Friday, July 27, 2018

The 2017 WWE Mae Young Classic: Where Are They Now?

The 2017 WWE Mae Young Classic: Where Are They Now?
July 27, 2018
By Ryan Porzl


A year ago, I wrote a "Where Are They Now?" on the participants of the WWE's 2016 Cruiserweight Classic. Since that time, the WWE has done several tournaments and one of them was the Mae Young Classic: a tournament for women from around the world much like how the Cruiserweight Classic was for cruiserweight wrestlers and named after a WWE Hall of Famer. Well, a year has gone by and with WWE about to do a second one, I figure it would be fun to look back at last year's tournament and see how little came of it by seeing what became of the participants with some having been under contract only to be released while a lot of great talent was not picked up.

I don't own the picture.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Saturday, July 14, 2018

They Fought In UFC!? List of Fighters Who Fought in UFC That You May Have Forgotten or Didn't Know About

They Fought In UFC!? List of Fighters Who Fought in UFC That You May Have Forgotten or Didn't Know About
July 14, 2018
By Ryan Porzl

When last I left off, I looked at well known fighters who came close to coming to the UFC but never did. Now, I figured a good follow up would be to look at fighters that did make it but people may have forgotten. With this being the 25th Anniversary of the UFC, it's safe to say that UFC has held hundreds of events and thousands of fighters have come through. Many fighters had long careers while others came and went. Some of the fighters who didn't stay long are known but others aren't or have been forgotten. Here is a list of fighters that competed in the UFC that you may have forgotten about.

Mario Bros. Atari 2600

Happy 35th Anniversary to the first Mario game Mario Bros.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

I Love America

Alice Cooper singing he loves America like only he can. On the Fourth of July, I too love the rockets red glare.