Showing posts with label NXT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NXT. Show all posts

Monday, October 15, 2018

Wrestlers who Triple H & NXT Botched

Wrestlers who Triple H & NXT Botched
October 15, 2018
By Ryan Porzl


Though it's WWE's developmental territory, NXT has become one of wrestling's more popular promotions in recent years. It's almost become a promotion that can do no wrong with their TakeOver specials usually getting critical acclaim, their supposed ability to make stars, and taking credit for a supposed women's revolution/evolution. You even have fans wanting wrestlers to go there despite being already experienced and good enough to be on the main roster. NXT boss Triple H & NXT fans have also acted like it's a third brand that compliments RAW & Smackdown. Meanwhile, Triple H has went from being a pariah who played backstage politics, was an egomaniac, held wrestlers back, & married into the McMahon family to be the Messiah who can do no wrong, has a Midas touch, and will usher in a new golden age once he takes over from Vince. Unfortunately, Triple H and NXT aren't as infallible as one would believe and The Game has made his share of mistakes with certain talent. Over the years, NXT has been able to secure a lot of great talent but for every Finn Balor or Charlotte Flair, they're have been those that the promotion botched and should make fans go "WTF?". Here are a list of wrestlers Triple H & NXT had but either didn't make the best of or downright botched.