Sunday, December 12, 2021

WWF Wrestling Classic Review

WWF The Wrestling Classic Review
November 3, 2011 (edited December 11, 2021)
By Ryan Porzl

Event: The Wrestling Classic
Tagline: None
Date: November 7, 1985
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Live or Tape: Live
Arena: Rosemont Horizon
Attendance: 14,000
Announcers: Gorilla Monsoon, Jesse "The Body" Ventura, and “Mean” Gene Okerlund (Main Event Only)
Interviewers: "Mean" Gene Okerlund
Other: Vince McMahon (Tournament Bracket), “Lord Alfred Hayes (Tournament Bracket), and Jack Tunney (WWF President)
Broadcast: Pay-Per-View

For those who don't know or remember, the Wrestling Classic was the first WWF Pay-Per-View event held nationally as Wrestlemania was in select markets. The event featured the Wrestling Classic 16 man tournament as well as Hogan/Piper for the WWF Championship.

We start with the awesome “The Recognized Symbol of Excellence in Sports-Entertainment” WWF logo.

The intro features all the Wrestling Classic participants with "Back In Time" from Huey Lewis and the News playing in the background.

Vince McMahon opens with "Lord" Alfred Hayes and they show the tournament bracket. Hayes hypes the tournament well as the ultimate test for a wrestlers condition.

We now have pre-recorded moments of the wrestlers drawing their opponents. Steamboat praises Davey Boy Smith. Elizabeth draws Ivan Putski which makes Randy Savage pissed and asks her to leave. Mr. Fuji picks Tito Santana for Magnificent Muraco and says Santana is in trouble.

"Mean" Gene Okerlund interviews WWF President Jack Tunney and says it must be a privilege to attend this spectacular event. Tunney says it's a privilege to be here this evening and he's excited as the World Wrestling Federation strives to bring the best to it's people and he believes they outdone themselves. Okerlund and Tunney go along the rules and how it's single elimination, you have to win to advance, and if it goes to a draw then both are gone.

Vince introduces the announcers Monsoon and Ventura who discuss the upcoming event

Wrestling Classic First Round: Adrian Adonis (w/Jimmy Hart) vs. Corporal Kirchner- Adonis still has his biker gimmick at this point instead of his androgynous character. Corporal Kirchner is a "Sgt. Slaughter" type character who, in fact, was created due to Slaughter leaving the WWF and due to Vince hearing Kirchner did actually serve in the 82nd Airborne as a paratrooper. Given Vince's maturity level, I'm surprised he didn't give Kirchner a higher rank to make it look like he was bigger and better than Slaughter. Kirchner never caught on in the WWF but did have a very successful career in several death match companies in Japan such as IWA: Japan, W*ING, and FMW as Leatherface and then Super Leather (based on Leatherface from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre).

Tie up in the corner to start so they eventually break up. Kirchner gets an armdrag and Adonis stalls in the corner. Another armdrag and Adonis stalls in the corner. Kirchner gets a side headlock and gets Adonis down but Adonis eventually escapes with a saito suplex. Adonis gets a few Bionic Elbows. Adonis follows with a snapmare and comes off with an elbow drop. Adonis gets another snapmare and applies a chinlock. Kirchner escapes and works over Adonis in the corner. Kirchner attempts a suplex but Adonis counters with a DDT to win at 3:22.

Thoughts: * Ok match with a nice finish but real short which will be a theme for this show.

Okerlund interviews Adonis and Hart and says Hart has to be delighted with Adonis' victory. Hart says you better believe it. Adonis says they both know the rules, he knows wrestling and he wrote the book. He says Kirchner has to learn the holds as he doesn't know a wristlock from a padlock. He says Adonis will teach him the game. He says he's going to rewrite wrestling tonight because he'll emerge victorious. Ok promo.

Wrestling Classic First Round: The Dynamite Kid vs. Nikolai Volkoff- Blassie is not in Volkoff's corner. Volkoff sings the Soviet National Anthem and then cuts a promo but Dynamite hits a missile dropkick off the top turnbuckle and gets the win at 9 seconds.

Thoughts: DUD It was a nine second match with one move. Kind of a waste of Dynamite's talents.

Mean Gene interviews "Macho Man" Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth and brings up Savage is next against Ivan Putski. Savage brings up Elizabeth drew his name before talking how important the tournament is. He brings up he's ready, he's nervous, and he's hyper. Elizabeth says it's the most exciting night. Okerlund brings up Savage's conditioning with Savage saying he's got so much to burn that he doesn't think anyone can touch “the Macho Man” Randy Savage, he's the number one wrestler, and he's going to prove that. Okerlund brings up Putski having been around for a decade, that he's a mainstay, and great. Savage and Elizabeth agree Putski is strong but Savage is quick as a cat. Pretty good promo.

Wrestling Classic First Round: Randy Savage (w/Miss Elizabeth) vs. Ivan Putski- I'm not expecting much here as Savage would later be great but he was still in heel Memphis mode (which means lots of stalling) at the time while Putski was in his 40s and was never that good to begin with. Savage was only a few months into his WWF career while Putski was a few years away from retirement. Putski is a Polish wrestler (and apparently the first in WWF history) who was a former WWF World Tag Team Champion with Tito Santana in 1979.

Savage climbs the top rope but second guesses jumping, Putski tries to shake the ropes but Savage jumps off, spits at Putski, and bails out. Back in, Savage goes for a full nelson but Putski breaks it immediately, spits at Savage, and Savage bails again to stall. Savage makes Elizabeth stand in a certain corner. Back in, Savage gets a side headlock but Putski whips him to the ropes and Savage comes off with a shoulder block but it doesn't work for Savage as Putski doesn't move and then poses. Savage tries to ram Putski into the corner but Putski blocks and rams Savage instead. Savage goes between the ropes to stall again and then rakes the eyes. Savage works over Putski until Putski grabs a side headlock and punches away Savage. Savage gets rammed onto the canvas. Putski works over Savage in the corner. Savage gets whipped into another corner and Putski gets more punches until Savage pins Putski with his feet on the ropes at 2:47.

Thoughts: DUD Boring match as Putski had nothing interesting and Savage's stalling didn't help.

Vince and Hayes talk about the recent matches until Nikolai Volkoff comes in to complain about being robbed.

Wrestling Classic First Round: Ricky Steamboat vs. Davey Boy Smith- The graphic spells Davey as "Davy". Wrestling sequence to start with Smith finishing by getting a hip toss. Smith pins with a northern lights suplex for 2 but Steamboat bridges out and backslides Smith for 1. Steamboat comes off the ropes, Smith drops down, Steamboat jumps over, comes off the ropes, and Smith gets a gorilla press slam for 2. Smith applies a front facelock and attempts a bodyslam but Steamboat blocks. Another gorilla press slam gets 2. Back to the front facelock. Steamboat hits a stalling suplex which is ironic and comes off the ropes for a splash but Smith gets the knees up. Smith gets 2 dropkicks with the second knocking Steamboat to the ropes. Smith comes off with a third but misses and gets crotched on the ropes. The ref stops the match at 2:53 due to an injury to Smith (not sure if it's real or not but apparently it wasn't).

Thoughts: ** Nice match but once again too short as it ends before it got going. Not sure about the finish. From what I heard, it wasn't a legit injury so I don't know why WWF booked it other than to protect Smith but Smith was a tag guy and losing to Steamboat is hardly a bad thing.

Okerlund interviews Junkyard Dog and says JYD has to be excited. JYD says he can't take Sheik for granted but is excited and thanks God and his daughter for giving him the strength to be here. Okerlund says this has to be JYD's town but JYD says this is the people's town and he's pleased to be there. Okerlund brings up how important it is to have the fan support and JYD agrees as it gives him a drive. Pretty good promo.

Wrestling Classic First Round: The Junkyard Dog vs. The Iron Sheik- Sheik jumps JYD to start and chokes him with his robe. Sheik follows with stomping and more choking take place this time with his head piece. Fans chant "JYD" as he makes his comeback no-selling Sheik's offense and gets some punches and a headbutt. Sheik begs but JYD gives him another headbutt as Sheik bails. Back in, Sheik attemps the full nelson but JYD breaks it and punches Sheik. JYD whips Sheik and comes off the other side with a shitty and weak clothesline for 2. Snapmare but JYD misses dropping a headbutt. Sheik locks in a steiner recliner like camel clutch but eventually lets go when he loses control. Sheik works over JYD in the corner until he tries to push the ref out of the way which allows JYD to hit another headbutt to win at 3:27 to a good pop.

Thoughts: *1/2 Alright match with Sheik looking decent but JYD didn't offer much.

Okerlund interviews Terry Funk and Jimmy Hart. Funk mentions he wants Paul Orndorff and the $50,000 bounty. Then he wants defeat Piper for the title since he believes Piper will win the title. He also plans to show people how smart he is while spitting tobacco at the camera. Famous last words. Kind of funny giving what was to come.

Wrestling Classic First Round: Moondog Spot vs. Terry Funk (w/Jimmy Hart)- Spot is best known for many things as he originally worked with the Honky Tonk Man in the 70s as one of many teams to use the Blond Bombers name. As Spot, he was part of various incarnations of the Moondogs team in WWF and in Memphis where he enjoyed a WWF Tag Title reign in 1981. He's also perhaps sadly known also for being the Moondog who died of a heart attack in the ring while wrestling at Jerry Lawler's Birthday Bash in 2003.

Funk gets on the mic and offers for both of them to get counted out and take a draw since neither wants to fight even though both would be eliminated from the tournament. Both begin to walk back to the locker room until Funk jumps Spot and tries to run back in the ring. Spot stops him and they fight for a few seconds before Funk stupidly backdrops Spot back in the ring giving Spot the countout win at 27 seconds. Oops. Way to show how smart you are, Terry. Funk beats up Spot afterwards with Monsoon and Ventura mentioning Funk got double crossed which is ironic giving Funk is from the Double-Cross Ranch so he should know better or something. I wonder who Funk pissed off to get that result.

Thoughts: DUD What was this all about? I just don't get the idea behind this whole thing. Why have someone like Funk get bounced out by a Moondog in less than 30 seconds for being a dumbass? Especially since there were plans for Funk to face Hogan on the next Saturday Night's Main Event. Maybe they thought the count out loss protected him but he came off like an idiot. The only thing I can see is they didn't want to do another JYD/Funk match but there had to have been a better way to book.

Okerlund interviews Magnificent Muraco and Mr. Fuji. Okerlund tells Fuji that his man will step inside the ring with Tito Santana, the Intercontinental Champion. Fuji says that's very true and tells Santana that he'll be defeated in the hardest way. He says he feels sorry for Santana. Muraco says he drew the main man tonight in the Intercontinental Champion as he's got it all and says he wants to beat the best and he wouldn't have it any other way. Short but solid promo from Fuji and a good one for Muraco.

Wrestling Classic First Round: Tito Santana vs. Magnificent Muraco (w/Mr. Fuji)- Santana was the Intercontinental Champion at this point but the belt isn't on the line while Muraco was coming off winning the first King of the Ring tournament as well as he and Fuji filming their shows "Fuji Vice" and "Fuji General" which appeared on the WWF Tuesday Night Titans show. As a James Bond fan, I'm embarrassed that I didn't pick up for many years that Fuji was dressed like Oddjob from Goldfinger. Too bad, Fuji didn't use his bowler derby as a weapon. These two do have history as Santana ended Muraco's second reign as IC Champion in 1984.

Tie ups to start which Muraco wins. Muraco works over Santana with punches, knees, and rams him in the corner several times. Muraco rakes the eyes and Santana hangs on the ropes while Muraco works him over. Muraco whips Santana to the ropes but misses a clothesline and Santana comes off the ropes with a high cross body for 2. Muraco gets some punches and whips Santana to the ropes but drops his head too soon and Santana comes off the ropes with a sunset flip for 2. Backslide gets 2. Muraco begs but Santana works over Muraco and whips him into the corner with Muraco flipping into the turnbuckles. Santana works the arm with a wristlock. Muraco grabs the hair and tries to whip Santana off but Santana holds on and Muraco gets taken down to the canvas where Santana hooks an armbar. Muraco hits a hotshot and comes off the second rope with a knee drop. Muraco hits a clothesline and a knee drop for 2. Muraco pushes Santana into the ropes with Santana bouncing off and Muraco catching him with a forearm. Muraco gets a powerslam and pins but Santana gets his foot on the rope. The bell rings for some reason and Muraco celebrates until Santana gets a small package for the real finish at 4:16. Jesse cries foul after the match that Muraco wasn't warned the match was still going on.

Thoughts: ** Another decent match with a weird finish but once again too short to mean anything which is a shame as these two are good talents who knew each other well. I wouldn't have minded this going longer. The finish was bizarre and I don't get it.

Okerlund interviews Bobby "The Brain" Heenan who mentions neither of Heenan's guys (Studd or Bundy) aren't part of the tournament but Heenan says that doesn't mean they're not watching from a vantage point. He mentions he's scouting talent and is always on the crest of something important. He says he's here as he's is willing to pay $50,000 to anyone who will finish Paul Orndorff off and has a good feeling he'll pay tonight. Good promo

Wrestling Classic First Round: Paul Orndorff vs. Bob Orton- These two have history as Orton's botched interference at Wrestlemania I cost Orndorff in the main event.

Tie up to start with Orton getting a waistlock but Orndorff reverses and gets an armbar and some arm wringers on Orton's cast arm. Orton misses a punch and Orndorff gets an atomic drop which propels Orton arm first into the ring post. Orndorff rams the arm in the corner and another arm wringer followed by a wristlock. Orton whips Orndorff to the ropes gets but Orndorff comes off with a shoulder block. Orndorff comes off, Orton leapfrogs, Orndorff comes off, and Orton catches him with a side headlock takedown. Orndorff reverses with a head scissors and gets an armdrag takedown. Orndorff works over the arm with wristlocks and driving the knee into it to a pop. Orndorff gets an indian deathlock on the arm. Orndorff whips Orton to the corner but charges into a knee. In a sign of things to come, Ventura keeps mentioning how the fans are cheering for Orndorff but he knows "the real" Orndorff.

Orton drops some elbows and hits Orndorff with a hot shot. Orton works over Orndorff in the corner. Orton whips Orndorff to the ropes but drops his head too early and Orndorff comes off with a sunset flip (after grabbing the trunks for leverage) for 2. Orton comes back with 2 elbows and pins for 2. Orton gets a chinlock and a head scissors but Orndorff rolls out and lands on Orton as the fans rally behind Orndorff. Orton bridges out and gets a backslide 2. Orton hits a beal from the corner but misses a flying head scissors and gets crotched on the ropes. Orndorff comes back and works over Orton in the corner, whips Orton to the ropes, and catches him with a back elbow. Orndorff then drops an elbow as the fans are behind him. Orndorff rams Orton head on the canvas. Orndorff comes off with a punch that sends Orton over and out of the ring. Orndorff follows him out where Orndorff punches Orton back in the ring. Orton heads to the apron but Orndorff catches him until the ref tries to break it up allowing Orton back in the ring. With the ref distracted, Orton adjusts his cast and nails Orndorff with it but gets caught doing it getting disqualified at 6:27. The two brawl afterwards until Orton bails.

Thoughts: ** Nice technical match with a good ending sequence but kind of dull at times.

Vince and Hayes talk about the first round of the tournament and previewing the quarterfinals until Funk comes up and bitches about being robbed while bragging he could beat Hogan, JYD, and Orndorff before threatening to slap Vince.

Wrestling Classic Quarterfinals: Dynamite Kid vs. Adrian Adonis (w/Jimmy Hart)- Tie up to start with Adonis getting a side headlock. Dynamite whips Adonis out of it but Adonis comes off with a shoulder block. Adonis comes off, jumps over Dynamite, comes off, and Dynamite comes back with an armdrag followed by a second and Adonis bails. Back in, Adonis comes back with a kick and a bionic elbow. Adonis slingshots Dynamite to the top turnbuckle. Bodyslam for 2. Ventura leaves the commentary table to talk with Randy Savage. Adonis hits a suplex for 2. Snapmare and a chinlock. Dynamite comes back with a belly-to-back suplex then comes off with a splash but misses. Adonis drops the knee on Dynamite's knee and then a second. Adonis hooks a weak sharpshooter but Dynamite gets under the ropes forcing a rope break. Adonis kicks the knee. Dynamite gets whipped into the corner but catches a charging Adonis with a sunset flip for 2. Adonis kicks the knee and goes for the bulldog but Dynamite pushes Adonis shoulder first into the ring post. Beautiful knee drop follows. Dynamite whips Adonis to the ropes and catches him with a clothesline. Dynamite then comes off with a second rope knee drop get 2. Snap suplex and Dynamite drops a headbutt on Adonis as Jimmy Hart jumps on the apron distracting Dynamite allowing Adonis to get an O'Connor roll for 2 as Dynamite's kick out propels Adonis into the 100 and something pound Hart and for some reason, it knocks him out allowing Dynamite to get the 3 and advance into the semifinals at 6:00 despite Adonis' foot touching the ropes.

Thoughts: *** Good match with a shitty finish. I don't get how running into the small Jimmy Hart would knock out Adonis and I don't get Adonis' leg being on the rope when we already had that type of controversy already with Santana/Muraco. Anyway, the action was good and the moves were nice outside the sharpshooter but not surprising giving Dynamite was always good to great but Adonis was underrated as a talent in his own right. It's a shame Adonis' career went downhill after this due to the androgynous gimmick, his weight gain, and drug problems.

Okerlund interviews Jesse "the Body" Ventura with Okerlund praising the action and talks about Savage/Steamboat coming up. Ventura says the phrase “two heads are better than one” but three are better as you got Elizabeth, Savage, and himself as he's watched the tournament, seen the flaws, and has come back to inform Macho Man. Okerlund brings up Ventura's commentary being prejudiced but Ventura denies it and says he's the man who calls it like it is. Interesting promo.

Wrestling Classic Quarterfinals: Randy Savage (w/Miss Elizabeth) vs. Ricky Steamboat- Wrestlemania III comes early. Savage trash talks Steamboat and then hides behind Elizabeth. As Steamboat turns around, Savage jumps Steamboat to start. Savage whips Steamboat to the ropes but misses a back elbow, Steamboat comes off the ropes, slides between Savage's legs, and hits some chops which makes Savage bail. Savage pulls Steamboat out and hits a few punches before throwing him back in the ring. Savage hits a double ax handle and works Steamboat in the corner punches until the referee separates them. Savage goes to Steamboat but Steamboat gets his legs on Savage's shoulders and hits an ax kick in the corner. Steamboat then sends Savage out with a flying head scissors. Steamboat follow out with chops and an atomic drop. Back in the ring, Savage comes off, Steamboat leapfrogs, Savage comes off but stops himself by grabbing the rope as Steamboat was setting up a chop only to charge into a chop.

Steamboat whips Savage to the ropes but misses another chop and Savage hits a belly-to-back suplex as Ventura rejoins commentary. Savage goes to the top and attempts a double ax handle but Steamboat punches him in the stomach on the way down. Steamboat hits a knee lift and drops several karate chops. Savage rolls to the apron but Steamboat suplexes him back in which looked nice and painful. Steamboat climbs to the top and hits the diving high cross body for 2. More chops as Savage rolls to the apron. Steamboat gets some punches before the ref tries to separate them allowing Savage to get some brass knuckles from his trunks. Savage misses with the knuckles and Steamboat attempts a belly-to-back suplex back in but Savage hits him on the second attempt and pins Steamboat at 4:00.

Thoughts: *** Good and fun match with nice action but nowhere near a great as their Wrestlemania III classic a year and a half later though that can be blamed due to time constraints as this was again too short. Watching this match, it's no surprise these two had a classic a year and a half later as they had a good and fun encounter in only four minutes so you can imagine what they could do with more time.

Okerlund interviews Moondog Spot who isn't speaking English and the interview doesn't go anywhere. Yeah, this sucked.

Wrestling Classic Quarterfinals: Junkyard Dog vs. Moondog Spot- Spot really sticks out like a sore thumb in the tournament. Spot jumps JYD to start and drops a fist. Spot climbs the second turnbuckle but misses a second rope splash. JYD hits some four legged headbutts and then a regular to get the win at 45 seconds with JYD making the count himself as there was no referee.

Thoughts: DUD What the fuck was that? Since when does a wrestlers pinfall count become official? Then again I guess I should shut up and be grateful that I don't need to see these two have a long match.

Okerlund interviews Bobby "The Brain" Heenan with Okerlund saying it doesn't look like Heenan is giving away any $50,000 today but Heenan says you never know. Heenan says he's scouting the best talent in sports and these people are in for a treat. Okerlund then brings up Hogan/Piper coming up and wants Heenan's thoughts. Heenan says Hogan is the biggest name in sports but he feels Hogan is tired and all these title defenses have drained him so he thinks we're getting a new champion tonight. Mixed promo as the first part wasn't needed as we heard Heenan talk about the bounty already but the title match was good.

Wrestling Classic Quarterfinals: Tito Santana vs. Paul Orndorff- Santana has his left leg taped up for this match. Tie up to start with Santana getting a side headlock and a takedown. Orndorff rolls over for 1 but Santana rolls back with the headlock. Orndorff eventually gets up and powers out but Santana gets Orndorff down and applies a head scissor. Orndorff escapes and tries for a headlock but Santana gets another head scissors as Ventura once again mentions "The Real" Paul Orndorff. Orndorff escapes and jackknifes Santana for 2. They get their fists up but no brawling. Orndorff gets a hammerlock and takes Santana down but Santana eventually escapes and applies his own hammerlock but Orndorff goes to the ropes for the break. They get their fist up a second time. Santana gets a side headlock but Orndorff escapes with an atomic drop. Orndorff gets a drop toe hold and hooks a toe hold as the fans are getting restless. Orndorff breaks it up and drops an elbow on the injured leg and continues to work on it. Orndorff attempts a spinning toe hold but Santana kicks him off. They tieup and Orndorff gets a forearm and Santana rolls out of the ring. Orndorff follows out and the two have a slugfest until Santana pushes Orndorff into the ring post. Santana tries to make it back in the ring but Orndorff stops him and both are counted out at 8:00 eliminating both from the tournament and giving JYD a bye into the finals.

Thoughts: ***1/2 Best match of the night so far with good wrestling, Orndorff attacked the leg well, and I like Santana's selling be it the limping and the facial expressions but sadly the crowd wasn't in to it at times which isn't surprising as Santana is on the bland side while Orndorff is usually at his best as a heel. The finish made sense as it protects both guys and gets them out without losing.

Vince and Alfred update the tournament bracket

Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan with Hogan saying Piper is dangerous but he needed that little bit of momentum to get psyched so he sat back and watched this elimination tournament. He says he's ready for Piper and he's happy the whole country gets to see it like Wrestlemania. Hogan tells Piper the whole world will witness when he feels the wrath of the Hulkster as Chi-town has Hulkamania, the USA has Hulkamania, and now it's Piper's turn to feel what Hulkamania feels like coming down heavy on him. Okerlund says Piper might have egg on his face if he doesn't win the title tonight so Hogan says Piper has backed himself into a corner as he hopes Piper is ready because he's going to use every thing he's got to put him down. Pretty solid Hogan-like promo.

WWF Championship: Hulk Hogan (c) vs. Roddy Piper- I love the "Hogan 1986" model of the WWF Championship. Hogan and Piper have a tug-o-war with the belt which allows Piper to jump Hogan when the ref tries to take it. Piper throws Hogan to the outside and Hogan pulls Piper out and they slug it out. Hogan whips Piper over the railing and hits a knee lift as the fans are loud. Back in the ring, they exchange eye gouges with Piper winning. Piper chops at the throat twice and gets a thumb to the eye. Hogan reverses a whip to send Piper to the corner and follows with a charging clothesline with Piper timbering to a pop. Hogan hits a belly-to-back suplex then a bodyslam. Hogan comes off the ropes with an elbow drop and comes off the ropes with a second elbow drop. Hogan gets some mounted punches and in the corner until the ref grabs his arm to break it up allowing Piper to come back with some shot but gets caught in a bearhug coming off the second rope. Piper escapes by poking the eyes and getting some more punches and pins for 2.

Fist Drop gets 2. Fans chant "Hogan" as Piper whips Hogan to the ropes and catches him with the sleeper hold. Hogan fades and the ref checks his arm but Hogan gets it up on the third check and eventually makes the comeback by dumping himself and Piper over the top rope to the floor. Piper tries to ram Hogan into the ring post but Hogan pushes him to the post. Piper punches Hogan but Hogan no sells and chases Piper back to the ring but not before punching him on the apron Back in the ring, they trade punches until Hogan whips Piper to the ropes and catches him with the big boot followed by an atomic drop. Piper reverse an Irish whip to the ropes and catches Hogan with a double ax handle to the back of the head which sends Hogan into the referee. Piper goes out, grabs a chair and goes back in to nail Hogan with it. Piper tries a second time but Hogan grabs it and uses it on Piper. Hogan applies the sleeper hold on until Bob Orton runs in and attacks Hogan, getting Piper disqualified at 7:00. Heel beatdown takes place until Orndorff saves the day.

Thought: **1/2 Fun match, not great but not bad. Got the job done. The only issue was the lame DQ finish especially for the first World Title match in WWF Pay-Per-View history. If this led to a big blow off at a Saturday Night's Main Event or PPV, then it be cool but it didn't. Then again, for some reason, Piper wasn't known for doing clean losses during this time.

Mean Gene interviews JYD with Okerlund saying the Horizon is popping tonight. JYD says it's going real good as everyone is into the matches and they had some good ones. He brings up the title match and says it was a hell of a match. Okerlund brings up JYD's bye and that Hayes thinks JYD will go all the way. JYD says he hopes so as he's worked real hard for it and he's ready. Jimmy Hart comes in to interrupt to complain about JYD humiliating him at the last SNME to end the segment. An ok promo.

Wrestling Classic Semi-Finals: Randy Savage (w/Miss Elizabeth) vs. The Dynamite Kid- Ah, a match that would have the Internet wrestling fans creaming their pants over and I wouldn't blame them. They tie up several times with no one winning. Gorilla doesn't know who to give speed to but I say Savage since he looks like he took less roids. Another tie up with Savage getting a waistlock takedown but Dynamite scrambles out and Savage bails and stalls by arguing with the fans. Another tie up as they jock for position on the ropes until Savage gets a sucker punch as the referee tries to separate them. Savage works over Dynamite for a bit but Dynamite comes back with punches to drop Savage. Dynamite gets a side headlock, Savage whips him to the ropes, Savage drops down, Dynamite comes off, jumps over Savage, comes off, and catches Savage with a shoulder block to a pop. Dynamite whips Savage to the ropes and catches him a nice back body drop. Dynamite comes off with a high cross body for 2 as they're in the ropes. Savage reverses a whip, drops his head too early, and Dynamite comes off with a sunset flip but Savage hits a seated senton on Dynamite. Dynamite comes off but misses a cross body as Savage ducks out of the way. Savage whips Dynamite to the ropes, misses a clothesline, and both comes off but both hit each other with a clothesline. Savage climbs the top rope but Dynamite hits a great dropkick to crotch Savage to a pop. Dynamite hits a superplex but Savage small packages Dynamite to advance to the finals at 5:00.

Thoughts: *** Good match with some nice spots and finish but it seemed to end just when it started to get going. It's a shame we never got a big match between these two but I guess everything was off alignment be it Dynamite's later back injury, Savage being a singles while Dynamite was a tag team wrestler, and them both later being faces.

The WWF gives away a Rolls Royce so I fast forward. I'm sorry but I don't care.

Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan and Paul Orndorff in the locker room. He tells Hogan it was a real wild one but he expected nothing less out of this Wrestling Classic. Hogan says what's so funny about the whole situation is nobody expected four and a half to five months for it to get done before telling Piper it was round 2 and neither one of them had enough. He then brings up Orton and says Orton wants some too but his brother Paul Orndorff watch each other's back. Hogan says to Piper that anytime they want to step in the ring for round 3. Orndorff brings up how every time they face Piper and Orton, there is always outside interference to put one of them out. He brings up the bounty but says Wrestlemania, “Saturday Night Live” (meant Saturday Night's Main Event), that he and Hogan are blood and you can bank on that. Hogan says Piper and Orton seem to have an ace up their sleeve but that they have a surprise for them. An ok promo.

Wrestling Classic Finals: Junkyard Dog vs. Randy Savage (w/Miss Elizabeth)- Kind of weird seeing the babyface get the bye into the finals while the heel has to wrestle every round but I guess I should be grateful I had to watch only 3 JYD matches instead of 4. Maybe it's because they knew they had something in Savage and they wanted to showcase him.

Savage bails, grabs a chair, and tosses it to JYD who hits his own head with it to show his toughness, I guess. Savage stalls on the apron but enters the ring to break the count only to bail again and stall. Savage once again returns to break the count only to bail again and stall some more. Finally they tie up with JYD easily winning by shoving Savage. A second tieup and the same results. Savage tries a bodyslam but doesn't get it. JYD headbutts Savage's back. Atomic drop and a bearhug follow. Savage escapes by raking the eyes. Okerlund joins for commentary as JYD works over Savage's back. Savage gets caught in the ropes as JYD drops a headbutt and chokes with his boot. Savage gets whipped into the corner but rebounds out with a clothesline and both are down. Savage pins but gets 2. Savage throws JYD out to ringside and Savage follows with a diving double ax handle off the top turnbuckle. 

Savage makes it back to the ring but leaves again and sneaks up behind JYD with a double ax handle.
Savage rams JYD back first into the ring post. Savage hits another double ax handle off the top. Savage heads out of the ring again and hits JYD with a chair. Okerlund thinks Savage should be disqualified for the chair and I can't argue. Savage sneaks out of the ring again and chokes JYD with the railing. Savage drops an elbow and heads back into the ring. Savage tosses JYD back in the ring, climbs the top turnbuckle, and attempts another diving double ax handle but JYD hits him on the way down to a pop. JYD then follows with the four legged headbutts and pulls Savage out of the corner and drops him back first on the canvas. Another headbutt and Savage is stuck on the ropes with JYD working over Savage. Savage escapes and rakes the eyes. JYD reverses a whip but lowers his head too early and Savage comes off with a kick. Savage comes off again JYD back body drops him out of the ring to a pop. Elizabeth tries to help Savage but he gets counted out at 9:00 giving JYD the tournament.

Thoughts: * Mediocre match as it wasn't anything special and Savage's early stalling was dull, sucks that JYD got to wrestle Savage for 9 minutes while Dynamite had to settle for 5, life isn't fair. The booking was good having Savage use underhanded tactics to even things out giving JYD was the fresher. The finish was kind of a shitty way to end a tournament but the WWF had plans for Savage so it probably was to help him save face. Even so, could someone, especially a babyface, win a tournament in a more flat way then getting a bye and then winning the finals by count out all the while the color commentator is bitching about how unfair it is? In retrospect, Savage probably should've won given he had more potential and it was onward and upward for him for the next decade while JYD didn't get much farther. This proved to be JYD's peak in the WWF as he went to the midcard after where he remained for the rest of his run.

Okerlund goes to interview JYD but Ventura heads to the ring to whine about Savage having to wrestle more than JYD did while claiming Savage should be declared the winner.

Vince and Hayes wrap things as we go to the ending credits with "Hulk Hogan's Theme" playing

Final Thoughts and Verdict
This event is at times hard to rate. The Wrestling Classic isn't a horrible event but nothing great to write about but is worth watching for historical purposes so it's the same situation as Wrestlemania I earlier in the year. I only really recommend going out of your way to watch it if you want to see Savage and Dynamite go at it or if you're a huge JYD fan and want to see his biggest achievement in the WWF. Unfortunately, there's not much other than that and the show is very flawed from a booking standpoint as you have several matches that had potential to be good to great like Steamboat/Smith, Savage/Steamboat, Savage/Dynamite, Santana/Muraco, Dynamite/Adonis, etc. but they usually ended way too early. The show's booking with the finishes was lackluster at times and JYD was booked to the biggest lame duck tournament winner of all time getting a bye to the finals and winning on a count out. Worst of all, the show doesn't age well as the tournament meant nothing for JYD in the long run as this was his peak instead of a sign of things to come. If anything, when you watch the finals, you can't help but ask why Savage didn't win giving his potential and the fact he skyrocketed from here. While worth watching, it's doesn't have much replay value.

Mildly Recommended

Wrestling Classic Facts:
WWF's first Pay-Per-View nationally

Held on a Thursday

The last PPV the Junkyard Dog won during his time in the WWF

Junkyard Dog became the first black wrestler to main event a WWF Pay-Per-View. Not counting celebrities or multi-man matches (Royal Rumbles or Survivor Series elimination matches), he would be the last until King Mabel main evented Summerslam 1995.

First WWF Pay-Per-View to feature a tournament. It would be the last until Wrestlemania IV in 1988

First WWF Pay-Per-View to be held in the month of November

First WWF Pay-Per-View in which Randy Savage wrestled not only in a tournament but competed in four matches in one night. The second would be Wrestlemania IV in 1988

First WWF Pay-Per-View to feature a WWF Championship match

Legends such as Randy Savage, Magnificent Muraco, and Terry Funk made their WWF Pay-Per-View debuts at The Wrestling Classic

The Wrestling Classic was the first WWF tournament to have “Classic” in the name as WWE would run the Cruiserweight Classic in 2016 then the Mae Young Classic in 2017 and 2018.

First of only two Pay-Per-Views Corporal Kirchner participated on. Ironically, the other was Wrestlemania 2 where he competed in the Chicago portion which was also held in the Rosemont Horizon.

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