Monday, October 7, 2024

WWE Managers That Didn't Work Out

WWE Managers That Didn't Work Out
October 7, 2024
By Ryan Porzl

Professional Wrestling is known for their share of colorful and larger than life characters. However, not all these characters are wrestlers. Rather, some are managers. For decades, professional wrestling managers have played important parts in getting certain talent over whether it be cutting promos for them or getting involved in matches to get more heat from the crowd. The WWE has had their share of managers going back decades from "Wild" Red Berry in the 1960s to the Three Wise Men of the East ("Classy" Freddie Blassie, The Grand Wizard of Wrestling and "Captain" Lou Albano) of the 1970s to early 1980s to Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and "The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart in the 1980s to early 1990s to Paul Heyman in present day. However, for all the legendary managers that have come through the WWE, there are those that for whatever reason or another, it didn't work out with some even being long forgotten. In this article, we'll look at managers that appeared for the WWF/WWE but for some reason, would fizzle out with some fading into obscurity.

Note: I don't own any pictures. I found them on Google. Credit to WWE or whomever owns.