Monday, May 2, 2022

WWF Saturday Night's Main Event IV Review

WWF Saturday Night's Main Event IV Review
June 13, 2012 (edited May 1, 2022)
By Ryan Porzl

Event: Saturday Night's Main Event IV
Tagline: None
Date: January 4, 1986
Location: Tampa, Florida
Live or Tape: Taped (December 19, 1985)
Arena(s): USF Sundome
Attendance: Unknown
Announcers: Vince McMahon, Jesse "The Body"Ventura, and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan (first match only)
Interviewers: "Mean" Gene Okerlund and Jesse “The Body” Ventura
Broadcast: NBC

We start with clips of Hulk Hogan & "Mean" Gene with Hogan preparing for his famous python protein as it's his gasoline when he gets ready for that no good rattlesnake Terry Funk but he tells Okerlund not to tell Funk the recipe as they try it. We then see Roddy Piper, Jesse Ventura, and the Hillbillies on the beach with Piper looking out with binoculars saying they're getting their yearly bath while Ventura says he thought he smelled bacon. Piper says he's worried about one thing but Ventura asks what's there to worry about with Piper saying after tonight Humphrey the humpback is going to be out of a job as we go to the intro.

Vince and Ventura open the show with Vince running down the card while Ventura brags about stepping in the ring to back up what he says and how other sports announcers wouldn't do it. Vince says he's happy he won't have to listen to Ventura's lopsided commentary but due to Ventura's upcoming match, he went out and got Bobby "The Brain" Heenan to fill in during the match.

"Mean" Gene Okerlund interviews "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, "Cowboy" Bob Orton, & Jesse "The Body" Ventura with Piper saying you got guys who's idea of a good time is eating the feet of pigs and play the banjo. He says he's saving America because who would want Elmer as their uncle and says these jerks asked for it for jumping Ventura 2-on-1. Ventura says the Hillbillies are going down and are bad news in a dream tonight. Pretty solid promo.

Okerlund then interviews the Hillbillies as Jim says they're professional athletes and they'll behave like professional athletes but their family honor is on the line and they'll do whatever it takes to win this match, no matter what. Short but to the point.

Roddy Piper, Bob Orton, and Jesse Ventura vs. Hillbilly Jim, Uncle Elmer, and Cousin Luke- This feud of course began at the second SNME when Piper and Orton interrupted Uncle Elmer's wedding while Ventura made insulting comments on commentary. Cousin Luke was a replacement for Cousin Junior as Junior was fired during this time supposedly due to a drug addiction. Luke wasn't anything big in the business and was mostly a journeyman. This is probably the biggest match Ventura did after he suffered blood clots back in September 1984 which led to him transitioning to commentary.

Ventura and Elmer start with Ventura raking the eyes of Elmer and hammers away in the corner with forearms and punches. Ventura chokes Elmer until Elmer gets a right hand. Another right hand and Elmer gets a throat toss to a pop. Ventura gets rammed into Jim's boot. Tag to Jim who gets a side headlock but Ventura whips him to the ropes and catches him with a knee to the stomach. Tag to Piper who gets some shots until Jim tags Luke. Piper offers a handshake which Luke accepts and then kicks Piper. Luke works over Piper until Piper takes advantage. Tag to Orton with Piper and Orton double team whipping Luke to the ropes and catching him with a double team elbow. Orton works over Luke by dropping fist and throat chops. Tag to Piper who chops the throat and hits a knee lift. Ear clap and Piper tags Orton. Luke fights back with a headbutt but Orton tags Ventura and holds Luke to prevent him from tagging.

Ventura hits a snapmare and steps on Luke's face. Tag to Piper, who slaps and eyepokes Luke. Tag to Orton who comes off the top rope with a diving bionic elbow and tags Piper. Luke makes the false tag to Jim but the ref doesn't see and won't allow it. Illegal switch to Orton, that the referee allows for some dumb reason, who hits a bodyslam and tags Piper. Luke finally makes the hot tag to Elmer. Slugfest erupts until Elmer applies a bearhug to a pop. Piper rakes the eyes as all six are now in the ring. The Hillbillies clear the ring as we go to a commercial break. We're back as the brawl resume until eventually the ref regains control and Jim & Piper are left in the ring. Piper hits some headbutts but Jim no sells them and hits his own. Piper attempts a tag but Jim prevents him from reaching due to an arm wringer. Piper slaps Jim a few times and Jim gets another arm wringer but Piper sends him to his corner.

Tag to Ventura who gets a forearm to the back. Tag to Orton who comes off the ropes with a bionic elbow to the back while Ventura had a front facelock. Tag to Piper but Jim blocks a punch, hits his own, and makes the hot tag to Luke. Luke cleans house with double ax handles until Piper gets the Sleeper hold. All six are once again in the ring with Elmer hitting Ventura with several avalanches in the corner while Orton hits a dropkick on Jim. Luke escapes the sleeper as the referee tries to control Jim but Luke gets nailed attempting to come off the ropes by Orton's cast. Piper reapplies the sleeper and Luke is out at 8:00.

Thoughts: ** Decent match, nothing bad but nothing great. The match felt a little weird as it was a six man tag but it felt like an average tag with Jim/Luke vs. Piper/Orton. I didn't get the reason behind Elmer and Ventura there but then again, Elmer was never good to begin with so the less he's in the better. Ventura was a weird case as he supposedly recovered from his blood clots by this point and I know he was never considered a good wrestler and he didn't like taking bumps but he did very little. It reminded me of Andre or an aging legend on their last legs as he did very little with Piper and Orton doing most of the work. This match was largely the end of the road for Ventura as he continued working house shows till March before retiring altogether from the ring.

We go to Okerlund hosting a waterslide competition between Junkyard Dog and Jimmy Hart with JYD winning.

Ventura interviews Terry Funk from the water park. Funk says after he beats Hogan, all the national press will be taking his picture and he's there because he wants a great tan for Sports Illustrated. Ventura says they might not be there but Funk says they better because he wants to be on the cover of Sports Illustrated just like Hogan and if he's not, he'll fry everyone with his branding iron. Decent promo

Gorilla Monsoon narrates a Special Report which features a previous match between Hulk Hogan and Terry Funk from November 15th in Denver and Funk branding Hogan after the match.

Okerlund interviews Hulk Hogan who says Funk busted him with the branding iron then humiliated him and all of Denver when Funk branded him. He says he has a surprise to make sure that doesn't happen again. Hogan brings in the Junkyard Dog and says JYD will be in his corner to make sure that doesn't happen again. JYD says he has a lot of plans for these boys, Hogan will do his thing, and he can see very well. Okerlund says JYD will probably keeping an eye on Jimmy Hart and JYD says he will. Another short but decent promo. Bringing in JYD makes sense giving his rivalry with Funk.

WWF Championship: Hulk Hogan (c) (w/Junkyard Dog) vs. Terry Funk (w/Jimmy Hart)- Tie up to start with Funk getting Hogan to the corner. Irish Whips are reversed until Hogan gets one on Funk, follows with a clothesline, and Funk rolls out of the ring. Back in, Funk gets some chops but Hogan reverses an irish whip, drops down to canvas, Funk comes off the ropes, jumps over, runs into the rope and nearly falls out of the ring but is able to maintain his balance until Hogan clotheslines him out anyway to a pop. Back in, Hogan gets a side headlock but Funk whips him to the ropes to escape. Funk attempts to drop down to the canvas but Hogan proceeds to run the ropes all the while running on top of Funk until Funk bails. Funk tosses a chair into the ring in frustration but Hogan proceeds to sit on it and call him back in. Back in, Funk gets Hogan to the corner and nails some chops but Hogan counters by sending Funk to the corner and hits some punches.

Hogan whips Funk to another corner with Funk flair flipping onto the apron and Hogan snapmares him back into the ring. Belly-to-back suplex gets 2 for Hogan. Funk comes back with a headbutt and a low blow. Funk climbs to the top turnbuckle but Hogan shakes the ropes and Funk crotches himself. Hogan hits an atomic drop and a headbutt. Hogan whips Funk to the ropes and comes off the other side with an ax bomber and follows with an elbow drop as the crowd pops. Hogan applies a side headlock but Funk whips him to the ropes and Hart grabs Hogans leg which leads to Hart running underneath the ring to escape Hogan and JYD. Back in, Funk starts choking Hogan with his wrist tape behind the referee and nails a piledriver for 2. Funk works over Hogan as the fans rally behind Hogan until Hogan hulks up. Hogan hits some punches, whips Funk to the ropes, and catches him with an elbow. Hogan whips Funk to the ropes, catches him with a big boot, and Funk falls to the apron.

While JYD argues with the ref, Hogan attempts to suplex Funk in but Hart hits him with the branding iron and Funk falls on top but Hogan gets his foot on the rope for 2. JYD headbutts Hart as Funk starts arguing with the ref believing he won which allows Hogan to recover and finish with a running clothesline 8:30. I thought we were in Florida, not Japan with that finish. Afterwards, Funk throws a few chairs in the ring and drags Hart to the back.

Thoughts: *** Pretty good match with some good action though I kinda wished Funk had a little more offense but then again, it was probably for the best as Hogan was better on offense while Funk was good staggering and bumping around. I also like the finish was a little different instead of the usual Hogan finish as Hogan starting to hulk up from the punches instead of the piledriver and the clothesline was different than the leg drop. Also, Funk throwing chairs around was interesting in 1986 WWF. I wouldn't have minded more. The only weakness I saw was the stuff with Jimmy Hart got distracting at times and while a good match, it's not as good as Hogan's other dream matches like against Harley Race and Ric Flair years later.

Okerlund interviews Hogan in the ring with Hogan telling Funk to drag his dead manager away and then says he hasn't had enough before calling Funk back. Okerlund talks with JYD and brings up JYD kept his eye on Hart. Ok segment.

We get a video package showing George "The Animal" Steele since the first SNME and everything that's happened since then.

We're back at the water park with Okerlund interviewing "Captain" Lou Albano and George "The Animal" Steele. Steele comes off the waterslide and Okerlund asks Albano is Steele is suffering from ring rust to which Albano asks because of the water to which Okerlund explains the meaning of ring rust and asks if Steele will be ready. Albano says he'll be 100% mentally and physically. Don't care for Steele and Albano was alright.

Ventura interviews "Macho Man" Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth at the water park. Ventura asks if their preparing for tonight against Steele. Savage asks why he should prepare to which Ventura says Savage never wrestled him and Steele is a little different. Savage asks Ventura what his nickname and Steele's nicknames are before asking why a real man would be afraid of an animal. Savage then says he's here to teach Elizabeth how to swim before throwing her into the water. Interesting segment and a bit entertaining.

Randy Savage (w/Miss Elizabeth) vs. George Steele (w/"Captain" Lou Albano)- Before the match, Elizabeth holds the ropes for Savage but while Savage is distracted and starts arguing with fans, Steele starts hitting on Elizabeth and develops a crush on her. Interesting note: Dean Malenko is the referee. Apparently, the future Iceman did some ref gigs for WWF during this time when they went to Florida.

Savage bails and stalls to start. Back in, Steele does his stupid taunts and Savage bails again. Back in, they tie up and Steele tosses Savage over and out to a pop. Steele goes out after Savage but gets distracted by Elizabeth. Savage considers a top rope double ax handle but Steele gets out of the way. More stalling until Steele comes back in and Savage jumps him with a double ax handle. Savage gets a front facelock and hits several knees but Steele comes back with some forearms and stomps. Savage bails and pulls Steele out. Savage works over Steele but Steele starts coming back and then proceeds to chase Savage until he hides behind Elizabeth. Back in, Steele gets a bodyslam, bites the turnbuckle padding to a big pop, and force feeds the stuffing to Savage. Steele gets distracted by Elizabeth long enough for Savage to climb the top turbuckle and hit a diving double ax handle for the win at 4:06.

Thoughts: -* Fucking awful match. Very little wrestling, tons of stalling, and add to the fact Steele was way past his prime while Savage was still in Memphis Wrestling mode with the cheap, fucking stalling tactics. Sadly, Vince didn't get the hint and we would be subjected to more horrific garbage rematches including the atrocious Wrestlemania 2 encounter.

We then go back to the water park with Hogan and Okerlund as they introduce a 1985 Highlight Video with Billy Ocean's "When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going".

Okerlund interviews Nikolai Volkoff, "Classy" Freddie Blassie, and the Iron Sheik with Volkoff saying the Russians are peaceful people and won't stop till they bring peace to the whole world. He says this match is the first to end American militarism by superior wrestling. Sheik does his usual bit while Blassie says tonight will prove America is a paper tiger. Okerlund brings up Sheik isn't going to be in the ring and asks why Sheik is here to which Blassie says it's because to lend moral support as Sheik is friends with Volkoff. Another ok promo.

We clips of Corporal Kirchner's training at the water park. Ventura interviews Kirchner and asks him why he feels at home anywhere to which Kirchner says because the United States military has given him the finest training and survival anywhere possible. He says he's going to survive and prevail. Ventura reminds Kirchner that it's a Peace Match so his combat skills are not allowed but Kirchner says it's going to be a professional wrestling match, may the best man win but he's going into a search and destroy mission and coming out ahead. Ventura tells him to cool off and asks Kirchner to show the people the proper way to enter the water to which Kirchner proceeds to zipline into the pool. An ok promo with the zipline into the pool being different.

Peace Match: Nikolai Volkoff (w/"Classy" Freddie Blassie & The Iron Sheik) vs. Corporal Kirchner- Not sure what a "Peace Match" is and they don't give us any rules to go by other than both wrestlers agreed for it to be a scientific match so I'll assume it's a regular match with a fancy name. Tie up to start until they go to the ropes and Volkoff gives a clean break. Another tie up and they go to the ropes with Kirchner giving a clean break. Volkoff gets a waistlock takedown but Kirchner rolls out and applies an armbar and into a side headlock. Side headlock takedown but Volkoff reverses with a school boy for 2. Kirchner still has the side headlock on as Volkoff gets to his feet. Volkoff tries to power out as we get a test of strength as the fans chant "USA". Volkoff gets to the ropes and Kirchner gives a clean break. Volkoff get another waistlock takedown and bridges for 2. Kirchner escapes a bodyslam and gets Volkoff with an O'Connor roll for 1. Another side headlock but they go to the corner and Volkoff gives another clean break. A handshake and Kirchner gets another side headlock, then an arm wringer, and then gets a hammerlock but Volkoff escapes by pulling the leg. Kirchner kicks Volkoff off to the ropes and Volkoff comes off with a cartwheel. Volkoff comes off with a shoulder block. Volkoff comes off the ropes but Kirchner sidesteps and Kirchner catches him coming off with a hammerlock takedown. Volkoff gets up but Kirchner gets a small package for 2. They tie up and go to the ropes but this time, Volkoff cheap shots Kirchner with a knee and nails a hotshot. Volkoff comes off with a knee drop to finish Kirchner at 4:32. After the match, Kirchner clears the ring

Thoughts: ** Decent little match with some nice holds and counters and the finish was set up very good with Volkoff playing by the rules before getting cheap shots to win and that, along with the aftermath sets up a rematch. Speaking of that, these two would rematch at Wrestlemania 2.

We get clips of Magnificent Muraco's attacks on Ricky Steamboat

Okerlund interviews Muraco & Mr. Fuji with Okerlund bringing up Muraco using illegal tactics against Steamboat. Muraco asks if “Little Ricky” is complaining but Okerlund says no but brings up Steamboat will be teaming with JYD. Muraco says if he was a mailman with suspenders that he be worried before asking Fuji what do they do with dogs in Japan. Fuji says in his country, they roast, fry, and boil dogs before saying JYD can have his choice. Medicore promo from Muraco though Fuji was short and alright.

Then, Okerlund brings in Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat and Junkyard Dog with Steamboat saying from Maine to California and Canada to Florida that he's been bushwhacked, hung, and blasted with a chair as he's had everything done to him but one thing they have not done is beat him in the ring. Okerlund brings up JYD as Steamboat's partner to which Steamboat says he's got the best man tonight because he's got the biggest bite of them all before saying Muraco and Fuji have bitten off more than they can chew. JYD says he's going to everything to help Steamboat. A solid babyface promo from both.

Ricky Steamboat and Junkyard Dog vs. Magnificent Muraco and Mr. Fuji- We come back from commercial with Muraco and Fuji jumping Steamboat and JYD with Fuji throwing Steamboat over the top rope leaving Muraco and JYD as the legal ones in the ring. Muraco works over JYD as Fuji bodyslams Steamboat on the concrete. JYD takes control by reversing an irish whip and back body dropping Muraco as he comes out of the corner. Snapmare but JYD misses a headbutt. Tag to Fuji who works over JYD with chops but that doesn't last as JYD gets a bodyslam. Fuji begs JYD off until he nails a chop and tags Muraco but JYD gets a lousy armdrag as Muraco comes in. Bodyslam gets 2. Muraco walks to the wrong corner and gets nailed by Steamboat on the apron. JYD gets a headbutt and Fuji tags in. Fuji gets some chops and a lowblow behind the ref. Tag to Muraco who continues to work over JYD and drops an elbow. Piledriver is attempted but JYD back body drops Muraco to escapes as Streamboat encourages a “JYD” chant. Tag to Fuji who stops JYD from tagging and drops a headbutt to the stomach. Tag back to Muraco who puts the boots to JYD and whips him into the corner but misses the shoulder block by charging shoulder first into the ring post. Hot tag to Steamboat who cleans house on Muraco with chops and a standing enzuigiri. Fuji comes in but Steamboat slingshots Muraco into him. Steamboat hits the diving high cross body off the top but Fuji breaks the pin at 2. Tag to Fuji who attempts a belly-to-back suplex but Steamboat escapes and tags JYD who finishes Fuji with a headbutt at 5:19.

Thoughts: *1/2 Alright match especially with Steamboat and Muraco but Fuji and JYD were ok and I think it would've been better as a one on one match.

Vince and Ventura wraps things up as we go to the credits

Final Thoughts and Verdict
SMNE IV is an alright special. Other than the god awful Savage/Steele match everything was decent to good at best and nothing to go out of your way to see though the matches weren't bad either and Hogan/Funk is a dream match while Ventura worked his lasted televised match. Hogan/Funk is good and a little interesting given that both are legends and rarely wrestled each other on TV. The opening six man is interesting due to the fact it was the last "big" match of Jesse Ventura's career before his retirement. Overall I guess the biggest problem this show was some matches had excess baggage as the six man should've just been Jim/Luke vs. Piper/Orton and the tag match should've been Steamboat/Muraco. I suppose it's slightly worth watching if you ever want to see Hogan and Funk battle it out or Ventura in the ring before his retirement.

Slightly recommended

Saturday Night's Main Event IV Facts
Final televised match of Jesse Ventura

First SNME to feature Bobby Heenan as a commentator albeit as a guest commentator

Only SNME to have a “Peace Match”

Dean Malenko was a referee for some of the matches

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