Saturday, September 23, 2023


September 5, 2013
By Ryan Porzl
I love Fall
Such a beautiful season
A season with so much beauty
The weather is cooler and refreshing
The breeze in the air is a welcome change
From the heat and humidity of summer
A fall scenery is absolutely exquisite
The leaves on the trees are colorful
They're perfectly complimented by the occasional cloudy sky
The color on the leaves pop up with clouds and rain
It's a relaxing atmosphere
The kind of atmosphere that could be an artistic masterpiece
Day and night can both be appreciated
Neither are too long
Neither are too short
You don't have to wait too long for one
The holiday season is in full swing
October brings us Halloween
Scary decorations and jack o' lanterns are on full display
Pumpkin patches are busy
Candy is handed out like, well, candy
November sees a transition to Thanksgiving
We give thanks by watching parades
Followed by thanksgiving dinner that becomes an eating contest
Finally, being lazy by watching sports into the night
We continue to give thanks the following day
Thanks for having money and ridiculous sales stores offer
December is the month of holidays
While Winter's gloom is around the horizon
We're able to shed light on Winter's darkness and short days
Nights are illuminated with colorful lights and decorations
Lights that turn a cold and dead day
Into a magical experience

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