Tuesday, November 17, 2020

A Look at the 2020 All Japan World's Strongest Tag Determination League Tournament and the Participants

A Look at the 2020 All Japan World's Strongest Tag Determination League Tournament and the Participants
November 17, 2020 
By Ryan Porzl

We've reached the end of another year and in All Japan's case, that means it's once again time for their yearly World's Strongest Tag Determination League or Real World Tag League. This year, eight teams will battle it out with the hope of achieving tag team immortality. We'll take a look at each team and their chances of winning it.

Suwama and Shuji Ishikawa (Violent Giants)
Current World Tag Team Champions, won two WSTDLs, All Japan's top tag team
Minuses: Stale pick and the winners could be a challenger
Thoughts: Violent Giants are the returning champions and by far the most prestigious team currently in their fourth reign as World Tag Team Champions and won two of the last three Tag Leagues. With all of that, you think they be the favorites but not quite. Given all the achievements, it's safe to say Violent Giants are getting stale. They're not only four time champions but their current reign started on January 3rd so they've been champs for nearly a year. Given all their reigns and the reigns being long, they're in need of some fresh competition which this tournament can deliver. Also, they've won the 2017 and 2019 leagues so I can't see them getting a third this soon. Obviously, they should place high, if not, make it to the finals but I feel they'll come up short with the winners facing them in January during the January 2nd/January 3rd Korakuen Hall double header.

Chance of Winning: Good but not as great as previous years

Izanagi and Shigehiro Irie (Purple Haze)
Stablemates, Izanagi is currently one half of the All Asia Tag Team Champions, and fresh team  
Minuses: Not a regular team
Thoughts: This is a last minute thrown together team as Izanagi is replacing Zeus due to Zeus getting infected by the coronavirus. Unfortunately, this makes the chances of this team winning plummet. As far as pluses, Izanagi and Irie are stablemates in Purple Haze, Izanagi is one half of the All Asia Tag Team Champions while Irie formally held it, and they would be fresh. That being said, Izanagi is a good wrestler but he's no Zeus, is not a top star, and a big drop. On top of that, he is a junior heavyweight and juniors aren't common in the tag league. Another issue is despite being stablemates, Izanagi and Irie haven't teamed up much. While they would be fresh, there's better options like Lee/Iwamoto or Miyahara/Aoyagi. Overall, I thought the Zeus/Irie combination had a good chance of winning and were the most unpredictable in terms of winning or where they place but I give Izanagi/Irie no chance of winning, even if All Japan planned on booking Zeus/Irie to win.

Chance of Winning: No chance

Jake Lee and Koji Iwamoto (JIN)
Stablemates, former All Asia Tag Team Champions, fresh challengers and Lee is a former World Tag Team Champions
Minuses: Haven't teamed regularly for months and Iwamoto is a replacement for Naoya Nomura
Thoughts: This is an interesting team for a variety of reasons. The biggest reason is it's obvious that despite their history together and being stablemates in JIN, it's clear Iwamoto is a replacement for the injured Naoya Nomura. Iwamoto is also a junior heavyweight and juniors don't appear much in this tag league. Because of these factors, I can see All Japan being against giving them the tournament. That being said, they do have a lot going for them. As mentioned, these two are stablemates, they've held the All Asia Tag Team Championship two times, and are fresh challengers. Other factors are Lee is a top star, a former World Tag Team Champion, and made it to the finals last year while Iwamoto is the ace of the junior heavyweight division. I still think if Nomura was with Lee, they probably would have a better chance of winning, if not, be the winners. I don't know if Lee and Iwamoto take it given Iwamoto is a replacement and a junior heavyweight but it's possible they could win as Lee and Iwamoto are top stars so, if anything, I think they'll go far as All Japan will probably want them to come off strong. I wouldn't consider them the favorites but it's possible they could win.

Chance of Winning: Possible but not as great if it was Lee and Nomura

Shotaro Ashino and Kuma Arashi (Enfants Terribles)
Stablemates, former Wrestle-1 Tag Team Champions, and former World Tag Team Championship contenders
Minuses: Not signed to All Japan and just lost to Suwama and Ishikawa in a tag team championship match
Thoughts: In many ways, Ashino and Arashi are a team to look out for. They've challenged for All Japan's World Tag Team Championships, they've previously held the Wrestle-1 Tag Team Championship, and are stablemates in Enfants Terribles. With all that, you think they have a chance but no. The first issue is they're not signed to All Japan and while that's usually not a dealbreaker, they're also not huge stars so I don't think they're a big enough team to win it on their first try. Nothing against them but the Funk Brothers or The Dudley Boyz, they're not. Another issue is the same thing that hurt Ashino in the Champion Carnival which is timing. I might consider them having a chance but the problem is they just challenged for the World Tag Team Championship back on October 24th and the winner of the tag league, barring the champions, gets a title shot usually in January. I just can't see All Japan running Violent Giants/Enfant Terribles again in such a short period. I can easily see Ashino and Arashi winning the league down the line be it together or with other partners, especially if they sign with All Japan but I just don't see them winning on their first try and after they came up short for the World Tag Team Championship.

Chance of Winning: No chance

Yoshitatsu and Ryoji Sai
Former World Tag Team Champions with other partners and fresh challengers
Minuses: Not a regular team and Sai hasn't wrestled much for All Japan this year
Thoughts: This has potential to be a good team as both Yoshitatsu and Sai are good wrestlers. Despite seemingly being thrown together, they do have some pluses as they too would be fresh challengers and both are former World Tag Team Champions with other partners. As far as minuses go, they're not a regular team and haven't teamed that much so it's highly unlikely All Japan will give the tag league to them especially when neither are main eventers. Sai has also not competed that much in All Japan this year. A good reason is the pandemic but still. While they are fresh challengers, again, I feel All Japan would prefer Lee/Iwamoto and Miyahara/Aoyagi. Yoshitatsu also did poorly in the Champion Carnival placing last so I seriously doubt All Japan will go from having Yoshitatsu be in last place of the Carnival a month ago to winning the tag league. I'm not sure where they'll place but it could be in the middle somewhere.

Chance of Winning: No chance

Masato Tanaka and TAJIRI
Fresh challengers
Minuses: Tanaka barely works for All Japan, not a regular tag team, and TAJIRI bounces around heavyweight and junior heavyweight
Thoughts: Probably the team with the least chance of winning. Most would probably find this team appropriate given both have had history with ECW during the late 90s and early 00s. The only plus this team has is they are a fresh team and would be fresh challengers but that's it and even then, there's other fresh teams higher on the totem pole and under contract. The team has plenty of minuses with one being Tanaka has barely done anything with All Japan in years. In fact, he's only had two matches with the promotion since 2003 with his recent being a few weeks ago. TAJIRI is also one of those wrestlers who bounces around weight classes depending on where the promotion needs him though he spends most of his time as a junior heavyweight. Age could also be a factor as TAJIRI is 50 while Tanaka is 47 making them the oldest team in the league. While both men have shown age to just be a number and still have plenty left in their gas tanks, I can still see it as something against them. Overall, I can't see All Japan given the league to a junior heavyweight and a guy who's only had two matches for them in seventeen years all the while they're not a regular team. I can see this team placing low especially with TAJIRI as a fall guy.

Chance of Winning: No chance

Daisuke Sekimoto and Abdullah Kobayashi
Former Big Japan Tag Team Champions and Sekimoto is a former World and All Asia Tag Team Champion
Minuses: Not All Japan regulars and haven't held a tag team championship together in 15 years
Thoughts: This is the team I know the least about as I don't follow Big Japan where they're from. I do know Sekimoto fairly well but pretty much nothing about Kobayashi. From what I read, these two are no strangers to each other as they formally held the Big Japan Tag Team Championship together as well as with different partners. Sekimoto also has a pretty rich history in All Japan as he's held both the World and All Asia Tag Team Championship with Yuji Okabayashi while also winning the Champion Carnival in 2016. That being said, they haven't held the Big Japan Tag Championship in fifteen years and I'm not sure they've teamed so much lately. Kobayashi has also only made two appearances for All Japan with his recent being on January 2nd. Even though Sekimoto has history with All Japan, I can't see Kobayashi winning this tag league after only making two appearances prior to this tournament. I just don't see a team that hasn't been that active and with one guy only having made two appearances to date in his career winning this tournament in their first try. They would be fresh challengers but again, there's other teams that are bigger in All Japan and are under contract so that's not a big enough reason to go with them. They should do ok, maybe in the lower upper half or upper bottom half, specificially fourth or fifth place since I feel All Japan will make them look a little good in this tournament as a show of good will to Big Japan.

Chance of Winning: No chance

Kento Miyahara and Yuma Aoyagi
Miyahara is the ace of All Japan, they have history as a team, Miyahara is a former WSTDL winner, Aoyagi has raised his profile this year, and Miyahara is a former World Tag Team Champion while both have held the All Asia Tag Team Championship.
Minuses: Just reunited after parting ways earlier this year.
Thoughts: After originally being members of NEXTREAM which Miyahara led and Aoyagi left earlier this year in order to challenge Miyahara for the Triple Crown Heavyweight Championship, they now have reunited which makes you feel good inside. Miyahara and Aoyagi have a lot going for them as they used to be stablemates so they've teamed before including last year's league. Miyahara is the ace of All Japan while having been a former World Tag Team Champion and World's Strongest Tag Determination League winner, and both are former All Asia Tag Team Champions with different partners. Aoyagi has also seen his stock raise this year making his first challenge of the Triple Crown Heavyweight Championship and also took part in a number one contenders match. A win would benefit both as Miyahara has been in a slump this year since losing the Triple Crown this past March as he's come up short in several title matches and lost in the finals of the Champion Carnival. I have to think Miyahara is going to bounce back soon and this could be it. Meanwhile, Aoyagi is improving and slowly moving up the ladder and this win would be a good boost for him. They would also serve as fresh challengers which is another plus. The only negative I see is they just reunited so maybe it's too soon. If I had to pick, I pick Miyahara and Aoyagi as the favorites or at least placing very high.

Chance of Winning: Possible favorites

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