Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Star Wars Characters Who Should Have Their Own Movie

Star Wars Characters Who Should Have Their Own Movie August 22, 2017 By Ryan Porzl

Since acquiring Star Wars, Disney has had a lot plans for new Star Wars movies. By now it's well known that one of those plans is to make a Han Solo prequel movie. Should the movie be successful, it could open the door for other films. The Star Wars universe has had many great characters but we've never got to see more of their stories. So here now is a list of characters that should one day get their own movie and expand their stories..

8. The Bounty Hunters- Even casual Star Wars fans know about Boba Fett or remember Greedo but what about the others? As established in the main series, there are others including IG-88, Bossk, 4-LOM, Zuckess, and Dengar who all appeared in Empire Strikes Back when Vader put a bounty on the millennium falcon but not much else. While one alone couldn't carry a movie, at least not right now, there can be interest in one with all of them. Maybe Disney and Lucasarts can do something similar to Suicide Squad where someone brings together a bunch of scum and makes them work together on a mission that maybe takes place after Return of the Jedi with them having to do a mission on behalf of those who want to restore the republic or maybe a mission that helps sow the seeds for The First Order.

7. General Grievous- Personally, I found Grievous to be one of the coolest and interesting characters in Star Wars history but outside of the Clone Wars shows, we only got to see him in Revenge of the Sith. Grievious also can have a great story to tell beginning with his time as a Kaleesh Warlord and what led to his hatred of the jedi. A movie can also show how Grievous came to work for the Confederacy specifically for the Intergalactic Banking Clan and what led to him getting his cybernetic enhancements. We can also see his training from Count Dooku and his early days as the "Jedi Slayer" as he built a reputation that sent fear through the Galactic Republic with his ability to not only kill jedi but kill multiple ones at a time. As is the case with some of the people on this list, a movie about Grievous can get us a better understanding as to how he came to be the way he is not just physically but mentally.

6. Qui-Gon Jinn- We saw Qui-Gon in The Phantom Menace where he was the master to Obi-Wan Kenobi and the one who championed the training of Anakin Skywalker. A movie with Qui-Gon would be interesting especially to see his time as an apprentice to Count Dooku which likely shaped the man we saw in The Phantom Menace which was a powerful and wise jedi but also one who was defiant who wasn't afraid to speak his mind and do what he believed was right even if it prevented him from sitting on the jedi council and ruffled feathers. It's also been hinted that Qui-Gon could be a complex man as heard in Attack of the Clones with Dooku believing that Qui-Gon would definitely join him in the confederacy while Obi-Wan believed Qui-Gon would never do that. It would interested to maybe see more of Qui-Gon and get more of an idea of how both men would come to their conclusions.

5. Count Dooku- To Star Wars fans, Dooku is mostly known as Emperor Palpatine's second apprentice who helped form the Confederacy of Independent Systems and served as it's face for much of the Clone Wars but there was much more to the fallen jedi. A prequel can show a different side when Dooku was a proud jedi and former master to Qui-Gon Jinn but also show Dooku's point of view that better explains why he eventually went down the path he did. It can show when he was a padawan to Yoda, himself to his increased unhappiness with the jedi council to the death of Qui-Gon which finally sees him leave the council and make a deal with the devil in Palpatine that leads him to becoming Darth Tyranus.

4. Princess Leia- This one is probably tricky given the recent passing of Carrie Fisher as Disney and Lucasarts probably doesn't want to recast immediately out of respect but it is something to consider in the future. Though Leia is only nineteen when the original began, there could be ideas that can be used especially given how good she is with a blaster, how she can come up with an escape plan as seen going down the garbage chute, and being in the control room at the base on Yavin IV. It's obvious that she's had some training somewhere and maybe even had to use these skills before. There's also the three year gap between the original Star Wars and the Empire Strikes Back. Then there's post Return of the Jedi as Leia would be a big part in trying to restore the republic after the fall of the Empire.

3. Lando Calrissian- A movie with everyone's favorite former card player, former gambler, eternal scoundrel is a no brainer. Lando is already going to appear in the upcoming Han Solo movie and they cast a younger actor so it makes sense. There's also lots of stories you could tell like Lando's story before meeting Han and Chewie, when he still had the millennium falcon, and how he became head of Cloud City on Bespin. Then there's post Return of the Jedi especially since Lando didn't appear in The Force Awakens so it would be interesting to see why. Did he decide not to join The Resistance? Did he return to Cloud City? Did he die? With Lando set to appear in the Han Solo movie, it could lead to interest in his own movie. 

2. Obi-Wan Kenobi- Another obvious one. Keep in mind that I started writing this before the recent announcement that a movie was in development. Obi-Wan has a treasure trove of stuff you can do as far as stories. Obviously, there's prequel films that take place before the events of The Phantom Menace including him originally training to be a jedi to first becoming the padawan learner of Qui-Gon Jinn. Along with stuff before The Phantom Menace, there's also the ten year gap between The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones when he was training Anakin Skywalker and the nineteen year gap between Revenge of the Sith and the original Star Wars where he was on Tatooine. Obi-Wan is not only one of the most well known characters in Star Wars history but his character has proven to be big enough to carry a movie since he was one of the main characters of the prequel trilogy.

1. Boba Fett- Come on, who didn't see this coming? If anything, you can make an argument about a series of movies. For one thing, a Boba Fett movie would almost guarantee big money seeing as how he is one of the most bad ass characters in the history of the series. Plus, there's plenty to tell. We saw him as a boy who lost his "father" Jango in Attack of the Clones and we saw him in the original trilogy where he already earned his legendary status as a bounty hunter but what about the middle? AotC takes places 22 years before the original Star Wars so it would interesting to see how Fett came to be an orphan sadly holding the decapitated head of his "father" to becoming the most famous bounty hunter in the galaxy. There's also the three years between the Original Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back to look at. It's also been established that Fett survived the sarlacc pit monster in Return of the Jedi (confirmed by George Lucas though Disney hasn’t said anything) but he doesn't appear in The Force Awakens so it would be interesting to see what he did in that period.

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