Wednesday, June 14, 2017

I can't believe it. I almost forgot an important anniversary today. On this day 30 years ago, June 14, 1987, Mets/Phillies. Kramer and Newman were enjoying a beautiful afternoon in right field stand when a crucial Keith Hernandez error opens 5 run Phillie ninth that cost The Mets the game. Their day was ruined. Afterwards, Kramer and Newman come down the ramp where the players are, they pass Hernandez, and Newman say "Nice Game, Pretty Boy". Hernandez turned as he went up the ramp and then a second later, something changed them in a deep and profound way from that day forward when they thought Hernandez spit at Kramer who said "I'm Hit!" and Newman turned and the spit ricocheted off him and hit him. Of course, five years later, they learned the truth that it was Roger McDowell spitting at them from the bushes because they were cursing at him the whole game while he got a glimpse of Newman pouring that beer on his head. Hernandez tried to warn them but it was too late as it was already on it's way.

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