Saturday, December 31, 2022

WWF Saturday Night's Main Event V Review

WWF Saturday Night's Main Event V Review
August 10, 2012 (edited December 31, 2022)
By Ryan Porzl

Event: Saturday Night's Main Event V
Tagline: None
Date: March 1, 1986
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Live or Tape: Tape (Taped February 4, 1986)
Arena: Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum
Attendance: Unknown
Announcers: Vince McMahon and Jesse “The Body” Ventura
Interviewers: “Mean” Gene Okerlund
Broadcast: NBC

We start with Mr. T working out with a punching bag as "Mean" Gene Okerlund tries to interview him but T offers little words and wants Okerlund to leave him alone as we cut to intro.

Vince and Ventura open the show.

We go to clips from the February 15, 1986 edition of Championship Wrestling during the Piper's Pit segment where "Rowdy" Roddy Piper and "Cowboy" Bob Orton issue a challenge to anyone who wrestled in the WWF to a boxing match only for Hulk Hogan confront them and sign Mr. T's name on the contract.

Okerlund interviews Roddy Piper and "Cowboy" Bob Orton. Oh wait, he's "Battling" Bob Orton. Jeez, isn't Ace and Cowboy enough? So I guess it makes him "The Battling Ace of a Cowboy". Still better than a slithering Viper who hears voices in his head. Anyway, Piper asks Okerlund if he knows who Orton is battling? Okerlund says he does in Mr. T. Piper says Mr. T is supposed to be a great American hero and someone the children look up to. He then taunts T with a picture of T with Boy George. He then says this isn't Rocky 148 while Orton says T doesn't have Hogan to hide behind. Entertaining promo from Piper.

We get pre-recorded comments from Mr. T. Okerlund says he could not believe the intensity he showed during his work out. T says every time he fights, he's up. He says he's ready and doesn't take anyone lightly because when someone gets in the ring with him, he's got to take them out. T says Orton won't last two or three rounds with him as he's going to take the chump out. Okerlund brings up Piper but T doesn't want to hear it as he'll take both of them out. An alright promo.

Boxing Match: Mr. T vs. Bob Orton (w/"Rowdy" Roddy Piper)- Mr. T comes out to "Eye of the Tiger" which is cool but it would've been cooler if he used the A-Team theme. Orton jumps T to start and they trade punches. Yeah, this is real alright. T starts throwing jabs until they clinch with the ref breaking them up and admonishing Orton. Orton starts to comeback until T clinches and the ref breaks them up. Orton continues to jab until T clinches but as the ref breaks them up, Orton gets a cheap shot and a thumb to the eye. The doctor checks but T wants to fight and they continue with T gaining the advantage until the round ends. As the ref tries to separate them, Orton knocks the ref onto T. Awesome.

Round 2 begins with Orton pushing the pace until T makes the comeback. Piper jumps on the apron to distract the ref as Orton nails a few cheapshots and holds T for Piper only for Piper to accidentally nail Orton. T knocks Piper off and Orton out of the ring. The ref counts Orton out and T is the winner. Okay? After the match, Piper teases a fight with T but Orton jumps T and they beat T down and whip him which Ventura thinks looks like Roots 2.

Thoughts: No Rating Entertaining for what it was and funny as hell. I love how WWF does Boxing matches cause there so blatantly fake it's hilarious. This match and aftermath served it's purpose as it led to the T/Piper Boxing Match at Wrestlemania 2.

Okerlund interviews Mr. T at the entrance and asks if he's alright. T says he is and angry before bringing up the last time he got a beating was at six years old from his mother. He says he'll get Piper. Okerlund says he can't trust Roddy Piper. T says he wants Piper. Ok promo.

We get a replay of the whipping.

Okerlund interviews King Kong Bundy and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan from the entrance. Okerlund asks Heenan if Bundy is ready. Heenan says he's as ready as he'll ever be to take the belt away from Hulk Hogan. Okerlund says Bundy isn't facing Hogan but Bundy says he wants him. Heenan says they want Hogan and he has a contract and will sign it anywhere, anytime, and anyplace as long as Hogan gives them the shot. Bundy says anywhere and anytime to Hogan. Okerlund tries to bring up Bundy's match but Heenan scoffs it off saying they'll meet their commitment. which sows the seeds for later on. Good promo from Heenan for a few reasons with the first being it shows their arrogance in that they're overlooking Gatorwolf while the second is it sows the seeds for later which is important.

King Kong Bundy (w/Bobby "The Brain" Heenan) vs. Steve Gatorwolf- Bundy hits a knee to the stomach start and hammers away with forearms. Bundy rams Gatorwolf into the turnbuckle and chops him. Bundy hits an elbow to the back of the head and rams Gatorwolf into another turnbuckle. Bundy whips Gatorwolf into another corner and Bundy finishes with the avalanche at 41 seconds. Bundy then insists on a five count. Afterwards, Bundy grabs the mic and calls Hogan out again.

Thoughts: DUD A squash but it served it purpose in making Bundy look like a monster before the big angle of the show.

Okerlund interviews the Magnificent Muraco at the entrance and says Bundy wants what he's got, a shot at Hogan. Muraco claims everybody wants what he's got. Okerlund asks if that's why Muraco seems agitated. Muraco denies being agitated and says Mr. Fuji is sick with the flu and accuses Hogan of being behind it. Okerlund jokes it's the Asian flu and then says Muraco won't have a manager. Muraco says Fuji went out and got Bobby Heenan so Heenan will fill in as his manager. Heenan comes in as Okerlund says this will be a conflict of interest. Heenan disagrees because Fuji is a very good friend of his and he'll add support to anyone who is in the opposite corner of Hogan. Solid promo as things continue to get very interesting.

We go to the back with Fuji laying down supposedly sick.

Okerlund interviews Hulk Hogan at the entrance and says they know of Hogan's past matches with Muraco. Hogan says when you're the champion, you have to expect anything and everything and all he has to say is he's ready. Okerlund asks if there's any concerns about Muraco tonight with Hogan saying the thing on his mind is the Heenan/Fuji switch and thinks there's something fishy going on but the Hulkamaniacs will keep an eye out for him tonight. Okerlund says Heenan can be a source of distraction but Hogan says it's more than that as he can mess your concentration up but they'll have to do more to take this WWF Title away from him as they'll have to break him and no man alive has done that yet. Another solid promo as Hogan is on the right track about something fishy going on.

WWF Championship: Hulk Hogan (c) vs. Magnificent Muraco (w/Bobby "The Brain" Heenan)- Hogan comes out to "Real American" and judging from Vince and Ventura's comments, this is probably one of, if not, the first time Hogan's used it.

Hogan attempts to tie up but Muraco hits the stomach and Mongolian chops Hogan into the corner. Muraco rams Hogan into the turnbuckle pad. Muraco works over Hogan with back rakes and forearms. Muraco hammers Hogan in the corner as the fans chant "Hogan". Hogan reverses an irish whip to the corner and catches Muraco coming out with a back body drop. Hogan starts raking Muraco in the back. Heenan jumps on the apron, only to get knocked off by Hogan. More back raking and Hogan knocks Muraco down with a punch. Hogan works Muraco in the corner. Hogan whips Muraco to another corner and follows with a charging clothesline with Muraco timbering out of the corner. Hogan hits an atomic drop and Muraco is sent over the top and to the floor. Hogan follows out and rams Muraco on the ring apron. Hogan breaks the count and throws Muraco back in. Slugfest which Hogan wins and Hogan pins for 2. Hogan hits a headbutt and applies a bearhug.

Muraco eventually escapes with a headbutt and a kick to the stomach. Muraco hits a leg drop and a knee drop for 2. Another kick to the stomach. Muraco drops the asian spike and nails a knee lift. Another knee lift and an elbow drop follow as the fans chant “Hogan”. Muraco drops a headbutt to Hogan's stomach. Hogan gets raked with Muraco's boot laces. Side Russian Legsweep and a second rope asian spike follow. Kick to the head gets 2 as Hogan hulks up. Muraco's offense is not sold. Hogan nails the punches and whips Muraco into the corner. Hogan follows with a charging elbow. Hogan whips Muraco to the ropes and catches him with the big boot. Hogan comes off the ropes with the leg drop but Heenan runs in to attack Hogan for the disqualification at 6:53. After the match, Hogan starts choking Heenan until Bundy comes out to attack Hogan. Hogan is set up in the corner with Muraco holding Hogan arms on the outside, allowing Bundy to nail 3 avalanches. Muraco sets Hogan up in the middle and gives last rites while Bundy hits a splash with Muraco assisting. Muraco turns Hogan over and Bundy hits another splash with Muraco assisting. The heels leave as the British Bulldogs and Pedro Morales come to check on Hogan. Hogan gets stretchered out.

Thoughts: *** Good TV world championship match, wouldn't have minded seeing it go longer. Hogan and Muraco are a good fit since Hogan is a natural babyface while Muraco a heel. I enjoyed both on offense and Muraco took a nice bump to the outside with the atomic drop. Crowd was into it as well which is good. The aftermath was great as Heenan and Bundy's plot comes together and we got a hot set up for the main event for Wrestlemania 2.

After the commercial, Hogan gets sent to an ambulance with Monsoon riding along.

We get a pre-recorded interview where Okerlund interviews The Dream Team and “Luscious” Johnny V. Okerlund brings up the non title victory over the British Bulldogs but Johnny writes it off as a non title and they were just scouting the Bulldogs but that tonight, they got it all together as it's a title match before Johnny calls the Bulldogs “limies”. Okerlund asks Valentine how they will counter the speed advantage of the gymnastic Bulldogs. Valentine claims they're a circus act and tonight, everyone will find out who the real champions are. Beefcake says they're the toughest and best looking around and don't forget it. Nothing special as Johnny V never blew me away as a manager and for all the talk of how amazing the old school time was, people forget how much heels resorted to cheap heat like ethnic slurs. Valentine and Beefcake were short and nothing special.

We get a clip from the Feburary 1, 1986 edition of Championship Wrestling where the Bulldogs won a non-title match over the Dream Team.

WWF Tag Team Championship: The Dream Team (w/"Luscious" Johnny V) (c) vs. The British Bulldogs (w/"Captain" Lou Albano)- As mentioned, the Bulldogs won a non-title match a month earlier to earn this shot. The champs come out to "We are the Champions" from Queen. Valentine and Smith start out by shoving each other. Valentine attempts a kick but it's blocked and Smith hits an atomic drop with Valentine being propelled into Dynamite who gets a headbutt in. Smith hits a headbutt and goes for a pin but Valentine gets his foot on the rope. Valentine rolls to the apron but Smith suplexes him back in for 2. Tag to Dynamite as the Bulldogs double team whip Valentine to the ropes and catch him a double team shoulder block. Dynamite nails a headbutt for 2. Dynamite gets a side headlock but Valentine is still able to tag Beefcake. Dynamite gets whipped off and runs into Beefcake. Dynamite works Beefcake over to a pop and rams Beefcake into the turnbuckle. Dynamite continues to work over Beefcake in the Bulldogs corner as Dynamite tags Smith. Smith lifts Beefcake by his wrist and slams him to canvas twice to a good pop. Smith whips Beefcake to the ropes and catches him with an elbow.

Tag to Valentine who attempts a punch but Smith blocks, gets his own, and hits a gorilla press slam for 2. Dynamite tags in and they hit Valentine with a double team headbutt. Dynamite drops the knee twice and stomps away. Dynamite hits a belly-to-back suplex to a pop and drops a headbutt for 2. Dynamite hits a second rope knee drop and a forearm. Tag to Smith who exchanges forearms with Valentine until Valentine comes off the ropes with one and Smith comes off with a dropkick to a big pop. Smith gets a small package for 2. Smith gets Valentine to the corner. Tag to Dynamite who hits Valentine with a forearm but Valentine hits an inverted atomic drop. Tag to Beefcake who stomps on Dynamite's stomach. Valiant climbs onto the apron while Beefcake and Dynamite are fighting but Albano pulls him off as Beefcake hits an elbow. All four leave the ring to separate their managers as we go to commercial. We're back as Beefcake gets trapped in the corner and Dynamite tags Smith. Dynamite holds Beefcake for Smith to come off the top turnbuckle with a missile dropkick. Smith nails a splash for 2. Beefcake fights back and tags Valentine as they both stomp on Smith.

Valentine hooks the Figure Four Leglock but Dynamite gets a leg drop to break it to a big pop. Tag to Dynamite, who works over Valentine into the corner. Valentine eventually fights out and hits a bionic elbow. Second rope elbow drop gets 2. Shoulder breaker gets 2. Dynamite gets rammed into Beefcake's boot and Valentine tags out. Beefcake knees Dynamites in the corner, hits a snapmare, and comes off the ropes with a jumping stomp for 2. Tag to Valentine who drops a forearm for 2. Valentine attempts the figure four but Dynamite kicks him off and into the corner to a big pop. Valentine climbs the turnbuckle but gets thrown off. Dynamite climbs and hits a missile dropkick but Valentine gets his foot on the ropes for 2. Clothesline gets 2. Snap suplex but Beefcake breaks the pin at 2. Smith dropkicks Beefcake out. Valentine gets whipped into the ropes as he and Dynamite collide into each other and Valentine falls on top for the win at 12:00.

Thoughts: ** Decent match with a the creative finish and hot crowd though probably the weakest of the major Wrestlemania 2/SNME matches these two teams had in 1986. The match was probably at it's best with the Bulldogs on offense and Dream Team bumping though the Dream Team had their moments. The only negative was the match got repetitive with Beefcake's stomps and Dynamite's headbutts. Finish was good as it opened the door for a rematch. Once again, this would set up a rematch at Wrestlemania 2.

Okerlund is outside the hospital and says Hogan is in there but they can't bring cameras or microphones in. He says they'll try to have an update as soon as they have any information.

We get the Real American music video featuring Hogan and it's awesome. Gotta say, I feel this version of Real American sounds a bit different like it's a little heavier or louder. Can't put my finger on it but I like it.

We get a pre-recorded interview with Okerlund interviewing Adrian Adonis and Jimmy Hart with Okerlund saying to Adonis this is his first appearance on Saturday Night's Main Event. Adonis says he wants to say hi to all the little people out there. Okerlund brings up JYD and Adonis says he always hated dogs and that they'll send him back to the fire hydrant. Okerlund asks for Hart's comments and Hart says they have a surprise. Another lackluster promo.

Junkyard Dog vs. Adrian Adonis (w/Jimmy Hart)- Oh boy, to quote Jim Ross, this is going to be bowling shoe ugly. JYD can carry anyone to a bad match so the last person he needs to wrestle is an overweight and out of shape Adrian Adonis. Speaking of Adonis, he's now into his androgynous “Adorable” gimmick. JYD still has "Another One Bites The Dust" as his theme.

Adonis showboats to start and JYD responds with a snapmare using Adonis' scarf. JYD whips Adonis into the ring post. JYD hits a headbutt and Adonis gets caught in the ropes. JYD gets a few shots until the ref separates them. Adonis gets slingshot back in the ring. JYD whips Adonis to the ropes and catches him with a clothesline for 2. JYD drives Adonis' head into his knees. Adonis starts to make a comeback with some punches and a bitch slap. JYD reverses an irish whip and Adonis does a flair flip out of the ring. Hart heads over to console Adonis but JYD headbutts Hart into Adonis. Fans chant "JYD" as JYD and Hart have a tug-o-war resulting in Adonis and Hart being dragged back in. JYD hits a headbutt on Adonis and grabs Hart. JYD whips Hart into Adonis and both go over and out to a big pop as we go to commercial. We're back as Adonis rolls back in. JYD nails a headbutt and a right hand but Adonis gets his foot on the rope for 2. JYD drops a headbutt but misses and Adonis distracts the ref as Hart ties JYD's leg to the rope with a scarf. Hart distracts the ref as Adonis drops an elbow and chokes JYD. More choking until the ref pulls Adonis off which distracts the referee long enough for Hart to hit a cheap shot. Adonis drops a forearm and chokes until the ref pulls Adonis off. Adonis gets a knee drop for 2 as the fans chant "JYD". Adonis attempts a piledriver but JYD's feet hit the ref. Adonis signals for Hart who climbs the apron with his megaphone but JYD reverses a whip and Adonis goes into the megaphone and JYD gets the win at 8:45. After the match, JYD goes after Hart but Adonis jumps JYD with the megaphone.

Thoughts: * Ok match that was better than I thought, mostly thanks to Adonis bumping around everywhere. Again, the fans were into it. File it under the “better than it had any right to be” category.

Okerlund interviews Hogan's doctor who announces Hogan has an injured back, ribs, and neck but no internal bleeding. He says they'll take him to get X-rays to see if there's any fractures.

Vince and Ventura then recap the show with Vince announcing that Hogan has announced he'll leave the hospital in a matter of hours and no one will keep him down.

Vince and Ventura announce the next SNME before signing off.

Final Thoughts and Verdict
This was probably the best SMNE to date. It features a few good matches in the title matches and accomplishes it's purpose by hyping and setting up the three main matches for Wrestlemania 2. Usually, shows this close to a PPV and is mostly used to hype the PPV can come off weak but this show was pretty good. The only negative was Ventura getting annoying on commentary constantly saying how the referee shouldn't count certain pinfalls.


Saturday Night's Main Event V Facts-
First Saturday Night's Main Event to feature a boxing fight.

The only 1986 episode of Saturday Night's Main Event that did featured a Tag Team Championship match that was not two out of three falls.

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