Monday, July 29, 2019

I just realized we had some morbid anniversaries this year. I already brought up this year being the 60th Anniversary of "The Day The Music Died" back on February 3rd but there's more.
January 26th was the 40th Anniversary of the passing of former Vice President of the United States and Governor of New York Nelson Rockefeller who apparently went out in a way most would want to by "dying in the saddle" at 70. A true man's man.
February 26th was the 25th Anniversary of the passing of Bill Hicks, probably the best comedian you never heard of at 32 due to cancer.
July 20th was the 35th Anniversary of runner Jim Fixx who some may remember for being an advocate of running and wrote books on it during the 70s. He also became known for having one of the most ironic deaths ever by dying of a heart attack....while running. Speaking of Bill Hicks, he did an awesome bit about Fixx, his death, Keith Richards outliving him, and asking what you write about running.
I would also point out May 16th is the 35th Anniversary of Andy Kaufman's passing but let's be real, we know he's still alive in an undisclosed location with Elvis. Probably where Walt Disney is cryogenically frozen.

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