Sunday, May 1, 2016

WWE Spring Cleaning

WWE Spring Cleaning
May 1, 2016
By Ryan Porzl

Well, it's that time again. Wrestlemania has come and gone which means new talent gets signed or called up from the main roster. With so many new talents coming to the WWE, the main roster is getting overloaded and the WWE is likely to cut wrestlers. Sadly, the WWE has plenty to choose from and I'll create of list of names on people who probably should be cut. Keep in mind, the people that I think should be cut are people you could cut today. As a result, I won't pick guys like Big Show and Kane who need to step aside as they can be used to put over new talent for the foreseeable future. I also won't pick someone like Mark Henry since he may be retiring and I won't pick someone who I don't feel is being wasted like Heath Slater and R-Truth mostly because the WWE needs prelim guys

Adam Rose- Rose is one of those guys I like and wish he got a better role but it wasn't to be. Though he's only been on the main roster two years, his career is already DOA. After originally showing promise in Florida Championship Wrestling and during the early months of NXT as Leo Kruger, Rose's potential plummeted when given the Russell Brand/Party Animal gimmick of Adam Rose as it was clearly a gimmick that was lame and didn't have a long shelf life. Sure enough, Rose was only given a small push in the first few months of his WWE run before becoming a jobber by the end of 2014. Since then, he's spent the past year largely wasted first as a heel that went nowhere and now as part of The Social Outcasts. Though Rose is talented and hasn't been on the main roster for very long, his WWE run can't recover. The Adam Rose gimmick was bad and it's one of those gimmicks that he won't be able to shake off as long as he remains in the WWE and being used as jobber for the last year hasn't helped. If Rose is to realize his true potential, he needs a clean slate and a new environment. Meanwhile, the WWE is doing nothing with him anyway. I know companies need jobbers but Rose is better than that and if they can't think of anything for him then they should release him where he can maybe go somewhere that will utilize him better.

Alicia Fox- Fox is one of these names I'll bring up that's been around for a decade which means she's been in Ohio Valley Wrestling when that was a WWE developmental which should tell you how long she's been around. Unfortunately, she has nothing to show for it. Fox is pretty talentless everywhere. She's not good in the ring and never has all the while occasionally looking like she was accidentally going to hurt someone legit. She can't act and looks ridiculous when she tries. She can't talk and hasn't cut one memorable promo. Having been in the company for ten years and on the main roster for the past eight, it's clear she's not going to get better and she's a waste of roster space. She also comes off as one of those models that the WWE signs that doesn't have much dedication to professional wrestling and is doing it hoping it will help them get their big break. Plus, it seems like the WWE has no direction for her anyway as Team Bella broke up with Brie retiring and Nikki being out with an injury and she's now off Total Divas.

Brock Lesnar- There's probably not a bigger waste of money on the roster than Brock Lesnar. Since his return in 2012, Lesnar has been commanding a big salary for very little work and while he has increased his schedule over the years, it's still not enough to justify keeping him. Even if he is this megastar (which he's not for the record), there's no reason keeping him when they can't do anything with him since he comes and goes all the time. It's difficult to use Lesnar for any type of storylines and feuds cause he doesn't always show up and it takes two to tango. Lesnar's opponent or even manager Paul Heyman can't always make up for his absences. Lesnar's work has also deteriorated heavily since his return four years ago as he's gone from doing a mind numbingly boring MMA style to doing nothing but repetitive, sloppy German suplexes. Since the Summerslam 2014 match with John Cena, if you seen one Lesnar match then you've seen them all. Lesnar has also shown no love or passion for wrestling and will up & leave when he's not happy. He also probably brings low morale whenever he shows up since he can come and go as he pleases while the rest of the roster have to work 300 days a year. If Lesnar is willing to go on the road and actually try, then I wouldn't mind so much but at this point, he's just not worth it.

Cameron- Cameron is another model who WWE signed that comes off as someone with no passion for wrestling or was a fan of it growing up. In the five years she's been in the WWE, she's done nothing of note or made any growth as a performer in any way. She's also made trips down to developmental at least twice as she was in FCW in 2011 and then NXT in 2015 but has nothing to show for it. Her recent run in NXT showed no improvement as she had a critically panned match with Alexa Bliss that will be a favorite for worst match of the year awards and after being employed for five years, it's highly unlikely she'll ever pick up the necessary skills. Cameron also doesn't fit in the current landscape of the women's division. With women like Becky Lynch, Charlotte, Sasha Banks, Natalya, and Emma on the main roster while Bayley, Asuka, and Alexa Bliss in NXT, she is out of her league and will likely not be able to keep up. At this point, it would be best for WWE and Cameron to part ways and Cameron pursue interests she's really passionate about.

Curtis Axel- Poor Joe Hennig. It's never easy being not only the son of a legend but a grandson of a legend but it's even worse when your father is "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig while your grandfather is Larry "The Ax" Hennig. Maybe the expectations were too high for Axel. What ever the case may be, he really hasn't rose to the occasion. Though not a bad wrestler, he's never shown to be a great one either. He's never had that amazing performance that you can look back on fondly and see some glimpse of his father. He's also struggled at times on the mic and with charisma. While he has shown some during the Axelmania gimmick and Social Outcast stable, it's definitely not enough. Axel has also been on the main roster for six years with two additional in Florida Championship Wrestling. He's also going on 37 so it's safe to say that it's very unlikely he'll blossom at this rate. It is also possible that he needs a new environment. Maybe work outside the WWE would do him some good. The WWE is also not doing much with him anyway so maybe it would be best to part ways as it allows WWE to bring someone else up but also allow Axel to test the waters elsewhere.

Damien Sandow- Sandow is mostly on the list for the fact that he's easily one of the most wasted talents the WWE has today. Ever since he failed to win the world title from John Cena in October 2013, his career has been plummeting and it's a shame given his talents in the ring. For the past two years, he's spent most of it as a comedic impersonator and though good, it's a waste as he should be a main event star instead of a jobber. Now having dropped the impersonator gimmick, it's obvious the WWE has nothing for him and if they don't have any plans then they should just let him go especially since their roster beats their bodies up for 300 days a year. It would be a shame to have him get beat up for nothing and broken down before he has the chance to do the great stuff that he's capable of. It's even worse as the fans like him and have responded well to him but the WWE just won't get behind him. Sandow is one of those guys who would benefit from a release as he would likely find work easily and maybe he can go somewhere that will treat him better.

El Torito- Torito was brought in as a mascot for Los Matadores more than two years ago but with Primo and Epico having ditched the matador gimmicks, that leaves Torito in the cold. Along with that, there's absolutely nothing available for him now. Sure Torito can wrestle but he's a mini (a term used in Mexican wrestling) and the WWE has no minis division so they can't have him wrestle. His character doesn't talk so he can't be used as a manager. He also doesn't fit anywhere as he just doesn't bring anything to the table so what's the point in keeping him? He's also been off TV since September which proves WWE doesn't have anything for him.

Fandango- Fandango is like Adam Rose in that he's a solid talent stuck with a bad gimmick. While the gimmick was a hit in 2013, it's long run it's course but like Rose, it will be hard to shake it off so long as he's in the WWE and would be better off elsewhere. Fandango has also been in the WWE for a long time as he's been on the main roster on and off since 2010 and has been signed all together in the last decade as he's had runs in Deep South Wrestling, FCW, and NXT. If Fandango has been under contract this long then maybe it's time for a change. The WWE also doesn't seem to have any ideas for him anymore and he's become a jobber so if they have no ideas for a talented guy like Fandango, then maybe they need to let him go. The plus side is that Fandango will turn 35 this year so there's always the possibilities that with time away, he can eventually return with a clean slate.

Goldust- Goldust was a good act and a very good wrestler but that was a long time ago. Now, he's past his prime and doesn't bring anything to the table. It also doesn't help that he's been playing the gimmick on and off for 21 years and is stale. The WWE has long needed to move into the 21st Century and stop focusing on wrestlers who have been around since the 1990s especially since we now have stuff like the WWE Network where we can see guys like Goldust in his prime and at his best instead of now where he's trying to recreate the magic. There's also nothing left for him to do at this point. He's been a tag team champion and intercontinental champion multiple times already. He was never world title material so the WWE Championship is out and there's far better options for the United States Title. Worse of all, he originally came back for two reasons which was to team with half-brother Cody Rhodes (now Stardust) and then eventually feud with him. Well, he's accomplished both so there's no point in having him anymore. Goldust also has a lot of mileage as well as he's 47 and has nearly 30 years of wear and tear.

Hornswoggle- Hornswoggle has the same problems El Torito has. As a mini, the WWE can't have him wrestle. He also wouldn't work as a manager as he hasn't shown that he's capable of being a great mouthpiece and WWE doesn't use managers much anymore. He doesn't add to the show other than bad comedy, and he wouldn't fit with anyone so you can't pair him with someone else. Even the WWE seems to have run out of ideas as he hasn't been on TV in a year so he's already sitting at home doing nothing. He's also been around for 10 years so what is there left for him to do? How many more comedic skits can he be put in? How many comedy angles and storylines can they create? It's really tough to come up with new ideas for a regular wrestler who has been around for a decade but it's even harder when you got someone who rarely wrestles to begin with.

Jack Swagger- Swagger is another one of those guys who had been in the WWE for a long time. In fact, he's had runs in OVW, DSW, and FCW before being called up to the main roster. In all, he's been on the main roster for 8 years and overall 10 and it appears that they don't have anything left for him. In fact, aside from his brief feud with Alberto Del Rio back in the fall, he hasn't had a feud in a year and a half. In recent times, he's been wasted as a jobber in recent years and it's a shame because he's talented. Swagger deserves to be used better than his current role so if the WWE has nothing for him then he should go somewhere else. To be fair, Swagger also has some weaknesses as he struggled with mic skills and never got comfortable in cutting promos. Swagger is fortunately another young man who could benefit from time away and come back years from now.

Paul Heyman- There was a time when Heyman was one of the best managers in the business but those days are long gone. While fans continue to praise Heyman's work, I'm not one of them. Since his return in 2012, he's been largely cutting the same lazy promo that he always cuts. I've believed for years that Heyman had lost his love for wrestling and it shows. To me, listening to him, it just becomes clear that he's only back because Lesnar is and for a paycheck. He has a list of talking point and he runs through them so if you heard one Heyman promo, then you've heard them all. Heyman has also not added much since coming back as he didn't have chemistry with CM Punk and he added very little to Curtis Axel and Ryback. He also occasionally looks bored at times during matches like he rather be anywhere else. He's also cut back on his WWE appearances as he now only appears when Lesnar does or when Lesnar is in a rivalry but doesn't want to show up. At this point, Heyman is one of those guys whose time has come and gone in wrestling. The WWE should cut him loose and let him do other things that he clearly has more passionate about.

Rosa Mendes- Mendes is another former model with nothing to offer despite being around for 10 years. In fact, she's another who's been around so long that she's had runs in OVW and FCW. She's also someone with nothing to show for it. She hasn't wrestled much but when she did, she was never anything special. She's also been very forgettable as I can't remember anything she did except for backstage skits where she jumped rope and managed Primo and Epico. Mendes has also just been engaged and gave birth so it's becoming clear she can't do the WWE schedule anymore and there's no position they can give her as she can't be a trainer since she's not a great wrestler and they don't need interviewers. She's also going on 37 which is up there for women as most usually retire by that age to start families which she is doing.

Ryback- Ryback is another that's been around for a long, long time. In fact, he first came to the WWE as a contestant on the fourth Tough Enough back in 2004. While I do think he's made some improvements, he's not made enough for someone who's been on the main roster for 6 years and on contract on and off for 12 years. It's obvious that the WWE saw something in him but he's never taken that next step due to his own limitations as well as some bad booking. He's also gone through babyface and heel runs with each more forgettable than the last and has gotten more generic since his recent heel turn. Even worse is that WWE has just debuted a few new big men in Baron Corbin and Colin Cassidy while already having Luke Harper, Erik Rowan, and Braun Strowman so Ryback is expendable. Corbin, Cassidy, and Strowman are fresh and have potential while Harper and Rowan are better in the ring. Honestly, Ryback is another one that would benefit from a change of scenery and should try going elsewhere like Japan which could do him a world of good. Ryback is also currently 34 so he's young enough that he can go away for awhile and maybe come back down the road.

Stardust- I don't what it is with Cody Rhodes. Since his run as part of the Legacy stable ended in 2010, he's been stuck with one bad gimmick after another and it's damaged his WWE run. Rhodes is talented in both the ring and mic but his gimmicks have made him damaged goods. Right now, he's at rock bottom with the Stardust character as it's not only stupid but it's shackled him in the ring and the mic. Rhodes is one of those guys who is better than what he's been given in WWE and he's been spinning his wheels for a long time. It's also sad and embarrassing watching him go out and make an ass out of himself. The only way for Rhodes' career to be rejuvenated is for him to get out of WWE and go somewhere else. At 31, Rhodes is another one who can return one day with a clean slate so it wouldn't be the end for him.

Tamina Snuka- Tamina is one of those cases where the sequel is not as good as the original. The daughter of "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka, Tamina hasn't shown any of the skills or charisma of her legendary father. Sadly, the only thing she has is her father's mic skills which isn't good. Tamina has also bounced around a number of gimmicks in her six years with the company and none have been successful. As mentioned, she's also been around for six years and if she hasn't made improvements now then she likely never will. She's also 38 which means time is not on her side and she's likely not a late bloomer like a Bobby Lashley which means she's probably not going to pick up the skills she needs out of nowhere at her age. Speaking of late bloomer, she's is one in terms of having turned pro at 31 in 2009. So even though she's a second generation wrestler, she isn't like many who started wrestling in their teens or early 20s. So the WWE can't use her as sort of a mentor that could work with the younger women in matches cause she's not that experienced as a mentor would have more experience. In fact, many of the main roster women have more experience most notably Natalya and Becky Lynch. In fact, Bayley and Asuka who are in developmental have more experience. She's also missed most of 2014 due to an ACL tear which isn't good as she now has one bad wheel. All in all, Tamina has everything going against her and nothing in her favor.

Zack Ryder- You ever hear of a mercy killing? Well, this is a mercy cutting. Seriously, what's the point of WWE retaining Ryder if they not only not want to push him despite his popularity but have gone out of their way to sabotage his career by merciliessly burying him because he didn't figure into their plans? It's frustrating that Ryder is on the road and beating his body up for nothing. I don't understand why WWE keeps a guy when they don't give a rat's ass about him and even goes out of their way to humiliate. Ryder is talented, hard working, and well liked so if he gets released, he'll land on his feet easily and will go somewhere that will treat him with respect and give him the run he deserves. Ryder is also damaged goods as the WWE has buried him and wasted him for so long that they won't be able to revive Ryder.

Zeb Colter- Colter came back a few years ago as Jack Swagger's manager but didn't add anything to Swagger's "Real American" other than looking like a stereotypical tea partier. It's a mystery why Colter is still under contract as the WWE has had nothing for him for more than a year and a half outside of his brief run as the returning Alberto Del Rio's manager from October to December 2015. What's even worse is that Colter is 66 years old so what can they do with him? He can't manage anymore as it's highly doubtful he wants to go on the road at his age. He could work on the creative team as he's booked before but he likely wouldn't fit in and he probably doesn't want to move to Stanford, Connecticut. He's also too old to wrestle so he can't get back in the ring. There's just nothing for Colter in 2016 WWE so there's no point in keeping him under contract if there's nothing available.

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