Friday, June 7, 2024

WWF Saturday Night's Main Event X Review

WWF Saturday Night's Main Event X Review
February 15, 2013 (Edited: June 7, 2024)
By Ryan Porzl

Event: Saturday Night's Main Event X
Tagline: None
Date: March 14, 1987
Location: Detroit, Michigan
Live or Tape: Taped (February 21, 1987)
Arena: Joe Louis Arena
Attendance: 21,000
Announcers: Vince McMahon and Jesse “The Body” Ventura
Interviewers:Mean” Gene Okerlund
Other: “Macho Man” Randy Savage (Guest Commentator)
Broadcast: NBC

We start with Hulk Hogan saying tonight in the 20 man battle royal, he has no friends which means it's each man out for himself. His main objective is to even with Andre the Giant. Hogan says he's in the battle royal because Andre ripped his shirt and crucifix. He says Andre broke the rules and now there aren't any rules. Hogan says bodies flying everywhere and his eyes will be focused on Andre and his 7'5, 500 pound nasty body before saying sooner or later, it'll be Andre and him.

Bobby “The Brain” Heenan with Andre the Giant says Hogan's eyes are the only thing Hogan will have on Andre. He says Andre with have his eyes and hands all over Hogan because Andre is the greatest athlete in the history of sports.

Miss Elizabeth says tonight is the first time she's ever been the prize in a match. She says it's the scariest night of her life.

Jimmy Hart with the Hart Foundation says if Elizabeth is scared, imagine what Tito Santana and Danny Spivey will feel when they face the Hart Foundation. Neidhart says it may be Santana and Spivey's first time while Bret says it will also be their last time.

Jake Roberts says Damien hasn't eaten in a month and invites us to watch them feast on 400 lbs. of white meat known as King Kong Bundy as we go to the intro.
Vince and Ventura open the show.

“Mean” Gene Okerlund interviews Hogan. Hogan say people ask him why not wait for a one-on-one match? He says those people aren't Hulkamaniacs and that Hulkamaniacs know he lives in the danger zone. Hogan says when Andre tore the hearts and souls of the Hulkamaniacs, they knew he take Andre anywhere. He says he doesn't care if there's 450 men in the battle royal. Hogan hopes to get his hands on Andre and the rest of the Heenan Family. Good and short promo.

We go to the previous SNME with Ricky Steamboat returning as George Steele's surprise and Steele carrying Elizabeth to the back.

Okerlund interviews “Macho Man” Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth. Okerlund stupidly tries to interview Elizabeth but Savage interrupts as usual. This was so annoying by this point. Savage says he'll prevail because he's psyched up. Okerlund asks if Savage has more than ever on the line in his title, his manager, and that he might have more to do with Elizabeth like a relationship. Savage says he'll pin Steele 1,2,3 and hurt him bad. Savage tries to take Elizabeth with him but the rules say she goes last. Savage is hilarious saying how rules are made to be broken just like Okerlund's neck. Elizabeth is worried someone will get hurt. Steele comes in and keeps saying “manager' and then says “George's manager”. Okerlund is funny when he says heads or tails, Elizabeth loses. Fine promo from Savage though this format was really tiring. Again, I get it gets heat on Savage but why would Okerlund constantly try to interview Elizabeth when he should know by now Savage won't let her talk? Elizabeth was alright. I rather inhale fumes from my car then listen to a Steele promo.

WWF Intercontinental Championship/Managerial Services of Elizabeth: Randy Savage (c) vs. George Steele- Yup. We're getting this match again. Seriously, why is this awful feud still going a year later? Elizabeth is sitting on a lifeguard like chair.
Steele tries to help Elizabeth up only for Savage to jump him with a diving double ax handle. Steele gets rammed to the guardrail. Savage tries to take Elizabeth to the back but is blocked by Ricky Steamboat as “Sirius” plays. Savage back peddles and heads back to the ring. While being distracted, Steele sneaks up on Savage and nails him. Steele bites Savage and rams him into the turnbuckle. Steele rams Savage again in a battering ram like position. Steele hammers away. Steele rams Savage again with the battering ram and rips open a turnbuckle for the padding. Savage takes the opportunity to nail Steele with a running jumping knee. Savage hits a Bodyslam and goes to the top. Diving double ax handle connects. Savages drives his knee into the back of Steele's head. Steele makes the comeback and gets Savage in the corner. Forearm but Savage recovers and whips Steele to the ropes. Savage attempts to clothesline Steele coming off the ropes but Steele catches and bites the arm. Throat toss and Steele goes for another turnbuckle. He rakes Savage with the padding. Steele leaves the ring and tries to leave with Elizabeth. Savage sneaks up and nails Steele. Savage rams Steele into the guardrail and knocks the lifeguard chair onto Steele. Savage runs back to the ring to win by count out at 4:30. After the match, Steele throws Savage out of the ring and poses with the belt.

Thoughts: DUD Typical lousy match from these two and one that felt like Groundhog's Day. It's not as bad as the 1986 encounters as Savage at least got rid of the stalling crap by this point. What else is there to say? It's the same match these two have done repeatedly with Steele doing little but biting and using turnbuckle padding while Savage does something underhanded to win. I bet both guys were trying but Steele was very and I mean VERY limited due to his age at nearly 50 years old and his character. Both, I'm sure, tried but Savage was just not going to get anything out of Steele in 1987 and I don't think anyone could. Also, the finish made no sense as Savage used the chair but didn't get disqualified.

Okerlund interviews Bobby Heenan and Andre the Giant. Heenan says he'll be a ringside to watch “the greatest athlete in sports” throw Hulk Hogan over the top rope and to the floor. He claims Hogan has been hiding from Andre for 3 years. Andre says he wants Hogan. Solid promo from Heenan and short but to the point from Andre.

Battle Royal: Andre the Giant vs. Ax vs. Ron Bass vs. B. Brian Blair vs. Jim Brunzell vs. Haku vs. Billy Jack Haynes vs. Hercules vs. Hillbilly Jim vs. Hulk Hogan vs. The Honky Tonk Man vs. Blackjack Mulligan vs. Paul Orndorff vs. Lanny Poffo vs. Butch Reed vs. Sika vs. Smash vs. Tama vs. Nikolai Volkoff vs. Koko B. Ware- The main story here is Andre had been feuding with Heenan and the Heenan Family for years. In early 1986, Heenan was successful in getting Andre suspended for missing a match which resulted in Andre spending the summer and fall under a mask as part of the Machines where he continued his feud. By November 1986, Andre's suspension was mysteriously lifted and neither Andre nor Heenan would talk about it for months. Finally on the February 7, 1987 Superstars of Wrestling, Andre would confront Hogan on an episode of Piper's Pit with Heenan as his new manager and challenge him for the WWF Championship at Wrestlemania III.
Everyone stands back as Hogan and Andre tease a confrontation but Orndorff sneaks up with a knee on Hogan. Battle Royal chaos ensues as everyone gangs up on Hogan and Andre. Honky (w/goofy suspenders) is the first eliminated after getting thrown out by Hogan. Don't worry, better days were coming for Honky. Hogan gets triple teamed in the corner by Orndorff, Reed, and Hercules but fights out. Sika gets tossed out by Andre. Bass and Mulligan go at it while Andre works over Hillbilly Jim in the corner. Andre gets ganged up again but gives Mulligan and Jim a noggin knocker. Andre tosses Haku out. Headbutt on Poffo and the Giant throws Poffo out. Several wrestlers try to eliminate Hogan but no success. Hogan and Hercules fight in the corner as a bloody Poffo gets stretchered out. Bass and Reed double team Hogan. Bass gets backdropped out by Hogan. Ax and Smash try to eliminate Jim but can't. Mulligan gets Andre in a claw but Andre hip tosses Mulligan out. Hogan dumps Volkoff. Orndorff and Hogan battle. Andre tosses Blair.

Koko tries his luck with Andre and gets chopped down. Andre chokes Koko with his boot. Orndorff and Hercules double team Hogan in the corner. They try to eliminate Hogan but no luck. Andre headbutts Jim. Hogan gets whipped into Andre and they finally face off. Hogan gets the advantage until Orndorff and Smash double team him. Hogan fights back and throws Orndorff out. Andre comes from behind and headbutts Hogan. Hogan gets tossed by Andre and the fans hate that. Hogan wants back in but the referees won't let him as Andre taunts him. Andre throws Brunzell out. Most of the wrestlers now attempt to go after the Giant. Andre tries to fight it off but can't and gets eliminated. Hercules tosses Tama and Jim eliminates Ax. Jim and Smash face off until Smash backdrops Jim out. Reed tries to clothesline Koko but misses and gets dropkicked out by Koko. Haynes and Smash face off while Koko and Hercules square off. Hercules tries to eliminate Koko but Haynes saves him. Smash and Haynes go at it while Koko is thrown out by Hercules. Hercules and Smash double team Haynes with a double clothesline. The heels work over Haynes, double team whip him to the ropes, Hercules drops down, Haynes jumps over, and clotheslines Smash out. Haynes and Hercules go at it with Haynes winning the exchange. Heenan jumps onto the apron to distract Haynes, which allows Hercules to get the elimination and the win at 11:16.

Thoughts: ** Mixed battle royal as Andre eliminated half the participants so it did get a little predictable. To the WWF's credit though, a lot was accomplished including Andre looking unbeatable and even eliminating Hogan which makes Hogan look vulnerable. Even in defeat, Andre looked dangerous and it was a great way to set up Wrestlemania III in several weeks. I liked the little things they did like Poffo bleeding from Andre's headbutt and needing to be stretchered out while Hogan was targeted by members of the Heenan Family like Orndorff and Hercules. There was also some storyline advancements which I liked with Koko eliminating Reed while Hercules eliminated Haynes before their Wrestlemania III encounters. Herc was a fine winner as it gives him some credibility.

Okerlund interviews Andre who says it took eight wrestlers to eliminate him while it took one giant to eliminate Hogan. Okerlund takes exception to this but Heenan comes in to celebrate Hercules' victory. He accuses Hogan of having hid from Andre but Andre took on everyone and eliminated Hogan. Heenan says Andre will remain “undefeated” and become the next Heavyweight champion of the World. Better stuff from Heenan and Andre especially Andre.

They show the slo-mo replay of Hogan's elimination again.

Okerlund interviews Jake “The Snake” Roberts. Roberts says everyone knows he's facing 400 pounds of white pork but he and Damien have timed Damien's cycle so he's very hungry. He says they're ready for Bundy, they're a bit different, and he likes being different. Okerlund warns Damien could end up flat but Roberts says he and Damien are always on top and always will before finishing by saying it's time for him and Damien to satisfy their hunger. An alright promo.

King Kong Bundy (w/Bobby “The Brain” Heenan) vs. Jake Roberts- Roberts had just turned babyface not long before after mocking the Honky Tonk Man on his Snake Pit talk show on the February 22, 1987 Wrestling Challenge before taking some guitar shots from Honky. These two had history as members of Paul Ellering's Legion of Doom stable in Georgia Championship Wrestling in 1983.

Roberts starts with an arm wringer but Bundy fights out of it. Tie up and Bundy gets Roberts into the corner. Bundy goes for a forearm but Roberts dodges and Bundy hits the turnbuckle before getting spooked by Damien. Roberts hooks a side headlock. Bundy whips him off but Roberts grabs the ropes to stop himself which frustrates Bundy to a pop. Another tie up with Bundy getting an armbar but Roberts kicks Bundy's leg repeatedly to escape. Test of strength which Bundy wins easily. Bundy drives Roberts shoulders to the canvas for several two counts. Roberts kicks Bundy a few times to escape. Another tie up with Bundy nailing Roberts with the forearm to the back. Roberts gets rammed in the corner and worked over by Bundy. Bundy gets a front facelock and Roberts starts to fade. The referee checks the arm but Roberts gets it up on the third check. Bundy then hits a forearm. Roberts gets whipped to the ropes but Bundy lowers his head to soon and Roberts connects with a knee lift to a pop. Roberts follows with jabs and comes off the ropes with a punch that knocks Bundy down. Roberts attempts to get Damien for whatever reason but Bundy stops him.
Heenan grabs the sack and tries to run off. Roberts pokes Bundy's eye and runs after Heenan as we go to commercial. We're back as Roberts has Damien back and puts him in the corner. As he heads in, Bundy starts stomping away and chokes Roberts with his boot. Bundy whips Roberts to the ropes and catches him with a clothesline. Bundy taunts to boos. Bundy comes off a shoulder block. Roberts gets up and Bundy comes off with another shoulder block. Roberts gets up and Bundy attempts a third but misses and runs into the corner. Both are down. Roberts starts to come back with jabs and knocks Bundy down after coming off the ropes with a punch to a pop. Roberts tries to get Damien again. The ref tries to stop him so Roberts knees him to get disqualified at 6:14. What the fuck kind of finish was that? I can understand protecting Roberts but there had to be a better way. After the match, Roberts continues to attack Bundy until the referee tries to stop him. This gives Bundy the chance to attack Roberts and hit a bodyslam but he misses an elbow drop. Roberts hits a lousy DDT but Heenan helps roll Bundy out of the ring before Roberts can wrap Damian around Bundy.

Thoughts: * Alright match. The psychology was good for the most part but the finish was lousy as hell. Seriously, what the hell was that? Why was Roberts trying to get Damien and why hit the referee? Roberts should've went over here since he just began his babyface turn while Bundy's WWF peak was done by this point. Not to mention, Roberts match with Honky Tonk Man at Wrestlemania had some history and heat while Bundy would be in a match with Hillbilly Jim and minis. Once again, if Bundy was going to take the DDT, why not have him lose cleanly?

We go to clips of the Hart Foundation winning the WWF Tag Team Titles thanks to crooked referee Danny Davis.
Okerlund interviews The Hart Foundation and Jimmy Hart with Okerlund saying the thought is if it weren't for the now suspended Danny Davis, The Bulldogs would still be the champions. Hart announces that Danny Davis will be an “official observer” at ringside. Okerlund asks Davis what makes him qualified do this and Davis says his proven impartiality. Hart was good while Davis was short.

WWF World Tag Team Championship:The Hart Foundation (c) (w/Jimmy Hart & Danny Davis) vs. Tito Santana & Dan Spivey- This is announced as the Harts first title defense though this was their first televised defense as they previously retained over The Killer Bees at a house show days before this was taped. Eh, close enough. Santana and Spivey were a thrown together team with neither having much to do. Santana has been floating around aimlessly in the midcard after losing the IC title to Savage in February 1986. Spivey came to the WWF in late 1985 to replace Barry Windham in the US Express but the new version wasn't successful. By the time this match took place, Rotundo had just left which left Spivey a jobber to the stars. Spivey would go on to have a colorful run in wrestling first in NWA/WCW as part of the Skyscrapers with Sid Vicious and The Undertaker (then Mean Mark Callus), then in All Japan Pro Wrestling, and finally a short return to the WWF as Waylon Mercy. Speaking of Spivey and Windham, Spivey is really cosplaying as Windham here except for the red, white, and blue trunks which look like the French flag.

Neidhart and Spivey start off. Spivey gets a side headlock. Neidhart whips him to the ropes, drops down, Spivey jumps over, and Spivey comes off the ropes with a crossbody for 2. Spivey with another headlock. Neidhart whips him to the ropes again, drops down, Spivey jumps over, comes off the ropes, jumps over again, comes off the ropes, and Neidhart catches Spivey with a clothesline. Neidhart tries to whip Spivey into Bret's Boot but Spivey reverses and Neidhart runs into it instead. Atomic drop from Spivey. Tag to Bret but Spivey catches him with several punches. Bret gets whipped into Santana's forearm. Tag to Santana as he and Spivey whip Bret to the ropes and catch him with a double elbow. Santana grabs a side headlock but Bret whips him to the ropes and leapfrogs over but Santana stops and catches Bret turning around with a bodyslam. Tag to Spivey, with Santana whipping Bret to the ropes and Spivey catching him with a shoulder block. Spivey covers but Neidhart breaks at 2. Bret drops an elbow and tags Neidhart. The Harts double team Spivey. Neidhart hits a hotshot. Neidhart distracts the ref long enough for Bret to get a cheap shot.

Neidhart tags Bret who works over Spivey. Pendulum backbreaker and Bret tags Neidhart. Bret slingshots Neidhart into the ring and onto Spivey for 2. Spivey gets rammed into the corner and Neidhart tags Bret. Spivey gets choked by Bret. Santana comes in but the ref forces him back to his corner which allows illegal double teaming behind the ref. Bret gets a second turnbuckle elbow drop for 2. Bret tries to prevent Spivey from tagging. Neidhart comes in which distracts the ref. False tag spot as Santana gets the tag but the ref didn't see it. Miscommunication from the Harts allows Spivey to tag Santana. Slugfest which Santana wins. Bret gets whipped to the corner and does his chest first bump. Neidhart comes in but takes the flying forearm from Santana. Davis gets knocked off the apron. The fans love it. Santana nails the flying forearm but decides to hook in the figure four. Spivey and Neidhart start to go at it in the ring which distracts the ref long enough for Davis to sneak in and hits Santana with the megaphone. Bret covers and the Harts retain at 5:31.

Thoughts: ** Decent TV match mostly with some good double teaming from the Harts. I was really mixed on the finish as Davis interfering made sense especially given it was against Santana who would be one of the Harts/Davis opponents at Wrestlemania III. However, Santana and Spivey were a thrown together team and I don't know if the Harts needed to cheat to beat them.

Okerlund interviews Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat. Steamboat says he's ready and 100%. He says it's something he has to think of every time he climbs in the ring. Steamboat knows his opponents will target the throat but this dragon breathes fire. Short but solid promo.

Ricky Steamboat vs. The Iron Sheik (w/Slick)- Before the match, Savage runs to the ring to argue with Steamboat. Sheik jumps Steamboat to start as Savage joins for commentary. Sheik rams Steamboat into his boot. Steamboat gets thrown over the top rope but skins the cat back in. He slides between Sheik's leg to surprise him. Sheik misses a punch and Steamboat hits a belly to back suplex to a good pop. Steamboat works over Sheik with punches and chops. Steamboat gets a side headlock but Sheik whips him to the ropes and Steamboat comes off with a shoulder block. Steamboat comes off the ropes, Sheik leapfrogs, Steamboat comes off the ropes, and Sheik tries for a hip toss but Steamboat reverses into his own to a pop. Steamboat hooks on a chinlock then a front facelock. The two roll to the outside with Sheik ramming Steamboat to the stairs. Back in, Sheik taunts to boos. Sheik catches Steamboat on the apron with a forearm and then suplexes Steamboat back in for 2. Steamboat tries for the comeback but Sheik pokes the eyes. Sheik applies an abdominal stretch but Steamboat hip tosses out to a pop and drops a chop. Another chop and Steamboat climbs to the top. Diving chop finishes at 3:29. After the match, Steamboat celebrates on the second turnbuckle and encourages Savage to get in the ring.

Thoughts: *1/2 Another alright match which served it's purpose by displaying Steamboat and adding more to the Steamboat/Savage rivalry.

Okerlund interviews Hulk Hogan and brings up Heenan saying the next time they meet Andre will remain undefeated and become the heavyweight champion of the world. Hogan says you don't become heavyweight champion by doing things half way. He says Andre stabbed friends in the back, generations of Hulkamaniacs in the back, and you don't throw people over the top rope from behind. Hogan asks if Andre's life is a lie and if he cheated while being undefeated for fifteen years. He says when they were in the battle royal, he felt the fifteen year undefeated obesity and that's the spark he needed one-on-one confrontation. Okerlund says the battle royal was like a collision 100 mph. Hogan says the next time they lock up, not only will be he feel Hulkamania, the 24 in. pythons, the sight of millions of hulkamaniacs and the big brother on his side, he'll steal all the power man. He says Andre has to play it straight and for Andre to be champion, he has to beat Hogan face to face. Hogan tells Andre when Andre is on top of the mountain and feels the power of Hulkamania, not to fall because it's a long way down. Good promo

Okerlund interviews “Rowdy” Roddy Piper who's announced his retirement after Wrestlemania III. In retrospect, it's silly to hear for Okerlund say Piper is leaving still in his prime when Piper has become a classic example of someone who stuck around for way too long. Piper says he's proud of his sport and kept him out of jail. He says the WWF has done more for him than anything in the world. He says he's in the peak of his career but he's going to Hollywood. He says he gives everything 110%. Okerlund introduces a tribute video to Piper which is played to Frank Sinatra's “My Way”. Of course because this is wrestling, Piper's retirement didn't last as he was back two years later. To Piper's credit, two years is a lifetime in the wrestling world as it's bar is below sea level. Hollywood marriages last longer than wrestling retirements. Nice video and segment though again, it doesn't age well since Piper was back in two years and continued on and off till 2011.

Vince and Ventura close the show.

Final Thoughts and Verdict
SMNE X wasn't anything to write about. No matches were really good and nothing to really see outside the Battle Royal even though it wasn't amazing. However, it did serve it's purpose by hyping or adding something to many of the matches that were set for Wrestlemania III. That being said, it's not worth going out of your way to see.

Recommendation to avoid.

Saturday Night's Main Event X Facts:
First SMNE to feature a Battle Royal

First SMNE to have a managerial service on the line.

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