Thursday, March 25, 2021

NWA Starrcade 1984 Review

NWA Starrcade 1984 Review

Starrcade 1984 Review
September 2, 2012 (edited March 25, 2021)
By Ryan Porzl

Starrcade 1984
Tagline: The Million Dollar Challenge
Date: November 22, 1984
Location: Greensboro, North Carolina
Live of Tape: Live
Arena: Greensboro Coliseum
Attendance: 16,000
Announcers: Gordon Solie & Bob Caudle
Interviewers: Tony Schiavone
Broadcast:  Closed Circuit Television

We start with a clip of Ric Flair winning the NWA World Heavyweight Championship from Harley Race a year earlier

Solie and Caudle welcome us to the show and the lights go out for a laser light display with an instrumental Frank Stallone's "Far From Over" playing.

NWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship: Mike Davis (c) vs. Denny Brown- One match in and we begin with controversy. Despite this being for the Junior Heavyweight Title, this was a disputed title as there were two Jr. heavyweight titles floating around with the Cobra being the other champion while competing in New Japan. Davis was awarded the title nearly two months earlier with the claim he defeated Hector Guerrero for it (in reality a phantom title change). Anyway, Brown was a jobber for most of his career though he did get a couple of Junior Heavyweight Championship reigns. Davis is best known for his time in the Rock n' Roll RPMs tag team. The team enjoyed success in several companies like World Class & the GWF in Texas, the Continental Wrestling Association in Tennessee, and the WWC in Puerto Rico. 

The circle to start and Davis gets a side headlock. Brown whips out of it but Davis hits a shoulder block. Davis runs the ropes but Brown catches him with a hip toss. Two flying headscissors follow. Brown gets an armdrag and works the arm. Davis attempts a bodyslam but Brown escapes and attempts to roll Davis up but can't. Brown with another armdrag takedown and armbar. Davis attempts to get up but Brown keeps getting firemen's carry takedowns and continues to apply the armbar. Davis gets up and whips Brown off the ropes but Brown hits a shoulder block. Awkward spot as Brown runs the ropes while Davis drops down and Brown trips and falls out of the ring. Not sure if they botched that or what. Davis is a sport and helps Brown back in by holding the ropes for him which leads me to believe they botched it and this is Davis' way of making sure Brown's alright. 

Davis gets 2 bodyslams and a backbreaker for 2. Another pin gets 2. Brown whips Davis off the rope and nails a forearm but can't capitalize due to his back. Davis gets a small package for 2. Davis works over Brown in the corner. Brown gets whipped to the corner but jumps on the second rope and rebounds with a forearm. Brown gets a back body drop. Dropkick gets 2. Davis gets whipped to the ropes and collides into Brown and they're both down. Brown works over Davis in the corner with european uppercuts. Davis reverses an irish whip and hits a belly-to-back suplex with a bridge but his shoulders are counted down while Brown gets his up for Brown to win at 5:38. Ring announcer Tom Miller screws up by announcing Davis as the winner before correcting himself.

Thoughts: ** Pretty decent opener with some nice action but lame finish, the NWA/WCW armwork didn't amount to anything, and Brown stopped selling his back. If there is one thing I love about 21st Century Wrestling is we don't get that finish spot anymore because it helps no one. It's confuses fans occasionally, and makes the win look like a fluke.

Tony Schiavone is in Ric Flair's locker room, telling us that he will interview the wrestlers throughout the night.

Brian Adias vs. Mr. Ito- Ito was a journeyman who competed in All Japan Pro Wrestling and several NWA territories. Adias was a decently successful wrestler from World Class and was a childhood friend of the Von Erich brothers. The graphic misspells Adias' name as "Adidis". 

Tieup to start until Ito goes to the ropes. Another tieup with Adias attempting to work the arm but Ito gets out. Yet another tieup as they exchange hammerlocks but get another stalemate. Another tie up with Ito getting a side headlock until Adias whips him off. Ito runs the ropes as Adias drops down, then leapfrogs, and finally gets a dropkick. Side Headlock takedown but Ito tries to Adias up for 2. Adias keeps the headlock applied until Ito gets up and tries to fight out and succeeds by taking Adias down with a wristlock. Adias keeps getting up but Ito keeps pulling him down with his hair behind the ref's back. Adias fights out and Ito down. Adias starts working on the arm. Ito tries to bodyslam Adias but Adias still holds on. Ito eventually escapes and chops Adias in the corner. Adias fights out and finishes with the Airplane Spin at 4:00 to a pop.

Thoughts: * Mediocre match with nothing special happening and at times felt awkward. I don't get the use of holds in a four minute match. This may be the first time I've seen someone win with an Airplane Spin.

NWA Florida Heavyweight Championship: Jesse Barr (c) vs. Mike Graham- Barr is best known for his 1986/1987 run in the WWF as Jimmy Jack Funk and for being the brother of "the American Love Machine" Art Barr. Graham is the son of wrestling legend Eddie Graham & was successful in his father's Florida territory Championship Wrestling from Florida before becoming a road agent for WCW. He's probably more known to 21st Century wrestling fans as that old guy who would say certain wrestlers never drew a dime. The Florida Heavyweight Title is from the CWF promotion. 

They circle and tie up to start before going to the ropes. Graham gets an armdrag and armbar but Barr reverses with a headscissors. Graham escapes and gets a drop toe hold. Graham works over the leg with an indian deathlock until Barr gets a headlock. Graham gets up and escapes with an armdrag and tries to work the arm but Barr grabs the hair to get out and works the arm. Graham gets up and tries to escape but Barr pulls the hair to drag Graham down. Barr continues to work the wrist until Graham elbows out and hits a shoulder block. Graham gets another armdrag and once again tries to work the arm but Barr pulls the hair to regain control and works the wrist. Graham gets back up but Barr drags him into the corner and works him over with forearms. Barr works the wrist using the ropes. Graham reverses an irish whip as Barr goes to the corner and Graham gets a drop toe hold as Barr comes out of the corner. 
Graham gets an indian deathlock and attempts a figure four but Barr escapes. Test of strength which Barr wins. Graham starts to come back but Barr uses the rope for leverage to regain the advantage of the TOS. Graham continues his attempts to power out with getting a few kicks. Finally, Graham gets a firemen's carry and an armbar. Barr gets up, headbutts Graham and whips him off the ropes but misses a clothesline, leapfrogs, and gets caught with a right hand. Graham attempts the figure four but Barr quickly grabs the ropes and bails. Back in, Barr gets a side headlock and attempts a headlock takedown but Graham blocks it until Barr yanks the hair for leverage. Graham rolls Barr up for 2 but Barr rolls out and continues to apply the headlock. Graham gets up and tries to whip Barr off but Barr holds on using the hair. Another attempt but Barr continues to use the hair to hang on. 

Graham breaks it up with a shinbreaker and now goes to work on the leg anyway he can. Figure Four is hooked but Barr reaches the ropes. Barr gets a knee and whips Graham to the ropes but Graham gets a sunset flip for 2. Barr accidentally whips Graham into the referee. Graham gets a small package but no ref. Barr tries the headlock but gets whipped off. Barr gets a shoulder tackle and runs the ropes but Graham catches him with a rollup for 2. Barr reverses into his own and grabs the trunks but still gets 2. Barr misses a punch and Graham nails an atomic drop. Barr goes to the corner and quickly rolls up Graham and gets his feet on the rope for leverage to retain at 11:43. 

Thoughts: ***1/2 Pretty good match. Good back and forth holds with a hot finish, the crowd was into it, and Barr was very good as a cheating heel to the point where I wanted Graham to kick his ass. Must run in the family.

We get clips of Tully Blanchard, Black Bart, and Ron Bass beaten down Ricky Steamboat and Dick Slater.

Tag Team Elimination: The Assassin & Buzz Tyler vs. The Zambuie Express (w/Paul Jones)- I've already talked about The Assassin in my Starrcade '83 review but this was Jody Hamilton. Tyler was a wrestler who briefly competed during the 70s and 80s mostly for Central States Wrestling in Missouri where he won their heavyweight, tag team, and television championship. The Zambuie Express are Elijah Akeem and Kareem Muhammad with the gimmick of being a big black muslim militant team. The team mostly enjoyed success in Championship Wrestling from Florida and Continental Wrestling Association in Memphis holding tag titles in each company. Outside the team, Akeem is best known as Leroy Brown where he held the NWA Television Championship and enjoyed success in promotions like Mid-South/UWF and NWA Hollywood while Muhammed was best known as Ray Candy enjoying success in many NWA territories as well as All Japan Pro Wrestling and WWC in Puerto Rico. He later helped trained future ECW legend New Jack as well as co-train Kane. The stipulations here is the match can't end until both members of a team are eliminated. 

All four brawl to start with the Express bailing quickly. Back in, it's Tyler and Kareem Muhammad with a tie up. Muhammad drags Tyler to the ropes and nails a forearm. Irish whip but Muhammad misses a clothesline and Tyler gets a punch which sends Muhammad to the floor. Back in, The Assassin and Elijah Akeem tag in. Tie up with Akeem getting Assassin in the corner and gets a few forearms. Assassin reverses an irish whip to the corner and nails a right hand. Assassin and Tyler take turns punching Akeem till he bails. Tyler and Muhammad tag in with Muhammad hammering away and choking Tyler. Tyler gets whipped to Akeem's elbow and Akeem tags in. Akeem hits a headbutt but Tyler fights back with punches and gets a pin for 2. All four are in the ring but not for long as Tyler and Akeem fight outside and both are counted out. Assassin and Muhammed continue to brawl until they collide with Akeem falling and Assassin leaning on the ropes. Tyler pushes Assassin on top to win at 5:36. 

Thoughts: DUD Match sucked as it was nothing but punching and I don't know what the reason was to have it be an elimination match especially with the quick finishes.

Tony Schiavone interviews "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes and asks him if this is the biggest night of his life. Rhodes says through out this country, his and Flair's names have been etched in stone throughout the world. He said he told Flair that people have to make a choice and come to find out who's the greatest man alive on this Earth in wrestling. He tells Flair there's no more talking as he's sitting here relaxing because very shortly, one million dollars goes in his pocket, the world title will go in his pocket, and Flair will be yesterday's newspaper. He tells Joe Frazier to keep his nose out of his business. Pretty solid promo though I guess he could've said the world title around his waist instead of pocket.

NWA Brass Knuckles Championship: Black Bart (c) (w/JJ Dillon) vs. Manny Fernandez- Bart is an outlaw/cowboy character best known for his success in various southern wrestling promotions such as NWA/Jim Crockett Promotions, Southeastern Championship Wrestling, Global Wrestling Federation, Continental Wrestling Association, and World Class including holding the world championship in the latter promotion. Fernandez is another successful NWA journeyman having competed for Crockett as well as CWF and CWA along with Southwest Championship Wrestling and WWC. Dillon was a former wrestler who became more well known as a manager specifically for the Four Horsemen as well as an executive for Crockett and later the WWF. Oddly enough, despite being for the brass knuckles title, neither wrestler is wearing any but they have their fists taped up.

Bart gets Fernandez to the ropes but Fernandez blocks two punches and connects with his own. They circle and Fernandez connects with a kidney shot. Jabs and a chop from Fernandez knocks Bart down and he rolls to the corner. They lock up with Bart getting Fernandez to the ropes and connecting with a knee to the stomach and a punch. Fernandez quickly comes back with more punches and chops which knock Bart down again. Bart gets a side headlock and connects with punches. However, Fernandez comes back with a side kick and a chop. Fernandez gets Bart to the ropes but Bart ducks a punch and comes back with his own. Bart whips Fernandez to the ropes and nails a punch. More punching and Fernandez is busted opened. Bart nails a bionic elbow to knock Fernandez down. Another punch knocks Fernandez down. 

Another punch knocks Fernandez down and Barts goes for the mounted punches. For god sakes, are these guys capable of doing anything else besides punching or chopping? To be fair, Fernandez did land a side kick. Bart starts biting Fernandez which amazes me that he can do something besides punching. Fernandez comes back with a chop. Fernandez whips Bart to the ropes and hits another chop. Sadly, Fernandez is all "fuck trying to experiment with different attacks" and goes back to punching. Three punches send Bart over and out in a nice bump. Fernandez follows with a bionic elbow off the apron. JJ tries to encourage Bart to get up and get back in the ring. Bart rolls back in but Fernandez grabs him by the hair and hits another punch. Bart's busted open. Fernandez whips Bart to the ropes and connects with another punch which knocks Bart over. Snapmare and a kneedrop get 2. Another pin gets 2. Fernandez nails a forearm and climbs to the second rope. Second rope punch gets 2. Bart hits a lowblow out of sheer desperation. Bart hits two more punches and pins but gets 2. More punching and Bart gets an elbowdrop. Bart pins but gets 2. Bart shoves the ref and JJ tosses Bart his bullrope. While that's going on, Fernandez gets up and gets Bart in an O'Connor roll for the 3 at 7:35 to win the title.

Thoughts: * Forget punches n' bunches, this match was bunch of punches. This was slightly better than I remember as both bled well and Bart took a nice bump over the top rope. While both did throw occasional stuff in there, my biggest complaint was it was too limited. I understand the title is the Brass Knuckles Title but do something else besides punch. Kick, elbow, headbutt, or suplex.

Tony Schiavone interviews Ricky Steamboat and asks how he's feeling after Blanchard and The Long Riders' attack. Steamboat says everyone is gearing up for this night all year long. He brings up his feud with Wahoo not going his way and how he's now against Tully Blanchard. Steamboat says he's been to the chiropractor and some of his ribs are bothering him and he can put weight on only one side without pain but says everyone has been gearing up for this night and he'll focus on Blanchard instead of the pain. Steamboat is awesome in the ring but he's bland and dull on the mic at times and kind of rambled on. 

Solie and Caudle talk about Steamboat and the upcoming TV Title match.

Tony Schiavone interviews Tully Blanchard and JJ Dillon and asks if they're trying to injure him before this match. Dillon says he's not trying anything and nothing has happened as far as he's concerned. He brings up Bart's loss and says he's been short changed on a raw decision so he's not in a good mood. Dillon accuses some of slandering him, the Long Riders, and Tully Blanchard because there's a difference between pride as a Texan and some conspiracy of trying to end Ricky Steamboat before telling Blanchard he thinks Steamboat is crying because he knows Blanchard is the superior wrestler. Blanchard says Steamboat is making excuses about why he can't win because all their matches regardless of the amount of time has gone the distance and Blanchard has carried him and taken him. He brings up Steamboat being hurt but says Steamboat wants to cry. Blanchard says Steamboat put him in a corner as he can lose the title on a disqualification or count out. He says it's sad someone at the apex of their career has to make excuses on the biggest night of professional wrestling before he gets in the ring about why he can't win. Blanchard says Steamboat is going down and says regardless if it's Ric Flair or Dusty Rhodes, Tully Blanchard is on a path to destiny. Dillon says one thing for sure is, it's Steamboat's problem. Good promo from Dillon and Blanchard.

Solie and Caudle talk about Blanchard and preview the United States Championship match.

Tuxedo/Street Fight/Loser Leaves Town: Paul Jones (w/Elijah Akeem) vs. Jimmy Valiant (w/The Assassin)- I believe this was the beginning of the awful Valiant/Jones rivalry that went on and off over the next two years. My theory for this rivalry was Rhodes trying book all the shit in one pile. Both are dressed in suits for this match. 

Jones starts by running around the ring until Valiant corners him and chokes him with some rope. Valiant ties Jones to the top rope and starts punching away. Valiant starts ripping Jones' coat off. Things start to get ugly as Jones gets stripped to his underwear. And old fossils say you can't take 21st wrestling seriously. Akeem jumps on the apron long enough to distract Valiant as Jones frees himself. Jones jumps Valiant with a knee to the back and hits a kneedrop. Jones continues to drop knees and forearms while Valiant acts like he's having a seizure. Eventually Valiant starts no-selling and gets back up. Valiant gets a running punch and applies the sleeper. The ref checks the arms but before the arm drops for a third time, Akeem jumps on the apron to distract the ref. Valiant hits him off the apron but bumps the ref by accident. Valiant and Assassin double team Akeem until JJ Dillon run in, KOs Valiant with an object, and puts Jones on top to win at 4:35. 

Thoughts: -* Terrible match with nothing but punching and Jones getting stripped to his underwear was shitty icing on a shitty cake. I want to say "Thankfully it was short" but so is getting a needle and it was just as painful.

Tony Schiavone interviews Ric Flair and says it's not just about the World Title and a man he knows very well but it's also for one million dollars. Flair says it's always an honor for any wrestler today is to be the world heavyweight champion but there's something bigger and that's to be the world champion and hold on to for a period of time. He says this is Greensboro, he's won the title here before and traveled all over the world and whether the fans love him or hate him, they know when he steps in the ring, he's the most qualified athlete today to be called the world heavyweight champion. Flair brings up the one million dollars and says it's the biggest purse in professional wrestling and tells Rhodes he better be half the man he tells the people he is because he's jumping on the number one stud in all of wrestling. A good promo.

Solie and Caudle talk about Flair's promo.

NWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship: Ron Bass (w/JJ Dillon) (c) vs. Dick Slater- Bass is a cowboy wrestler who mostly achieved big success for Jim Crockett Promotions, Southeastern Championship Wrestling, Continental Wrestling Association, and Championship Wrestling from Florida winning many titles. He also achieved success in All Japan, Central States Wrestling, Georgia Championship Wrestling, and Pacific Northwest Wrestling while also having a two year run in the WWF from 1987-1989 as "Outlaw" Ron Bass. 

Tieup to start with Bass getting a forearm shot but Slater comes back with chops. Slater whips Bass to the ropes and hits an elbow. Slater leaves the ring to chase Dillon. Back in, they tieup and Slater gets whipped to the ropes but holds on and slides out to chase Dillon again. Back in, Bass charges at Slater in the corner but Slater ducks and gets a side headlock takedown. Bass eventually gets up and whips Slater off and hits an elbow but misses an elbow drop. Another side headlock takedown. Bass rolls Slater up for 2 but Slater rolls over continues to apply the headlock. Bass escapes but Slater hits an atomic drop and Bass rolls out. Bass tries to come back in but Slater hits a four legged headbutt. Bass gets snapmared back in. Slater attempts to stomp Bass but the ref won't allow it giving Bass the chance to rake the eyes. 

Bass hits an elbow to the back of the head and follows with a knee lift.  Slater gets rammed into the turnbuckle several times and stomped on. Bass gets some punches in and distracts the ref for Dillon to get a cheap shot on Slater. Bass hits a suplex for 2. Bass gets a bulldog but Slater comes back with punches and pins for 1. Slater gets a snapmare and grinds his boot into Bass' face. Bass comes back with an eye gouge and throws Slater out of the ring. Dillon stomps at Slater and throws him back in. Bass works over Slater with punches. Slater gets whipped into the corner but catches Bass and throws him in the corner. Slater starts punching Bass in the corner and throws the ref out of the way. Slater hits a belly-to-back suplex and goes for the pin but Dillon runs in and stomps Slater to no effect. Dillon gets bodyslammed and punched out of the ring. Slater gets a bodyslam and leg drop on Bass. Slater goes for the pin but the ref disqualifies Slater at 9:12 for putting his hands on him. After the match, Bass and Dillon try to double team Slater but Slater fights them off.

Thoughts: ** Decent match, nothing amazing but decent back and forth action. Not much else to say. I suppose the finish made sense given what a ticking time bomb Slater was and the match did set that up well with Slater being blinded by his rage regarding Dillon as his temper finally got the best of him.

Ivan Koloff & Nikita Koloff vs. Ole Anderson & Keith Larson (w/Don Kernodle)- The story here is Kernodle was an American Turncoat who was aligned with the Koloffs until he & Ivan lost the tag titles a month earlier to Rhodes and Fernandez and was injured by them as a result. Kernodle and Larson are brothers with Larson eventually changing his name to "Rocky Kernodle". This match should be interesting and I don't know what to think since Ole and Ivan were exiting their primes and Ole is best as a heel. Meanwhile, Nikita was so green that when he joined Jim Crockett Promotions a few months earlier, Crockett told him he would be fired on the spot if he tripped on the ropes. 

Ole and Larson jump the Koloffs to start. Eventually Larson and Ivan are left in the ring with Larson hitting a dropkick. Ole and Larson take turns hitting Ivan with right hands. Larson rams Ivan into Ole's boot and tags Ole. Ole applies a wristlock and tags Larson. Larson comes off the second rope with a forearm to the arm. Larson with a wristlock and tags Ole. Ole works over the arm and tags Larson. Larson drops a knee on the arm and reapplies the wristlock. Ivan tries to tag Nikita but can't. Tag to Ole who bodyslams Ivan on his arm. Ole stomps the arm and tags Larson. Larson gets Ivan to the canvas and drops several knees and elbows on the arm. Tag to Ole who hooks in an armbar. Tag to Larson who gets the wristlock and elbows the arm. Ivan whips Larson off but misses a clothesline and Larson gets a hip toss for 2. Tag to Ole and Ivan gets hit with a double team elbow. 

Ole drops an elbow for 2. Ole continues to work over the arm and rams Ivan shoulder first into the ring post. Ole follows with stomps to the arm. Tag to Larson who reapplies the wristlock and drops several knee to the arm. Ivan starts to come back by getting Larson into the corner. Larson reverses an irish whip into the corner but runs into the knee. Ivan climbs the top rope but Larson recovers and throws Ivan off for 2. Tag to Ole who works over the arm and tags Larson. Larson continues the arm works and tags Ole. Ole wraps Ivan's arm around the ropes until Ivan rakes the eyes. Ivan rams Ole into Nikita's boot and tags Nikita. Nikita chokes Ole on the ropes and sends him to the corner. Shoulder blocks in the corner and Ole gets whipped to another corner. More shoulder blocks in the corner. Ole tries to fight back and tag but can't. Nikita whips Ole to the ropes and catches him in a bearhug. 

Ivan sneaks in a hits a top rope forearm. Ole fights out but Nikita tags Ivan and prevents Ole from tagging in. Ivan hits an elbow and stomps away at the back. Bodyslam gets 2. Elbow drop misses and Ivan tags Nikita back in. Ole starts to fight back but Nikita hooks the bearhug back on as the fans chant "USA". Ole hits an inverted atomic drop and makes the hot tag to Larson. Larson starts cleaning house on the Koloffs with a double noggin knocker. Larson hits an elbow. Larson whips Nikita to the ropes and goes for the dropkick but Nikita holds on to ropes. Nikita nails a clothesline and starts choking Larson. Tag to Ivan who gets a hotshot on Larson and attempts the pin but Larson reverses into a small package but Nikita breaks it up. Ole comes in and now all four are in the ring. Ole knocks Nikita out of the ring. While the ref tries to get Ole back to the corner, Nikita nails the Russian Sickle on Kernodle on the outside. Ole goes after Nikita and the two start fighting. With the ref distracted, Ivan grabs his chain and knocks Larson out with it to get the win at 15:28. After the match, Nikita rams Ole into the post and the Koloffs attempt their variation of the Doomsday Device but Kernodle fights them off with the crutch to a pop.  

Thoughts: ***1/2 Very good match. The psychology was good and I thought the match was booked very well considering the potential weaknesses of the participants. The armwork probably went a bit longer than I wanted but not bad. Larson and Nikita looked solid despite their inexperience. The crowd was also into it at times.

NWA Television Championship/$20,000: Tully Blanchard (c) vs. Ricky Steamboat- Talk about opposites. Two guys who are natural at the opposite position. Steamboat is the perfect never say die, play by the rules babyface. Blanchard is the perfect piece of shit, weasely heel. Anyway, story here is Blanchard interfered and cost Steamboat the United States Championship against Wahoo McDaniel back on June 24th and the two have been wrestling each other in many matches for Blanchard's TV Championship ever since. As shown earlier in the show, Blanchard, Dillon, and the Long Riders injured Steamboat prior to this so he's entering this match with injured ribs. Both have put up $10,000 for this match and Blanchard can't get disqualified or run away for the count out or the title changes hands. Steamboat comes out to "Eye of the Tiger". 

Tieup to start with Blanchard getting Steamboat to the ropes and punching the injured ribs. Blanchard starts hammering away with forearms but Steamboat starts fighting back and we got a slugfest with Steamboat winning. Steamboat hits a snapmare but misses a chop drop. Blanchard bails to the apron but Steamboat suplexes him back in and drops a chop for 2. Steamboat hooks a chinlock. Blanchard tries to armdrag Steamboat off but Steamboat holds on. Blanchard makes it to the ropes to break the hold. Blanchard misses an elbow drop and Steamboat hits a knee lift. Steamboat begins to feel the effects of the injured ribs. Blanchard starts punching the ribs and hits a backbreaker. Blanchard drops an elbow on the back and continues to work over the ribs. Blanchard whips Steamboat to the ropes and nails an elbow to the stomach. 

Blanchard drops several knees to the back. Steamboat gets trapped in the corner but fights out. Steamboat hits a headbutt. Steamboat hits several chops on Blanchard and drops a knee on the back of Blanchard's head. Another knee gets 2. Back to the chinlock. Blanchard makes it to the ropes and nails several knees to the ribs. Belly-to-back suplex and a running punch to the back gets 1. Blanchard attempts a chinlock but Steamboat gets his own until Blanchard reaches the ropes. They circle for a minute until they tieup and Steamboat whips Blanchard to the ropes. Steamboat gets 2 leapfrogs and a powerslam for 2. Steamboat rams Blanchard to the turnbuckle and hits a chop for 2. Steamboat hits the 10 punches in the corner and drops a knee to the back of the head. Another chop gets 2. Chops in the corner and Steamboat nails a swinging neckbreaker for 2. Blanchard's busted open by this point. Steamboat hits Blanchard's own slingshot suplex for 2. Dropkick gets 2. Blanchard goes to the apron where Steamboat continues to punish him. As the ref tries to separate them, Blanchard grabs an object from his trunks. He swings but misses. Steamboat attempts to belly-to-back suplex him back in but Blanchard nails him with the object and both are down. Crossbody gets 2 for Blanchard. Blanchard attempts a superplex but gets knocked off. Steamboat hits a top rope splash for 2. Steamboat tries for a sunset flip but Blanchard gets the object and knocks Steamboat out and pins to retain at 13:17. 

Thoughts: ***1/2 Another very good match with good psychology. It was slow in the beginning but it picked up as it went along. My only complaint was Steamboat stopped selling the rib injury at the end especially after the diving splash but very good otherwise. This was largely it for Steamboat as he left for the WWF a few months after this.

NWA United States Championship: Wahoo McDaniel (c) vs. Billy Graham- Oh boy, this was still the karate period for Graham as he exchanged his tye dye and blond hair for a karate gi and bald head during the early 80s. Graham even comes out to "Kung Fu Fighting". I'm all for reinventing yourself but I'm not sure about that karate gimmick. This was during the period when Wahoo was a heel after being a babyface for so long. Not much of an angle here as Graham returned to the Carolinas during the United States Championship tournament the company held in October which Wahoo won to get the title back.

Test of strength which Graham wins to no shock. Wahoo gets a wristlock but Graham pulls him off with his hair. Tie up goes no where. Second one and Graham shoves Wahoo to the corner. Tie up again and they go to the corner with Wahoo escapes by raking the eyes. Wahoo hits a chop. Wahoo works Graham over and whips him into the corner. Graham comes out of the corner and whips Wahoo to another corner. Full Nelson applied but Wahoo reaches the ropes. Graham whips Wahoo to the ropes and catches him with an elbow. Back to the Full Nelson and Graham lets go to pin for 2. Wahoo gets whipped to the ropes and caught with an elbow. Elbow Drop gets 2. Wahoo starts to come back with chops but Graham gets a side headlock. Graham gets whipped off and to the ropes but catches Wahoo with a shoulder block. Graham runs the ropes but Wahoo hits a chop and retains at 4:15. 

Thoughts: DUD Wow, that was quick. But it was probably for the best since Wahoo was more or less past his prime while Graham's body was deteriorating thanks to years of drug and steroid abuse. Anyway, not much to say as the match was short, forgettable, and finish came out of nowhere.

Tony Schiavone interviews the judges for the main event which include wrestler Duke Keomuka, NASCAR Driver Kyle Petty, and Boxing Legend "Smoking" Joe Frazier who is also the guest referee.

NWA World Heavyweight Championship/$1,000,000: Ric Flair (c) vs. Dusty Rhodes- They circle and tie up to start with Rhodes getting Flair into the corner and giving a clean break. Another tie up with Rhodes getting a side headlock but Flair whips him to the ropes but Rhodes hits a shoulder block. Rhodes runs the ropes, Flair drops down, but after getting up gets nailed with a bionic elbow. Side Headlock from Rhodes but Flair gets to the ropes. Flair hits a knee to the stomach and starts chopping in the corner. Rhodes starts to fight out with jabs and reapplies the side headlock. Flair whips Rhodes off again and Rhodes hits another shoulder tackle. Rhodes runs the ropes, Flair gets a leapfrog, and Rhodes catches Flair with a bionic elbow. Elbow Drop misses. Flair nails another knee to the stomach and works over Rhodes in the corner. Snapmare and knee drop gets 2. Flair works over Rhodes. Snapmare but the knee drop misses. 

Rhodes hooks the Figure Four but Flair eventually reaches the ropes. Flair hides in the corner but Rhodes pulls him out and drops, elbow on the leg, and continues to apply pressure. Flair rakes the eyes to escape and starts punching. Rhodes attempts a side headlock but Flair grabs the wrist and applies pressure. Rhodes fights out and tries to hook in an armbar. Flair fights out and gets several shoulder blocks in the corner but Rhodes comes back with a chop and a bionic elbow. Flair gets a knee to the stomach and runs the ropes but Rhodes catches him with a gorilla press slam. Rhodes chops and we get a Flair Flop. Another bionic elbow but Flair pushes Rhodes in the corner and starts chopping. Rhodes reverses and starts hammering away on Flair. Rhodes whips Flair in the corner and a Flair flip sends Flair over and out of the ring. 

Flair climbs to the apron but Rhodes suplexes him back in the ring despite Frazier trying to separate them. Rhodes pins for 2. Flair whips Rhodes to the ropes but Rhodes shoulder blocks Flair. Rhodes runs the ropes as Flair drops down and eventually catches Rhodes with an elbow. Flair climbs the top rope and anyone who watches Flair's matches knows what's next. Sure enough, Rhodes gets up and throws Flair off. Rhodes misses an elbow drop. Rhodes blocks a punch and gets one of his own. Flair reverses an irish whip and catches Rhodes with a sleeper hold. Rhodes runs around the ring, resulting in Flair losing his grip and falling out of the ring. Flair pulls Rhodes out and the two start fighting on outside until Flair pushes Rhodes into the guardrail. Rhodes is busted opened. Back in, Frazier looks at the eye but Flair comes in with a high knee. 

Snapmare and Flair starts punching at the cut. Rhodes fights back with punches and a bionic elbow. Flair gets Rhodes in the corner and does the 10 punch. Frazier once again checks the eye but Rhodes wants to continue. Flair and Rhodes continue to go at it until Frazier separates them. He checks the eye again and stops the match allowing Flair to retain and win the $1 million dollars at 12:12. After the match, promoter Jim Crockett gives Flair the $1 million dollar check.

Thoughts: *1/2 Alright match that never got going or had that "Big Time Feel" and stoppages due to blood/cuts are bullshit in wrestling. I'm guessing it was one of those situations where Rhodes wanted to be kept strong while Flair got to retain. To be fair, the finish did makes sense as fights in combat sports usually end when a fighter gets a cut above the eye and Frazier probably looked at it from that point of view. Still, a lackluster way to end the main event of the biggest show of the year and something just felt missing here. These two had way better matches.

Tony Schiavone interviews Ric Flair. He says it's unfortunate the way it happened but he told Rhodes and the fans he would go into that ring 120% and don't think Rhodes wasn't. He says it was unfortunate the way he suffered that cut and whether Joe Frazier should've stopped the match isn't any of his business. Flair says he went to that ring to make sure he walked with this (the NWA Championship) and this (the $1,000,000 check) and he's thankful for this evening and to be the world champion before telling us we can count on him being back next year. Very good promo.

Solie and Caudle thank the crew and talk about the match.

Schiavone then interviews Dusty Rhodes who's really pissed and Schiavone says one million dollars and the world heavyweight title went out the window. Rhodes says he has never in his career had a match stopped by any means. He tells Frazier this is wrestling and not boxing. He says we're talking one million dollars and the best we have to offer. He tells Frazier stitches don't mean a damn to him and he'll come for him. Rhodes makes a huge understatement claiming he and Flair aren't done. He says The American Dream will live and continue to live. Another good promo and Rhodes did a good job showing anger.

Solie and Caudle wrap things up as we go to highlights.

Schiavone interviews "Smokin" Joe Frazier and says he's never seen a match stopped due to a cut. Frazier says Rhodes was in trouble and asks how could he continue with a cut like that. He then explains the severity of the cut. Not the best promo but I'm not expecting much.

Final Thoughts
Starrcade 1984 is rare and for good reason as this was a weak show. With the exception of the Florida Heavyweight Title, TV Title, and the Koloff/Ole/Larson tag, everything at worse sucked and at best was decent. Outside of Valiant/Jones, there wasn't anything atrocious but nothing amazing as no match broke the four star range. Overall, this event and especially the main event, was missing that big feel or huge moment making this unquestonably one of the most forgettable Starrcades in history, if not the most forgettable. This event isn't worth your time except for the three mentioned matches and even they weren't incredible match of the year candidates.

Recommended to Avoid

Starrcade 1984 Facts-
Final Starrcade to be announced by Gordon Solie

First Starrcade to have the United States Championship defended

The only Starrcade to have the NWA Florida Heavyweight Championship defended

The only Starrcade to have the NWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship defended

The first appearance of Joe Frazier at a major wrestling event. He would later appear at WWF Wrestlemania 2.

The only Starrcade to have the NWA Brass Knuckles Championship defended

The first Starrcade to have the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship defended

First of two straight Starrcades to have Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes in the main event and the match ending in controversy.

First of four Starrcades in which the United States Championship was successfully defended. The other years were 1988, 1999, and 2000.

The only Starrcade to have a Tuxedo Street Fight Loser Leaves Town stipulation

First of two straight Starrcades in which Jimmy Valiant was in a street fight

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