't quit which results in Blanchard nailing Magnum with the mic. Another try but Magnum still won't say it. Blanchard punches at Magnum and attempts a pin but there are no pinfalls. Blanchard picks Magnum up and drives him to the fence.

Blanchard climbs the ropes and comes off with a clothesline. Blanchard gets the mic but Magnum refuses to quit. Blanchard hits him again with the mic and drops an elbow. A second elbow misses to a good pop. Magnum hits a punch and an elbow but collapses as both are wobbly. Magnum gets the mic and hits Blanchard with it but Blanchard SCREAMS no. Magnum nails him again with the mic and tells him again to say it but Blanchard screams no as Baby Doll looks concerned. Blanchard comes back with an eye gouge and a punch. The two are on their knees exchanging punches with Magnum winning. Magnum grabs the mic and stomps Blanchard in the head. Another try but Blanchard kicks Magnum off. Magnum punches Blanchard into the corner and does the mounted corner punches but Blanchard reverses with an inverted atomic drop. Blanchard gets the mic and hits Magnum a few times with it but Magnum won't quit. Blanchard drives the microphone down on Magnum's head. Elbow drops and knee to the leg follow. Blanchard shoves the ref as Baby Doll throws a wooden chair into the ring with Blanchard breaking it and turning a broken part into a stake. Blanchard tries to dig it in Magnum but Magnum knees Blanchard off. Magnum grabs the stake and digs it into Blanchard's bleeding forehead until Blanchard yells "Yes" giving Magnum the win and the championship at 14:43 to a huge pop.

Thoughts: ***** That right there is the Match of the Year for 1985 in my opinion. It resembled a bloody brawl with two guys beating each other until they can barely stand. The finish was the best and sickest in the history of "I Quit" matches. No submission and no "Wrestler 1 threatens Wrestler 2 with a devastating weapon or move unless Wrestle 2 quits" bullshit that we've sadly seen a million times in 21st Century I Quit Matches. Bookers and matchmakers should really watch this match before putting together I Quit matches.

Atlanta Street Fight: Jimmy Valiant and Miss Atlanta Lively (w/Big Mama) vs. The Midnight Express (w/Jim Cornette)- Lively is Ron Garvin in drag and I don't know why. The Express are wearing tuxedos and once again, I don't know why. Gotta love how Cornette whines in the 21st Century about how you can't take wrestling seriously anymore and was involved in goofy shit like this all the time.

The Express try to jump Valiant and Lively but it doesn't work as Valiant punches Condrey and Lively throws powder at Eaton. Condrey and Valiant fight outside where Condrey takes advantage. Valiant quickly comes back by sending Condrey to the post. Lively continues to work over Eaton and chokes him with "her" beads. Valiant grabs a chair and hits Condrey with it. Eaton comes back with kicks as Valiant chokes Condrey with the chair. By this point, Condrey is bleeding. Eaton kicks Valiant off. All four are in the ring but not for long as Valiant and Eaton continue to fight in the crowd. Condrey works over Lively in the corner as Valiant tosses Eaton on the concrete floor in a nice bump. Valiant returns to the ring and nails Condrey with a punch. Eaton comes back in now bleeding but Condrey gets irish whipped into him.

Eaton rolls outside as Valiant punches at Condrey. Valiant whips Condrey to the ropes and catches him with a sleeper. Cornette helps Eaton back in as the Express take control. Condrey tosses powder at Valiant and Eaton nails him with brass knuckles. Condrey starts punching at Valiant who is now busted open while Eaton tosses powder at Lively. The Express take their belts off and start whipping Valiant. Lively goes after Eaton with "her" purse but The Express start to double team her. They start to pull "her" pants off cause they want to expose Lively. Valiant stops them by fighting with Eaton. Valiant starts choking Eaton with his coat and then starts to rip his shirt off. Lively starts to take Condrey's coat off. Eaton knocks Valiant out of the ring and the Express start double teaming Lively. Cornette comes in the ring to hit the referee and Lively with his tennis racket. Condrey gets Lively up which allows Eaton to nail a second rope elbow. Valiant tries to get back in the ring but gets knocked off the apron. Valiant eventually makes it back to the ring but gets thrown out again. The Express continue to double team Lively. Valiant gets back in and starts fighting off the Express but the numbers are too much. The Express whip Valiant to the ropes and hit a double team clothesline. Eaton comes off the ropes but Lively comes out of nowhere and catches him with an uppercut. Lively pins for the 3 at 6:36. After the match, Cornette comes in but gets caught, disrobed, and has heart boxers. Hilarious, note sarcasm. Why yes, this is the same knucklehead who whines about how you can't take wrestling seriously anymore, why do you ask?

Thoughts: DUD Probably one of the silliest and weakest street fights in wrestling history. It was mostly nothing but punching and throwing powder. They did bleed good so I'll give them that and Eaton took a nice bump on the floor. The attire was ridiculous as we didn't need to see Garvin in drag and the Express in suits as it wasn't funny or added to the match.

Johnny Weaver interviews Magnum TA. Magnum says there never should have been an I Quit match because that's not wrestling but what it took to get back what was rightfully his. He says the United States Title is the most prestigious title except the World Title and it's back where it belongs. Magnum tells Blanchard that they did it all over the country and he's not putting the belt in the closet. He says the belt is a fighting champions belt, he's tasted it before, he left something in the ring tonight that he may never get back but he can assure anyone that anyone that has aspirations of taking this title from him, they better think twice because the United States Championship and Magnum TA will be together for a long time. Magnum then says anyone who wants a shot to put their name on the dotted line cause he's not hard to find. Another very good promo.

NWA World Tag Team Championship/Steel Cage: The Koloffs (w/Krusher Khruschev) (c) vs. The Rock n' Roll Express (w/Don Kernodle)- Sheesh, Kernodle still hasn't gotten over the Koloff's backstabbing him a year prior. These two had been trading the championships for most of '85 as The Koloffs won the belts on March 18th from Dusty Rhodes and Manny Fernandez, The Rock n' Roll then won the belts on July 9th from Ivan and Khruschev, and The Koloff's got the belts back on October 13th.

Fans are chanting "USA". Nikita and Morton start with a tie up and no surprise, Nikita just shoves him. They tie up again with Morton grabbing a side headlock but Nikita whips him to the ropes and catches him with a shoulder block. Morton runs the ropes, Nikita misses a chop, and Morton catches him with a dropkick. Nikita consults with Ivan for a bit. Nikita comes back with a kick and a forearm to the back. Morton gets rammed into the turnbuckle. Koloff kicks Morton's stomach. Morton tries to fight back but can't as Nikita tags Ivan, who starts hammering away on Morton. Morton gets whipped to the ropes and Ivan tries to uses the momentum to whip Morton to the cage but Morton blocks. Morton runs the rope and comes off with a crossbody for 2. Morton attempt for a side headlock but Ivan picks him up and crotches him on the top rope.

Ivan stomps him and pins Morton for 2. Ivan tries to ram Morton into the cage but Morton blocks and tags Gibson. Ivan gets whipped to the ropes and caught with a dropkick. Bodyslam and knee drop gets 2. Tag to Morton who gets a punch to the stomach and a snapmare. fist drop gets 2. Tag to Gibson who gets a roll up for 2. Gibson tags Morton as Ivan attempts a punch on Gibson but is stopped by Morton. Gibson gets a punch in before going back to the apron. Another tag to Gibson who comes off the second rope with an elbow for 2. Ivan rakes Gibson's eyes and muscles him into the ropes and hits a forearm. Ivan whips Gibson to the ropes but misses a clothesline. Gibson looks like he attempts a roll up but I can't describe what it was. Gibson rams Ivan to the cage. Gibson grabs Ivan and holds for Morton to come off the top with a fist. Illegal switch which is weird since babyfaces usual don't do that. Top rope forearm gets 2 for Morton.

Tag to Gibson who nails his own forearm from the top. Ivan rakes Gibson's eyes. Tag to Nikita who gets a kick but Gibson comes back with a drop toehold. Gibson attempts a headlock but Nikita gets up and whips Gibson to the ropes, Nikita misses a chop but catches Gibson with a bearhug, and rams him face first into the cage. Morton comes in to argue but the ref sends him back to the apron. Nikita throws Gibson to the cage twice as Morton comes in but that distracts the ref. Illegal switch from the Russians as Ivan comes off the top with a forearm. Ivan has Gibson on the ropes and proceeds to hit several shoulder blocks. Gibson get thrown to the cage again. Elbow drop gets 2. Both Ivan and Gibson are busted open. Ivan whips Gibson to the rope but lowers his head and gets kicked. Since Ivan in better shape, he's able to tag Nikita. Nikita kicks Gibson and starts biting him. Bodyslam and Nikita starts taunting to get Morton into the ring.

Once again, Morton distracts the ref which allows another illegal switch with Ivan nailing a top rope punch but Morton breaks the pin at 2. Ivan nails an elbow and Gibson falls on the rope. Ivan attempts a leg drop but misses to a big pop. Despite this, Ivan recovers and sends Gibson to his corner. Morton tries to come in but it doesn't help. Gibson gets whipped to the ropes and kicked to the gut. Snapmare and leg drop get 2. A second leg drop misses. Tag to Nikita who applies a chinlock but Gibson fights out. Tag to Ivan as Nikita cuts off Gibson from tagging. Ivan works over Gibson with kicks and a headbutt. Ivan hits a knee drop and pins but Gibson gets his foot on the ropes for 2. Gibson starts to fight back but Nikita illegally comes in to stop it. For some dumb reason, referee Earl Hebner prevents Morton back in but allows the illegal switch from the Russians. Nikita starts choking and pins but gets 2. Another pin is broken up by Morton as the Russians tag out. Kernodle starts a "USA" chant. Ivan whips Gibson to the ropes but Gibson slides between Ivan's legs and nails a dropkick which knocks Ivan into the ref. Gibson covers but the ref is out which allows Nikita to hit clotheslines on both RnR. Nikita puts Ivan on top but the ref is still down. Ivan picks Gibson up which allows Gibson to tag Morton. Ivan whips Gibson to the ropes and gets a back body drop just as Morton sneaks up behind Ivan with an O'Connor roll for the win and the titles at 12:22 to a big pop. Afterwards the Russian beat up the RnRs and Kernodle.

Thoughts: **1/2 Not a bad match, quite decent actually as it started good but it really started to drag as the Russians dominated way too long. I understand how tag teams work but the Russians didn't need to dominate that long. The match probably could've used a hot tag moment instead of immediately going for the finish. My only other complaint was the tag format in a no disqualification match since the referee legally can't force them to stay on the apron. I've never been a huge fan of matches like that. The interesting thing was Gibson played the face-in-peril spot instead of Morton. All four did a good job and the finish was good.

NWA World Heavyweight Championship: Ric Flair (c) vs. Dusty Rhodes (Atlanta)- Pretty much every major wrestling fan knows the history for this match. For those not familiar, The Flair/Rhodes feud began to die down in early 1985 but was reignited on September 29th, when Rhodes saved Flair from a 3-on-1 beatdown following a cage match from the Koloffs and Khruschev. However, Flair would repay Rhodes by attacking him with the Minnesota Wrecking Crew as the three would lock the cage and break Rhodes' ankle. This moment would sow the seeds for the Four Horsemen a few months later. Rhodes is wearing a special boot.

Rhodes struts to start. They circle and feel each other out. They tie up with Flair sending Rhodes to the corner. Chop battle and Dusty wins after nailing Flair with some jabs. Flair gets up but walks into a bionic elbow and bails. Back in, Flair hits a knee and some chops but Dusty comes back with some bionic elbows. Flair whips Rhodes to the ropes but Rhodes hits a shoulder block. Rhodes runs the ropes with Flair dropping down and leap frogging but gets caught with another Bionic Elbow. Flair bails again to regroup and comes back in. Flair gets a side headlock and hammerlock but Rhodes reverses to his own. Flair gets out but hitting the special boot. Flair gets Rhodes in the corner and works him over with chops and punches. Snapmare and a knee drop get 1. Flair kicks the injured ankle and Rhodes bails to regroup. Rhodes climbs the apron where Flair tries to for a punch. Rhodes blocks and hits several elbows and stomps the ankle which the fans love.

Flair grabs the ropes but Rhodes pulls him to the middle. Rhodes drops the elbow on the leg and applies pressure. Rhodes gets up, teases the fans, and drops another elbow on the leg. Flair rakes the eyes to escape. Flair attempts a suplex but Rhodes blocks and gets one of his own. Another elbow drop to the leg and Rhodes reapplies pressure. Flair escapes and the two exchange chops. Rhodes gets whipped to the ropes but hits a shoulder block. Rhodes comes off the ropes again but gets caught in a sleeper. Rhodes escapes but sending Flair to the turnbuckle. Rhodes goes to the outside and rams Flair's ankle to the ring post. Elbow to the ankle. Back in, Rhodes stomps the ankle. Flair comes back with chops but Rhodes gets his own. Shitty snapmare and Rhodes misses the elbow drop. Flair climbs the top and everyone knows whats next. Sure enough, Rhodes gets up and throws Flair off. Rhodes tries for the figure four but Flair kicks him off.

Rhodes land awkwardly on his injured ankle. Flair hits some more chops. Flair attempts the figure four but gets kicked off. Another figure four is blocked. Flair stomps the ankle. Rhodes is set up in the corner but escapes with a headbutt. Flair gets irish whipped and Flair flips out of the ring and Rhodes follows out. Flair gets rammed into the post and then the guardrail. Flair is busted open. Flair climbs to the apron but Rhodes nails some bionic elbows. Referee: Tommy Young gets slapped by mistake. Behind Young's back, Flair throws Rhodes over the top rope. Rhodes climbs the top and gets a crossbody for 2. Rhodes nails some mounted punches. Another bionic elbow. Rhodes nails some more bionic elbows and does the 10 punches in the corner. Flair flop. Rhodes with the some jabs. Flair gets whipped but does another Flair flip and lands on the apron. Flair runs to the other turnbuckle, climbs, and jumps off but gets caught with a punch to the stomach.

Rhodes goes for a kick but hits the turnbuckle with his injured ankle. Rhodes' ankle gets set up on the bottom rope and Flair jumps on it. Knee drop to the ankle. Figure four is applied. Rhodes drops his shoulders but gets them up at 2. Finally, Rhodes uses all his energy to turn over and reverse the pressure. Flair goes for the chops but Rhodes doesn't sell them. Flair gets whipped to the ropes and Rhodes tries to press slam him. Flair escapes and Rhodes runs the ropes and comes off with a jumping clothesline. Rhodes covers for 2 but Flair's kick out sends Rhodes on top of Tommy Young. Rhodes then accidentally whips Flair into Young and he goes to the outside. Rhodes tries several figure fours but they are blocked. Rhodes nails another bionic elbow and finally gets the figure four. Rhodes releases the hold as Arn Anderson runs in. Rhodes knocked him out with the special boot. Young tries to call for the bell but the timekeeper doesn't see him. Rhodes accidentally kicks Arn into Young and knocks him out. Ole Anderson comes in and nails Rhodes with a knee. Flair covers as a second ref comes in but Rhodes kicks out at 2. Flair attempts a bodyslam but Rhodes reverses into a small package to win the title at 22:08 to a huge pop. After the match, all the babyfaces come in to celebrate.

Thoughts: **** Now that's more like it. MUCH better then the 1984 match. It started slow but picked up. I enjoyed the psychology with Rhodes zeroing in on the leg as a way to get revenge though I do wish Flair did the same but that's expected as Flair usually waits for an opponent to hurt themselves before targeting the knee which I didn't like. The crowd was also really into it which was another positive. Sadly, the title reign wouldn't count as the belt was giving back to Flair a few days later due to Tommy Young originally signaling for the bell due to Arn Anderson's interference. This was the best example of a "Dusty Finish" as Rhodes became known for teasing fans of title changes only to reverse them. In retrospect, Rhodes should've won the championship. The fact he lost the previous year and the fact Flair held the belt for a year and half were big reasons. But the big one was the fact was that the Four Horsemen were beginning to come together. It would've made sense for Flair, Blanchard, and the Andersons to form the Horsemen after they all lost their belts. Having lost the belts, the Horsemen forming would be bigger as they would realize that in order to win and hold on to their titles they needed to band together. Having the group form the way it did with them just coming together with 3/4 of them holding titles was kind of blah.

After the match, Tony Schiavone interviews Dusty Rhodes in the back while champagne is pouring. Rhodes says when he said this was for the textile workers and all the blue collar workers in this nation and that he came from the bottom to become world heavyweight champion and he'll be that way for a long time. He says nobody can beat the people and nobody can beat the world and nobody can beat the American Dream. Afterwards, Schiavone and Bob Caudle recap Starrcade and thank fans for the 50th anniversary of Jim Crockett Promotions (in reality it's 54th). They close by telling us they'll see us at Starrcade '86.

Final Thoughts and Verdict
Starrcade '85 was probably the best Starrcade at that point. There was some duds but for the most part the show delivered. The World Title match was much better than the previous year and the United States Title was the Match of the Year. Meanwhile, the undercard matches were solid to good like the Mid-Atlantic Championship and Mexican Death Matches as well as the National Tag Team Championship match. If you get a chance you should check it out.

Strongly Recommended

Starrcade 1985 Facts-
First Starrcade to be held in two locations

Last Starrcade to have the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship defended

The only Starrcade to have the NWA National Tag Team Championships defended

The only Starrcade to have a Steel Cage I Quit match

The only Starrcade to have an Arm Wrestling Contest

The only Starrcade to have a Mexican Death Match.

First Starrcade not announced by Gordon Solie

First Starrcade held at the Omni.

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