Look at the 2019 ZERO1 Fire Festival and the Participants
June 16, 2019
By Ryan Porzl
Back in April, I looked at the participants for All Japan's top tournament the Champion Carnival so now I figure I do the same for Pro Wrestling ZERO1's top tournament the Fire Festival. The Fire Festival is like most Japanese tournaments in that it's round robin with one or two blocks of wrestlers battling it out and the top two meet in the finals to decide the winner. The prize for winning the Fire Festival is the Fire Sword, a red katana that the winner holds on to for a year until the next tournament. Unlike most of these tournaments, the winner isn't guaranteed a world heavyweight championship shot as some received one but some have not while others were reigning champion.
Block A
Masato Tanaka
Number of Fire Festivals: 18 (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)
Pluses: A top star in ZERO1, mult-time World Heavyweight Champion, and multi-time Fire Festival winner
Minuses: A stale choice
Thoughts: Tanaka is Mr. Fire Festival as he's won the tournament a record five times with his most recent win being in 2017 and along with Kohei Sato, is one of two to have participated in every Fire Festival to date. Despite getting up in age, Tanaka is still a top name in ZERO1 due to a combination of continuing to be a top performer as well as ZERO1 having a skeleton crew. Due to all this, Tanaka has to be considered one of the best choices to win. Tanaka also has lost the ZERO1 World Heavyweight Championship to Daisuke Sekimoto in November and hasn't gotten a rematch so it's possible ZERO1 may go that direction. The only real minus I see is Tanaka is stale as he's won it five times with his recent Fire Festival win being two years ago so they may try someone different. Regardless, I wouldn't sleep on Tanaka as he still is one of the likely scenarios. If he doesn't win, Tanaka should place high such as second or third.
Chances of Winning: High.
Yuji Hino
Number of Fire Festivals: 1 (2018)
Pluses: Prime of his career, someone who can be positioned as the promotion's ace, and went to a draw against ZERO1 Champion Daisuke Sekimoto
Minuses: None
Thoughts: Hino has to be the favorite for this as he has everything going for him. With the departure of Yusaku Obata in March, ZERO1 is in need of a young guy who they can position as the ace with Masato Tanaka and Kohei Sato both being up in age. Hino signed with ZERO1 at the same time and is definitely the guy they could groom for the position of ace. He's in the prime of his career, is 34, and already enjoyed great success in promotions such as Kaientai Dojo and Wrestle-1. ZERO1 giving Hino the Fire Festival would continue his climb up the ladder and set up a potential championship match against Sekimoto where Hino can defeat him and establish himself as the new ace and a fresh face in the ZERO1 title picture. Best of all, Hino has unfinished business as he challenged Sekimoto for the World Heavyweight Championship all the way back in February but it ended in a time limit draw. A win sets up a rematch where Hino finally defeats the Big Japan wrestler and brings the championship back home to ZERO1.
Chances of Winning: The favorite.
Number of Fire Festivals: 1 (2018)
Pluses: Fresh choice and challenger for Daisuke Sekimoto, has challenged for heavyweight championships and honors before
Minuses: Current junior ace for ZERO1
Thoughts: Anyone who hasn't seen SUGI compete is missing out because when you watch him, you're in for a treat. He's one of the most talented junior heavyweights and high flyers today. He's also very colorful dressed as a ninja. Since signing with ZERO1 a year ago, SUGI has become a top attraction and the promotion's junior ace though he has moved up to heavyweight at times competing in last year's Fire Festival and teamed with Kohei Sato to compete for the NWA Intercontinental Tag Team Championships (ZERO1's heavyweight tag team championship). Having said all that, SUGI is the current junior ace so I don't think he'll be given a Fire Festival until he moves up full time. One day, I can see it but this year, no. SUGI will likely land in the upper half like third or fourth.
Chances of Winning: Little to None
Chris Vice
Number of Fire Festivals: 1 (2018)
Pluses: Fresh challenger, a former United National Champion
Minuses: Not a world title challenger, not the biggest name from the Voodoo Murders participating
Thoughts: Vice is a talented competitor and an established wrestler as he is a former United National Champion (ZERO1's openweight championship) and a former Intercontinental Tag Team Champion but he's never been a World Heavyweight Championship challenger and his Fire Festival debut last year was directly in the middle which I feel will happen again. Vice is good but there's no reason to think he has a shot. Not to mention he and Shogun Okamoto are both members of Voodoo Murders so if ZERO1 were to give the tournament to a Voodoo Murders member, they're almost guaranteed to give it to Okamoto before Vice. Vice would be a fresh challenger to Sekimoto but so are many of the participants here that are as well and some like SUGI are more likely to get a title shot before Vice. As I said, lightning will likely strike twice and Vice will place four.
Chances of Winning: No Chance
Number of Fire Festivals: 0
Pluses: Fresh Challenger
Minuses: A woman, not a main eventer in ZERO1, and has competed for junior titles
Thoughts: No no. This isn't the same Asuka from WWE but a different joshi wrestler. ASUKA is the only female wrestler in this tournament but with ZERO1 not having a full roster, they have done intergender stuff before and ASUKA is a big example of it not only having competed with men but also challenged for the NWA International Lightweight Tag Team Championships (ZERO1's junior tag team championship). That being said, ASUKA's got everything going against her as ZERO1 likely won't give the Fire Festival to a woman, she's not a main eventer when she appears in ZERO1 and when she's challenged for titles, it's in the junior division. Not to mention she's never been in a Fire Festival before nor is she a big enough name where they'll give it to her on his first try. ASUKA should put forth good performances and give it her all but will likely be near the bottom.
Chances of Winning: No Chance
Super Tiger
Number of Fire Festivals: 2 (2017, 2018)
Pluses: Fresh Challenger and former United National Champion
Minuses: Not a World Title challenger
Thoughts: Super Tiger is a good wrestler but he's not a big name and he's never been a main eventer whenever he's appeared for ZERO1 as he's never challenged for the World Heavyweight Championship and there's no reason that will change anytime soon. Even worse, Tiger has never done great in his two previous campaigns as he's usually placed near the bottom which is something else I don't see changing anytime soon. All in all, I see Tiger fighting with ASUKA to see which lands in fifth and which lands in sixth place. He may get one upset win like he did with Kohei Sato two years ago but that's it.
Chances of Winning: No chance
Yuya Aoki
Number of Fire Festivals: 0
Pluses: Fresh Challenger
Minuses: Young and inexperienced, nowhere near main eventer
Thoughts: I don't know much about Aoki but from what I have heard, he's 22 and only two years in the business from Big Japan. Because of all this, he has the least chance of making it. It seems like Aoki has been moving up fast for a guy his experience and age but he's still a rookie so he's not established and not in his prime. That along with the fact he's not a top act in Big Japan and never held a title makes him the job guy in Block A who looks at the lights or taps the mat more than anyone. It's safe to say Aoki will likely place seventh in his block and probably get one or MAYBE two wins but that's it.
Chances of Winning: No chance in hell
Block B
Yuko Miyamoto
Number of Fire Festivals: 2 (2017, 2018)
Pluses: Last year's winner, former World Title challenger, and fresh challenger as he didn't even challenge for the World Title after last year
Minuses: Can't think of one other than he's not a contracted talent
Thoughts: Miyamoto could also be considered a favorite and probably my choice after Hino. Miyamoto won last year so he has to be considered as someone who can make lightning strike twice. Miyamoto is also a former World Heavyweight Championship contender who hasn't challenged in a while and didn't get a shot following last year's win. True, ZERO1 doesn't promise a title shot but you think he would've received one. Since he hasn't had one in over a year possibly is another reason he's got a good chance as it could lead to a fresh title match with Daisuke Sekimoto. The only negative I can find is he isn't under a deal but that shouldn't hurt given ZERO1 isn't close to having a full roster and Japanese promotions bring outsiders and give them tournaments and championships all the time. It also didn't stop him last year. I see Miyamoto at least making it to the finals or second in the block.
Chances of Winning: Very high
Kohei Sato
Number of Fire Festivals: 18 (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)
Pluses: Multi-time ZERO1 World Heavyweight Champion, two time Fire Festival winner, ZERO1 main eventer, and last year's runner up
Minuses: Already challenged Sekimoto for the championship
Thoughts: Sato is like Tanaka in many ways as they are both aging but still talented wrestlers and are the only two to have participated in every Fire Festival tournament to date. Because of all this, Sato is someone who should be a favorite given this as well as being a former five time ZERO1 World Heavyweight Champion and two time Fire Festival Winner while also being last year's runner up. That being said, the thing that hurts him is he already challenged Sekimoto back on New Year's Day so I'm not sure if they want to go that route. Then again, Masato Tanaka won the Fire Festival in 2012 after failing to win the belt from Akebono or Ryouji Sai in 2014 after losing to James Raideen and sometimes, the winner doesn't get a title shot until months later or in Miyamoto's case, not at all. Sato should be someone as a favorite but I just don't think he's the favorite he should be due to having already lost to Sekimoto. Still, Sato will do great as he could make it to the finals or place second in the block.
Chances of Winning: Decent
Takuya Sugawara
Number of Fire Festivals: 2 (2010, 2018)
Pluses: Been focusing on heavyweight recently
Minuses: Had just challenged Sekimoto for the championship
Thoughts: After spending years mostly as a junior heavyweight, Sugawara has moved up to heavyweight winning the NWA Intercontinental Tag Team Championship with Tanaka and recently challenge for the ZERO1 World Heavyweight Championship. That being said, there's plenty of other people in this tournament and he's not in a position where I consider him a dark horse. The big thing is Sugawara also is coming off a title shot against Sekimoto and I don't think he's a big enough act in ZERO1 where they will have him challenge and lose only to bounce back to win the Fire Festival as he isn't in the position Tanaka and Sai were when they did it years ago. The only reason to give Sugawara the win would be to elevate him to the next level but if ZERO1 wants to do that then Hino is a better choice. Sugawara has seen his stock grow this year but not enough to take him all the way. I can see Sugawara placing at the top of the bottom half placing fourth or fifth in the least.
Chances of Winning: No chance
Towa Iwasaki
Number of Fire Festivals: 1 (2018)
Pluses: Up and comer and ZERO1 sees his potential
Minuses: Too young and not in his prime
Thoughts: Iwasaki is a man I see winning a Fire Festival down the road but it's definitely not here. Iwasaki has gotten a pretty good push for his experience as he is the current reigning United National Champion. That said, he's only 21 years old and has been wrestling only less than two years so I can't see ZERO1 having him win this or get close to it. Yes, ZERO1 needs fresh blood and has half a roster but Iwasaki is a long way's away from this and he's doing fine now giving his age and experience. I see Iwasaki giving the young wrestler type performances where he shows his fighting spirit and show promise but not enough to take him to the finals though I can see him score a big upset possibly over either Miyamoto or Sato. I personally see Iwasaki fighting with Sugawara for the fourth place position with the other being fifth. Given his age and lack of experience, I would place second to last or directly in last place but since he's the United National Champion, I don't think ZERO1 will want to place him so low but maybe it happens.
Chances of Winning: No chance
Yasu Kubota
Number of Fire Festivals: 0
Pluses: Currently one half of the NWA Lightweight Tag Team Champion and Fresh challenger
Minuses: Not a main eventer and not a heavyweight
Thoughts: Kubota is someone you can guarantee will not win nor come close to winning the Fire Festival. Aside from the usual "fresh challenger", the only positive for Kubota is he holds a title in the NWA Lightweight Tag Team Championship with his brother Hide but that's it. The problems with Kubota are many. For one, he's one, if not, the only one who actually had to do a qualifying match where he defeated his brother. It's almost like ZERO1 either couldn't find someone to fill a slot and knew The Kubotas wouldn't be taken seriously or something. Then you have the fact Kubota is a junior heavyweight so I don't see him winning this especially since if a junior is winning, it'll be SUGI more likely. He's also 44 and just came to ZERO1 this year so he's new to the promotion but up there in age where they're not planning on grooming him for bigger things. Kubota has also never been in Fire Festival before and he's no where near big enough where ZERO1 would give it to him on his first attempt. Kubota just has almost no upside or any real chance. Even the positives I've mention don't help since being a tag champ in the junior division won't help in a single heavyweight tournament and there's fresh challengers that are much, MUCH higher on the food chain. I wouldn't be surprised if Kubota lands last in his block though he may get slightly higher due to being an NWA Lightweight Tag Team Champion but not much higher.
Chances of Winning: No chance in hell
Masashi Takeda
Number of Fire Festivals: 0
Pluses: Fresh face and challenger
Minuses: Hasn't been in ZERO1 in three years and isn't much of a main eventer outside death matches.
Thoughts: Takeda mostly enjoyed success in the Big Japan and FREEDOM'S promotion so I know almost nothing about him. That being said, what I've read is he's successful as an indy wrestler in FREEDOMS while also enjoying success in Big Japan as a death match wrestler and their tag team division. However, Takeda has things going against him as he's not a big name as far as I know. He hasn't competed in a Fire Festival before and I seriously doubt ZERO1 will give him the tournament in his first go. He also hasn't competed in ZERO1 in three years and the last time he was there, he was bounced in the first round of the 2016 Tenka-Ichi Junior tournament. Takeda is also not a contracted wrestler and if Z1 gives the Fire Festival to an outsider, you can bet it will be Miyamoto or Shogun Okamoto before Takeda. The only good thing Takeda has going for him is he is a fresh face as he hasn't been around for years and if the winner gets a shot at the ZERO1 World Heavyweight Championship, he would be fresh. Unfortunately, if ZERO1 wants a fresh challenger, they're plenty of better picks including Miyamoto who won last year, SUGI who is the junior ace, or two former United National Champions in Chris Vice and Super Tiger. I can see Takeda possibly placing either sixth or seventh but not sure. I just can't see him going very far giving the names in this field but he still could compensate for a low position on the block by scoring an upset or two.
Chances of Winning: No chance
Shogun Okamoto
Number of Fire Festivals: 3 (2016, 2017, 2018)
Pluses: Former World Championship contender, former United National Champion, and fresh challenger
Minuses: Not a main eventer and his possible membership in the Voodoo Murders
Thoughts: Okamoto is a weird kind of cat as he has many qualities that can make ZERO1 give him the tournament. Even though he's a freelancer, he does almost work full time for ZERO1 and almost exclusively which makes you wonder why he isn't under a contract. He's been very successful in ZERO1 as he's come off a long run as United National Champion, is a former two time NWA Intercontinental Tag Team Champion, and won the Furinkazan tournament (ZERO1's tag team tournament) once. He's a former ZERO1 World Heavyweight Championship challenger and hasn't challenged for it in two years so he would be a fresh and believable pick. I also find Okamoto a pretty solid wrestler especially being a former sumo. Having said all that, I feel Okamoto does have things against him. One is the fact he's not been a main eventer. Sure, he challenged for the world heavyweight title but that was only once and he's not been frequently that high up the food chain. Even his past campaigns, his best was in 2017 where he placed third but his other appearances saw him largely in the middle or third to last. I don't know why but him as part of the Voodoo Murders stable can also hurt him. Even though Tanaka held the championship as part of VM, I feel they wouldn't give Okamoto the Fire Festival or at least his first until he ditches VM and becomes a babyface again. I can see Okamoto winning the tournament one day but I feel he may have to leave VM first and foremost and go on his own. If he signed a deal, I could see his chances going further up. However, I feel that for this year, Okamoto will land in the middle again though he could surprise and maybe overachieve. I definitely wouldn't be surprised to see him pick up an upset win over Miyamoto or Sato.
Chances of Winning: Slim
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