The Most Obscure and Forgotten Champions in WCW History
October 11, 2021
By Ryan Porzl
October 11, 2021
By Ryan Porzl
Originally, I intended to start this series after finishing my "Wrestlers you may have forgotten held a title" series but then I realized that 2021 is the 30th Anniversary of when NWA became WCW and next year has milestone anniversaries for New Japan, ROH, Impact, ECW, and All Japan so why not save those articles for next year even though I did one on New Japan already? Anyway, in my last series, I brought up wrestlers the average fans pretty much knows but may have forgotten they held a title in a promotion and so far I did one for New Japan and WCW. To continue WCW's anniversary, I will begin this series with them as I cover champions that the average fan barely remembers and would go "Who?". This article will take a look at the most forgettable and most obscure champions in WCW history. Like my previous WCW article, I'm only covering from January 1991-March 2001 so nothing from the Jim Crockett/NWA days or WWF owned WCW.