Thursday, August 15, 2013

A look at Summerslam 2013

WWE United States Championship (Pre-show): Dean Ambrose (c) vs. Rob Van Dam- Should be a good pre-show match. While Van Dam hasn't appeared motivated in a long time, Ambrose is a very good talent and should compliment Van Dam's style. Ambrose will likely retain as I can't see Van Dam winning the title here.

Mixed Tag Team Match: Dolph Ziggler & Kaitlyn vs. Big E Langston & AJ Lee- This has the ingredients for a very good match. I've been a fan of Kaitlyn & AJ's matches and Ziggler is one of the best on the roster. Langston hasn't been very impressive in his WWE run and it's possible he could drag this one down. This match has potential as Kaitlyn and AJ always bring the goods together and Ziggler/Langston should be enjoyable with Langston throwing Ziggler around & Ziggler bouncing around. I say AJ & Langston win since it looks like the WWE would prefer to have Ziggler and Kaitlyn chase Langston & Lee a bit longer before they get the win.

Natalya vs. Brie Bella- This will easily be the worst match on the show. Natalya is one of the best wrestlers in the world but it takes two to tango and Brie can't carry her weight. Brie is like a lot of the diva's where she can't wrestle and even Natalya will have a hard time having a good match. The match will also suffer due to the lack of time and will probably focus more on the Total Divas outside. Expect Brie to win after some craziness outside with the other divas.

Ring of Fire Match: Kane vs. Bray Wyatt- This is an inferno match and will probably be one of the worst matches on the show. Kane is already broken down, past his prime, and the fact that this match will restrict them to the ring makes this a very limited match. Wyatt is an underrated wrestler but has too much against him to make this good. Getting a good match out of Kane at this point is very difficult. Add the fact that they'll be spend most of the match in the ring will make it harder. Wyatt will win here likely after Kane dives out of the ring on the rest of the Wyatt Family and the numbers prove too much.

Cody Rhodes vs. Damien Sandow- This match has potential to be one of the best matches of the night. Both Rhodes & Sandow are very good wrestlers and if given enough time, they should be able to put on a very good match. Hard one to predict but I'll go with Rhodes since WWE usually prefers to have their money in the bank winners lose until they cash in.

World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Christian- This match will be decent but bland. Matchwise, it should be solid as Christian is a good wrestler and Del Rio's decent. Despite this, it's hard to get into. Del Rio is one of the most boring wrestlers in the WWE and it's hard to get into Christian since he's a stale act and the WWE isn't behind him. Should be a decent but forgettable match with Del Rio retaining.

CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar- This match has the potential to be the best on the show. This match will be Brock tearing and throwing CM Punk around while Punk will never give up and keep coming. While I don't care for Brock, both men are in their best positions with Brock as the monster who wants to rip someone apart while Punk has the "never say die" fan favorite who will never give up. I think Punk will win here since Lesnar will probably not wrestle until Wrestlemania and a win will allow Punk to move on to a new feud.

WWE Championship: John Cena (c) vs. Daniel Bryan- A yin and yang type thing. Bryan is one of the best wrestlers in the world while Cena is one of the worst. Bryan deserves to be in the main event and Cena doesn't. This match will likely be a train wreck although it'll have the chance to be the best match Cena's had in forever. The biggest problem in this match is Triple H as the referee and with RAW general manager Brad Maddox likely to get involved, this will be an overbooked mess. I see Bryan winning after botched interference from Maddox.

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