Tuesday, March 19, 2024

WWF Saturday Night's Main Event VIII Review

WWF Saturday Night's Main Event VIII Review
December 17, 2012 (edited March 19, 2024)
By Ryan Porzl

Event: Saturday Night's Main Event VIII
Tagline: None
Date: November 29, 1986
Location: Los Angeles, California
Live or Tape: Tape (Taped November 15, 1986)
Arena: Los Angeles Sports Arena
Attendance: 16,000
Announcers: Vince McMahon and Jesse “The Body” Ventura
Interviewers: “Mean” Gene Okerlund and Jesse “The Body” Ventura
Other: None
Broadcast: NBC

Jesse "The Body" Ventura (with his Captain Freedom toupee) welcomes us to Saturday Night's Main Event. We're in his town: Hollywood. Swimming pools, movie stars, and Jesse "The Body" Ventura. The pleasure is all ours.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts opens by telling Damien he needs to squeeze harder against The Macho Man and to squeeze the air out of him. He says they need to squeeze the life out of the man. they need to squeeze the life out of the Macho Man. Roberts says that's the only way to squeeze a title off a champion but they can do it and tells Savage to try him if he feels lucky.

"Macho Man" Randy Savage cuts a promo while Miss Elizabeth is polishing the Intercontinental Title. He says it's Elizabeth's fault if he loses tonight and that she missed a spot.

Koko B. Ware introduces himself and his bird Frankie. He says he has Nikolai Volkoff tonight. Ware says when he flies, he's going to drop some bombs tonight.

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper says if you want to see him wrestle; first put grandma to bed and go make yourself a baloney sandwich. Then come on down as he squishes two worms: Bob Orton and Jimmy Hart. It won't be a pretty sight but he will be when it's over.

Jimmy Hart, Bret "The Hitman" Hart, and Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart introduce themselves as the Hart Foundation. Hart mentions how they'll face the Killer Bees in a tag team elimination bout. Bret says there are three ways to kill a bee. Neidhart says number 1, you can swat 'em. Neidhart says number 2, you could spray 'em. They all say number 3, give them a HART attack!

Hulk Hogan says tonight he faces his ultimate challenge. He knew a superhuman like Hercules would come along. The body of a god and the power of the thunder and lightning in the heavens. Hogan accepts Hercules' challenge, he is ready, and asks what will Hercules do when the 24 inch pythons challenge him.

We go to intro

Vince and Ventura open the show

"Mean" Gene Okerlund interviews Jake "The Snake" Roberts. Okerlund previews the IC title match as Roberts walks down the hallway, sneaks up behind Okerlund, and scares him with Damien. Roberts dares Okerlund to turn his back on him. Okerlund shakes throughout the interview. Roberts says people shake his hand but very few shake it twice. He says he shook the world when he challenged the Macho Man. Roberts asks how can anyone know where he's going if they don't know where he came from? He says some people are content in their lives playing in the sandbox in their backyard as they wait for life to bring them something by. Roberts says he's not that kind of man as he's not content as he'll take what he wants, just like Halley's Comet, nothing is going to stop him, and then tells Savage when they dry clean his hair tomorrow morning, he will remember he's the one his mother warned him about. We get a funny bit where Ventura mentions Okerlund's shaking. He asks if he was holding a microphone or a vibrator. Good Roberts promo.

Okerlund interviews "Macho Man" Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth. He asks Elizabeth if she's afraid of snakes but Savage interrupts by saying to forget her as he's the Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion of the world. Okerlund says Savage is irritable and asks if Savage is afraid of snakes. Savage says it's impossible for him to be intimidated. He says he's going to make a belt and boots. Okerlund asks if Savage is referring to Damien but Savage says he means Roberts. He then tells Okerlund to show him respect or he'll make a belt out of him before telling Elizabeth down the aisle. Another entertaining promo.

WWF Intercontinental Championship: Randy Savage (c) (w/Miss Elizabeth) vs. Jake Roberts- This should be a weird match since both are heels. Before the match, Roberts approaches Elizabeth with Damien. The fans start a big "DDT" chant. Roberts scares Savage with Damien and Savage hides behind Elizabeth. They stall to start until finally locking up. Vince thinks fans are going to side with Savage over Roberts. Savage gets an armbar but Roberts gets an arm wringer. Savage pulls Roberts to the ground with his hair. Roberts gets up and pulled down again with the hair. Roberts gets up and does the same to Savage. Roberts gets an armdrag and Savage lands near Damien which spooks him. Roberts gets a side headlock and a takedown. Savage goes to the hair again and Roberts retaliates with hair pulling until they let go and Savage misses the elbow drop. They get up and Roberts attempts the DDT but Savage slides out and bails. Roberts follows out and chases Savage back in the ring. Savage runs the ropes, Roberts drops down to the canvas, Savage jumps over, Savage comes off but gets caught with a kick to the stomach by Roberts.

Roberts attempts the DDT again but Savage rams him into the corner. Roberts reverses an whip into another corner. Roberts charges but runs into a knee. Savage covers but gets 2. Savage rams Roberts to the canvas and pins for 2. Another pin gets 2. Snapmare and kneedrop get 2. Roberts punches the stomach and hits an uppercut but Savage comes back with a bionic elbow with Vince giving a shoutout to Johnny Valentine for calling it a brainbuster. Savage comes off with an elbow drop for 2. Savage chokes Roberts on the ropes and snaps him off it. Savage covers but Roberts gets his foot on the rope for 2. Another pin with the leg hooked gets 2. Savage comes off the ropes and drops a double ax handle for 1. Another pin gets 1. Roberts tries to fight back with punches but Savage hits a bionic elbow. Roberts gets tied to the ropes. Savage leaves the ring and grabs the bag containing Damien. He puts it under the ring as we go to commercial.

We're back as Savage returns to the ring. Savage starts taunting the crowd as Roberts finally gets out. As Savage attempts to re-enter the ring, Roberts nails him with a knee lift. Roberts leaves the ring to get Damien from underneath the ring. The sack gets put back into the corner and Roberts re-enters the ring. Savage tries to fight back but Roberts kicks the stomach and hits the short arm clothesline. Roberts covers but Savage gets his foot on the ropes for 2. Fans start chanting "DDT". Roberts hits a gourdbuster covers but Savage gets his foot on the rope for 2. Another pin but Savage gets his other foot on the rope. Vince and Ventura are noticing the fans support for Roberts and are surprised. Roberts works Savage over with jabs and drops him with a punch. Roberts whips Savage to the ropes but drops his head too early and Savage comes off with a kick. Savage goes for a punch but it's blocked and takes an uppercut.

Another DDT attempt is blocked as Savage grabs the ropes. Savage bails and Roberts follows out. Savage hides behind Elizabeth again. Savage is lucky this is 1986 and not 1991. Roberts tries to get Damien out of the sack but Savage knees him into the post. Savage goes to the top and nails a diving double ax handle. Roberts gets thrown back in the ring and Savage climbs the top rope. Savage comes off with a diving double ax handle for 2. Savage comes off the top turnbuckle but gets caught with a punch to a pop. Roberts attempts the jabs but Savage comes back with a knee and Roberts bails out. Savage grabs Roberts but gets dragged out. Roberts jabs at Savage and throws him back in. Savage catches Roberts coming in with a double ax handle. Savage continues to hit on Roberts. Referee Dave Hebner tries to separate them but gets shoved out of the way by Savage. Roberts comes back and Hebner tries to separate but Roberts shoves Hebner out of the ring. Savage goes out and tosses a chair in the ring as Hebner calls for the bell at 9:30. Both wrestlers are disqualified. After the match, Savage tries to use the chair but gets scared off by Damien.

Thoughts: ***1/2 Good TV match and the result made sense to protect both participants. Savage looked better than he ever did at this point as he thankfully ditched the Memphis stalling tactics. This was the Macho Man I'm familiar with. This match isn't surprising in retrospect as both showed great chemistry during their 1991/1992 rivalry. I enjoyed both resorting to cheapshots and underhanded tactics since both were heels as well as the use of Damien which Savage trying to get him out of sight and mind while Roberts wants him around to psyche Savage out. This match was the continuation of Roberts growing popularity as we've previously saw in the Steamboat rivalry. After an aborted attempt to put Roberts in a feud with Hulk Hogan; Roberts would become a babyface by early 1987.

We get clips from Superstars of Wrestling with Slick selling Hercules' contract to Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and the two going to the bank with Heenan paying in cash.

We get pre-recorded interview with Okerlund interviewing Hercules Hernandez and Bobby Heenan. Okerlund brings up Slick wanting cash and saying Heenan's credit isn't good. Heenan says his credit is good as he could go to Beverly Hills, snap his fingers, and they'll say “Yes, Mr. Heenan”, “What do you want Mr. Heenan?”, “How much do you want Mr. Heenan?”, and “When would you like it Mr. Heenan?”. Okerlund tells Hercules that Heenan got him a title shot quickly. Herc says Heenan is the smartest manager in professional wrestling and the kind of manager he wants to manage his career as the worlds heavyweight champion. Okerlund says Herc isn't the champion yet. Heenan tells Okerlund not to get down on his champion. Solid promo

Okerlund interviews Hulk Hogan. Okerlund mentions the title defense and how it's in his home turf of Southern California. Hogan says thank god because he's got his pump ready as the pythons are ready and their the largest arms in the world. He says he's checked out Hercules, that he's got the body of a god, and looks like the real Hercules. Hogan says he could've been a greek god and immortal but ever since he's been guided by Bobby Heenan, Hogan's been training and hanging in the garden of eden with his girl Eve. He then brings up 20,000 Leagues under the sea and he spent 40 days and 40 nights hung and bung on the titanic. Hogan points to his palm and tells Hercules this is where the power lies. Okerlund brings up Heenan. Hogan says it's the same story with the Weasel in that he keeps throwing them at him and he keeps knocking them down. He tells Hercules he's in Hogan's way and on his hit list. Hogan says after he's done, he hopes to squeeze the head of Heenan and tells Hercules he'll feel the wrath of the pythons and Hulkamania. Certainly an interesting promo.

WWF Championship: Hulk Hogan (c) vs. Hercules Hernandez (w/Bobby "The Brain" Heenan)- Test of strength to start. Hercules starts winning the exchange but Hogan starts to power out and win. Desperate, Hercules headbutts Hogan and hoists him into the corner. Hercules works over Hogan in the corner. Hogan reverses a whip to another corner and follows with a charging clothesline to a pop. Hogan gets a few punches and whips Hercules to the ropes. Hogan misses the clothesline but connects with the jumping knee. Heenan jumps on the apron but jumps off before Hogan can hit him. Hogan leaves the ring to chase Heenan. Back in the ring, Hercules tries to jump Hogan as Heenan leaps out of the ring. Hogan hits a big boot. Hogan hits a bodyslam and comes off the ropes but misses an elbow drop. Hercules drops a knee to Hogan's back and whips Hogan to the corner with Hogan hitting the corner so hard he falls to the canvas. Hercules drops several knees to the back. Bearhug is locked in for a minute.

Hercules follows with a backbreaker and continues to drive Hogan's back into his knee. Hercules gets Hogan in the torture rack and lets go for some reason. He thinks he won but the referee says no. Hercules covers but gets 2. Hogan hulks up and no-sells. Hogan hits three punches and comes off the ropes with a punch to drop Hercules. Hogan comes off the ropes with a running elbow. Hogan rams Hercules into the turnbuckles several times. Chop knocks Hercules down. Hogan whips Hercules to the rope and catches him with the big boot. Hogan comes off the ropes to with the leg drop to retain at 6:30. After the match, Hercules quickly gets up and leaves with Heenan while Hogan poses and Ventura whines.

Thoughts: ** Decent match. Pretty much another day in the office for Hogan. That said, I do like Hercules worked over the back for the torture rack. However, I don't get having Hercules have Hogan in the torture rack only to let go. Not sure if it was to protect Herc.

We get a pre-recorded interview with Ventura interviewing "Cowboy" Bob Orton and "The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart at a restaurant. Ventura says they struck a hornet's nest. He says he's never seen Piper so determined and brings up Piper taking out Adonis on the last SNME. Ventura then says Piper says Hart is next. Hart calls Piper a lunatic and that he used a heavy wooden crutch. Ventura asks Orton how their past friendship but Orton says that Piper used him. He did all the dirty work while Piper got the glory. Orton said Piper was never a good wrestler, that he used to hide behind him, and then tells Piper now he has no one to hide and no friends. Ok promo from Hart and Orton.

We then get a video of good ol' days when Piper and Orton were friends to the tune of “You're a Friend of Mine” from Clarence Clemons and Jackson Browne. At least, that's how it's supposed to go but WWE and Peacock of course overdubbed it to avoid royalties. The video is actually kind of funny with them wrestling together and other antics.

Okerlund interviews "Rowdy" Roddy Piper with Okerlund saying according to Orton, there was never any friendship. Piper asks never friends before bringing up the time he got Lovely Lucy to go out with him. He then asks about picking him up and stood him up like a man. He says Orton thinks he's a big shot now because he's got Magnificent Muraco with him before calling Muraco “Fat Albert”. He says tonight, he takes care of Orton because he was Rowdy before Rowdy was cool. Eh promo.

Roddy Piper vs. Bob Orton (w/Jimmy Hart and Magnificent Muraco)- The story here was Orton was Piper's bodyguard and good friend for 2 years. After Piper took a leave of absence, Orton hooked up with Jimmy Hart and Adrian Adonis. After Piper came back, Orton remained with Adonis and assisted Adonis in beating Piper down. Muraco is dressed in a kilt.

Muraco spits at Piper from the outside to get his attention. Tie up to start with Orton getting Piper in the corner. Muraco attempts to grab the ankle but Piper gets out of dodge. They tease a tie up but Piper goes to punch Muraco on the apron but Muraco jumps off in time. Muraco gets ejected from ringside by security and Chief Jay Strongbow. The two brawl with Piper winning. Piper hits a bulldog to a pop and Orton backs off. Piper bites Orton and whips him to the corner. Orton goes upside down in the corner. Piper gets an eye poke and works Orton in the corner. Piper hits a knee lift for 2. Piper whips Orton to the ropes but lowers his head too soon and Orton comes off the ropes with an uppercut. Orton comes off the ropes with an elbow drop and stomps the stomach. Orton hits a gutbuster and follows with a knee drop. Elbow drop gets 2 as fans chant "Roddy". Another elbow misses. Hart jumps on the apron and grabs Piper for Orton. Piper gets out of the way and Orton almost hits Hart. Piper hits a double ax handle which knows Orton into Hart and knocks Hart off the apron. Piper gets a school boy for the win at 3:48 to a big pop.

Thoughts: * This was an ok match but it felt like it could've been more. At times, it felt like a squash and only went 4 minutes. This match deserved more giving the history. I get Adonis was the final boss Piper would face and Orton was a midcarder but him and Orton had a two year history which deserved more than four minutes.

Okerlund interviews Piper backstage and says Piper has to be very pleased of his performance tonight. Piper mentions he's pleased he knocked that pink cowboy hat off Orton. He says he's not pleased Adonis is still there and still hitting him in the head. He says it's a small victory. Okerlund brings up Piper's recent popularity with the fans and that Piper didn't plan on that. He says when he was in high school, he was most likely to marry the cheerleading squad. He's happy Adonis is back and he got the pink cowboy hat off Orton. Okerlund asks about the kilt on Muraco but Piper says that is a skirt. He finishes by saying when he's good, he's good and when he's bad, he's better. Solid promo.

We get a pre-recorded interview with Okerlund interviewing The Hart Foundation and Jimmy Hart and says a win here makes them one step closer to a title shot. Jimmy says their one goal is the WWF World Tag Team Titles. Bret says they are the world while Neidhart says they are the champs. Okerlund asks how they plan to win. Jimmy says by clipping their wings, Bret says pull off their stingers, and Neidhart says when their done, The Killer Bees will be known as The Queen Bees. Another ok promo.

The Killer Bees vs. The Hart Foundation (w/Jimmy Hart)- Bret and Brunzell start with a tie up. Bret gets a knee and a forearm. Bret whips Brunzell to the ropes, misses a clothesline, and Brunzell comes off the ropes with a jumping knee. Brunzell gets an armdrag, holds the arm, and tags Blair. Blair comes off the second turnbuckle with an elbow to the arm. Blair gets a hammerlock but Hart reverses to his own. Blair gets a firemen's carry takedown.

During the match, we get an interview with Okerlund talking to the Killer Bees with their masks on via PiP. The whole interview they confuse Okerlund on who's who.

Bret gets Blair in the corner. Irish whip is reversed and Bret gets whipping into the corner. Blair charges but Hart gets an up and over to avoid. The two reverse rollups until Blair gets one for 2. Tag to Neidhart who walks into an armdrag. Tag to Brunzell. The Bees double team whip Neidhart to ropes and connect with a double team elbow. Brunzell works the arm with arm wringers until Neidhart whips him off. Neidhart drops down, Brunzell jumps over, and Bret knees Brunzell coming off the ropes. Tag to Bret as the Harts hit Demolition Decapitation. Bret attempts the pin as the ref argues with Neidhart. The pin gets 2. Tag to Neidhart who hits a standing dropkick. Neidhart gets a chinlock. Bret tags and hits a punch to the stomach with a headbutt following. Bret nails a European uppercut and chokes Brunzell in the corner. Bret distracts the ref which allows Neidhart to choke Brunzell with the tag rope. Blair comes in but that distracts the referee long enough for Bret to elevate Brunzell while Neidhart chokes.

Tag to Neidhart who hits a hotshot. Bret chokes Brunzell with his boot. Neidhart cheapshots Blair which brings Blair in but gets stopped by the ref. Illegal switch behind the ref as Bret comes in and drops an elbow on Brunzell. Bret hits a pendulum backbreaker but misses an elbow. Bret throws Brunzell through the ropes to the floor. Blair checks on him as we go to commercial. We're back as Brunzell hits a shoulder block on the apron and comes in with a sunset flip for 2. Bret stomps the stomach and tags Neidhart. Brunzell tries to fight back but no good. Bret tags in and works over Brunzell. European uppercut misses and Brunzell gets a backslide for 1. Brunzell whips Hart to the ropes, drops down to the canvas, Bret jumps over, comes off the ropes, and Brunzell connects with a dropkick. Neidhart tags in. While Bret argues with the ref, we get a false tag spot as Brunzell tags Blair behind the ref so the ref doesn't count it.

I fucking hate that spot. What sense does it make for a ref to allow illegal switches with the heels but won't allow the babyfaces to tag behind him? I understand it's to build heat with the crowd but it still it doesn't make sense. Anyway, the Harts throw Brunzell to the outside and knock Blair off the apron. As the Harts start celebrating to boos, the Bees head under the ring and put the masks on. Blair comes in illegally (or technically legal since he tagged in) and punches Neidhart. Blair nails Hart on the apron and hits Neidhart with a running hip attack. Blair hits Hart with an atomic drop and Brunzell hits Bret from the apron with an ear clap to a pop. Neidhart gets whipped into Bret which sends Bret to the outside. Blair gets a sleeper on Neidhart but Bret sneaks off the top with a diving double ax handle while the ref is distracted by Brunzell. The ref tries to get Bret back on the apron which allows the Bees to switch. Bret tags in but Brunzell gets him with a small package for the 3 at 9:00.

Thoughts: *** Good tag team match. Both teams played their roles well with the Harts showing good teamwork and Bees responding the Harts cheating by playing the same game. Again, I hate when matches use both the illegal switch and false tag spots though the false tag worked in this match since it set up the masks. Brunzell also did good as the babyface in peril. In retrospect, it was a weird finish since the Harts won the titles two months later while the Bees never came close to the titles. In all fairness, the Hart's title win was last minute due to Dynamite's back injury which hadn't happened at the time of the taping but still weird.

Okerlund interviews Koko B. Ware. Koko says he and Frankie are fired up. Short and to the point.

We get a pre-recorded interview with Ventura interviewing Slick and Nikolai Volkoff. Slick says to wrestle good, you gotta feel good. He says to feel good, you have to look good. Slick says to look good, you need money which means you need the guiding hand of Slick. Ventura asks about Koko. Slick says it's Koko that needs to beware. Ventura asks Volkoff about Slick. Volkoff says Slick's not like most Americans because he's honest and he and Russia are number one. Slick cut a good promo while Volkoff was short and to the point.

Koko B. Ware vs. Nikolai Volkoff (w/Slick)- We start with Volkoff singing the Soviet National Anthem. Volkoff jumps Koko to start and knees him in the corner repeatedly. Volkoff continues to hammer away in the corner. Koko gets whipped into another corner but does a leapfrog over a charging Volkoff. Koko works over Volkoff with punches and a variation of a hurricanrana. Koko hits two dropkicks for 2. Volkoff comes back with a spinning kick and hotshots Koko on the rope. Volkoff hits a bodyslam and comes off but misses a knee drop. Koko climbs the top turnbuckle and nails a missile dropkick to a pop but gets 1. Volkoff comes back with a kick to the stomach and a big. Volkoff hits a big backbreaker but picks Koko up at 1. Volkoff hits a bodyslam and goes to Slick for advice. Koko recovers and school boys Volkoff up for the 3 at 2:30 to a good pop.

Thoughts: 1/2* Alright big man/little man type match and Koko looked good but too short to mean anything. In all my years as a wrestling fan, I can say this is probably the first time I've seen Koko ever pin someone. This is probably the peak of Koko's WWF run as he would become a jobber to the stars from here on out.

Okerlund interviews Hulk Hogan. Hogan says Ventura misinterpret things. He says Ventura was wrong when he saw weakness but rather equal strength and wrestling ability. Hogan says when the going gets rough, he reaches out to the Hulkamanics. They turn him from a mere mortal man to superman. Hogan says anybody from the Heenan Family or any other dude who gets in way, the grinding wheels will eat them alive and while he won't, Hulkamania will live forever. Better promo than the previous one.

Okerlund interviews The Magnificent Muraco and Mr. Fuji. Okerlund asks him if being out there a second time will hurt him. Muraco says he was out there earlier to protect Orton and Hart from Piper and he's taking this match because they like that Rebel Redneck song. We even get a nice number from Fuji. Short but entertaining but Muraco and Fuji were awesome together.

The Magnificent Muraco (w/Mr. Fuji) vs. Dick Slater- We return from commercial to see Muraco ramming Slater to the turnbuckle. Muraco follows with a double chop and a thrust to the throat. Muraco rams Slater into the turnbuckle and works him over in the corner. Slater gets whipped into the corner. Muraco puts Slater on his shoulders but Slater escapes and gets an O'Connor roll for 2. Slater punches and elbows Muraco. Slater whips Muraco to the ropes and connects with an elbow. Slater grinds his boot into Muraco's face. Slater climbs to the top and hits a diving bionic elbow. Slater goes for the pin but Fuji gets Muraco's foot on the rope for the rope break. Slater gets a side headlock but Muraco whips him off. Muraco drops down and Fuji trips Slater coming off the ropes. Muraco misses an elbow drop but hits clothesline for the win at 2:05.

Thoughts: * Another alright match but too short to mean anything. The finish was awkward with Muraco missing an elbow only to finish with a clothesline seconds later.

Vince and Ventura wrap things up and we go to credits.

Final Thoughts and Verdict
SNME VIII was an alright show with three decent to good matches. That said, the other three matches were too short to mean anything, especially Piper/Orton which felt like it could've meant more. Meanwhile, nothing great and no big moments happened. Not a great SNME to watch but not bad either. Definitely in the middle.

Thumbs in the middle

Saturday Night's Main Event VIII Facts
First Saturday Night's Main Event to feature six matches

First Saturday Night's Main Event to be held on Thanksgiving Weekend

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