Sunday, February 15, 2015

Fantasy Booking: Booking New Royal Rumble Winners (2000-2005)

Fantasy Booking: Booking New Royal Rumble Winners (2000-2005)
February 15, 2015
By Ryan Porzl

Continuing with the Royal Rumble winners, it's time for Part III where I look at the 2000-2005 Royal Rumble matches and pick new winners. The real life winners are not available so who will I pick to substitute them? Read on.

I don't own the picture

The first Royal Rumble of the 21st Century took place on January 23, 2000 and was won by the Rock who last eliminated The Big Show. My choice for a winner would be Chris Jericho. Similar to 1994 and 1996, the choices here aren't the best. I wouldn't be the most comfortable with picking Jericho since he had only been in the promotion for five months. However, he was getting more and more popular, he was already a great talker and wrestler, and he would later have some good to great matches with Triple H over the years.

My potential second choice would be Test. I know Test was still new and in the WWF for only a year but he looked good towards the end of 1999. Best of all, the potential was there as was a story. Test had been with Stephanie during the summer and then she left him for Triple H with Test later getting beat down by the McMahon-Helmsley faction so there was a story there. However, Test wasn't ready for a Wrestlemania main event. The British Bulldog would be another choice since you can use the story of how he's won every title except the WWF Championship. Unfortunately, Bulldog was still struggling with a drug addiction so I wouldn't go with him. Other than them, there was no one else. Steve Austin and the Undertaker were out with injuries. The Big Show was coming off a very medicore title reign and lost the title only three weeks earlier. Rikishi was catching on but he didn't get very popular until the Rumble match. Kane was good but him vs. Triple H at Wrestlemania doesn't sound appealing that year and he was already feuding with X-Pac. Mick Foley wasn't possible since you would have to cancel the Royal Rumble and No Way Out matches he had with Triple H.

My final two would be Jericho vs. Big Show. I want Jericho to win over Big Show so I can not only show Jericho can beat big guys but also sow seeds for later down the road. I would hope to delay Show's heel turn until after Wrestlemania with the story being that he's frustrated with the way he lost the WWF Championship and then losing the Rumble. By doing this, I would potentially have a post-Wrestlemania feud with Jericho.

The 2001 Royal Rumble was held on January 21, 2001 and saw "Stone Cold" Steve Austin become the first three time winner in Royal Rumble history when he last eliminated Kane. With Austin out of the picture, my pick to win would be the Undertaker. After contimplating retirement at the end of 1999 due to injuries and missing eight months, Taker seemed refreshed by early 2001 as he recovered from the injuries and updated his look with the American Badass gimmick. Taker was also coming off his tenth anniversary and was in the middle of his "decade of destruction" so it would seem to be a good time to give him another reign. Wrestlemania X-7 was also going to be held in his homestate of Texas so that's another reason. Finally, there's plenty of scenarios to go with at Wrestlemania. If Rock still won the WWF Title then you got a rubber match as Rock defeated Undertaker at Survivor Series 1998 while Taker defeated The Rock at the 1999 King of the Ring. If Kurt Angle remained champion then there's another rubber match as Taker defeated Angle at Fully Loaded 2000 while Angle defeated Taker at Survivor Series 2000. You could also bring up the fact that Angle ruined Taker's ten year anniversary at Survivor Series when he cheated to retain the title. Then there's Triple H who challenged Angle at the Royal Rumble. He was still in his prime and he & Taker ended up having a great showing at Wrestlemania X-7.

A second pick would be Kane. Kane was solid in the ring at this point and he ultimately put on a very good performance during the Rumble match. Plus, he only held the WWF Championship once which was back in 1998 for a day. Kane would be a fresh choice given he's never been in the main event of Wrestlemania and his only WWF Title lasted 24 hours. Rikishi would be a third pick. By this point, Rikishi's stock was dropping after he became a villain the previous October. The Rikishi pick would be a desperate one as it would be more about salvaging him then him being the best choice. With the Rock taking time off after Wrestlemania X-7, you can have Rikishi beat him for the title and put him out of action. However, I'm not high on this one since Rikishi didn't have the mometum he had for most of 2000. In the end, Rikishi would miss Wrestlemania anyway due to an ear injury but I wouldn't know that in January 2001. That's about it as no one else would be considered. The Rock was heading to Hollywood after Wrestlemania X-7 so I wouldn't have him win the Rumble. I don't think Chris Benoit was ready to win a Rumble and main event the first Wrestlemania in a stadium since Wrestlemania VIII. Triple H was challenging Kurt Angle for the WWF Championship at the same event and even if I switched things and went with HHH, I don't think him vs. Angle would work at that time as a Wrestlemania main event. Meanwhile, HHH wrestled the Rock way too many times. Chris Jericho is good but I don't want to pick him a second year in a row. The Big Show made his return at this event after spending five months in WWF's developmental territory Ohio Valley Wrestling to lose weight so I wouldn't just have him come back out of nowhere and win.

My final two would be Undertaker vs. Rikishi. My hope would be that Rikishi would put on a good performance, eliminate some big names, and him being the runner up would help him gain momentum. Another reason is I think these two would put on a good showing and put on a good performance. Finally, it's different. Big Show was already the runner up the previous year. With Taker winning then he would likely face the Rock at Wrestlemania X-7 so I don't want Taker to eliminate Rock at the Rumble. Undertaker/Kane has been done too many times and was getting stale even in 2001. Benoit, HHH, and Jericho weren't in the Rumble and I'm not going to put them in just to be runner up.

The 2002 Royal Rumble took place on January 20, 2002 and saw Triple H win after eliminating Kurt Angle. With Triple H unavailable, my pick would be Rob Van Dam. This is one of the easiest picks as Van Dam quickly became one of the most popular wrestlers on the WWF roster after joining in June. This is a case of striking while the iron is hot. Van Dam also brings a different type of style both in the ring and on the mic which is refreshing. As a wrestler, he provided an exciting high flying style that's not common in WWF main event talent. His promos were also different as they were more laid back instead of the intimidating badass type that everyone tries to do. Plus, the WWF desperately needed new blood in the main event to freshen things up.

Sadly, there wasn't any other good choices. Undertaker, Booker T, and Kurt Angle were all villains like Jericho and no one wants to see a villain/villain match as the Wrestlemania main event. Steve Austin held the WWF Championship for most of 2001, won three previous Rumbles, and was very stale by this point. The Rock was also stale by this point, was already challenging Jericho at the event, and I believe the WWF was already planning to have him vs. Hogan at Wrestlemania X-8. Kane and Big Show were no where near the main event. Rikishi was coming off a long injury layoff and had no momentum.

My finals would be Van Dam vs. Booker T. Sadly, Booker had lost a lot of momentum over the past few months and my hope would be to not only have Van Dam win but maybe allow Booker to go far and maybe it could give him momentum. I guess another reason I would pick this because it was different. The final two wouldn't have any of the usual names which is something different and like I said, the WWF needed more fresh main eventers.

Royal Rumble 2003 took place on January 19, 2003 and featured Brock Lesnar winning the Rumble, last eliminating the Undertaker. Not able to pick Lesnar, my choice would be Scott Steiner. Yes, I know he was wrestling Triple H at this event and the match was a disaster but hear me out. Heading into this match, Steiner was one of the hottest talents in wrestling and a match with Triple H was considered a dream match. If I would have it my way, I would convince the WWE to have Steiner win the Rumble and save the match with Triple H for Wrestlemania XIX. By doing this, I hope to accomplish a few things. One being that I'm getting a dream match that's three years in the making for Wrestlemania. Second is that Steiner was coming off injuries and hadn't wrestled full time since WCW was sold to the WWF in March 2001. The Rumble was too soon for Steiner so my hope would be that with an extra two months of TV and live events that he would be able to get used to the ring again and shake the ring rust off in time. Hopefully, if everything went according to plan, he would be more prepared for the match at Wrestlemania XIX than he would've been for the Royal Rumble.

There are some other good picks for this Rumble. Booker T would be another one to choose as he was very popular at the time and ultimately took on HHH at Wrestlemania XIX in real life. However, I wouldn't pick Booker because I feel that HHH/Steiner would be the bigger match for Wrestlemania. I'm also not picking him because I want to be more creative and not take the easy way out. I want to come off as I thought this through which I believe I have. Rey Mysterio would be another good pick especially if he would be moved to RAW as he could put on a good match and was getting popular with the WWE fans since he came in to the WWE back in the summer. However, Mysterio would have to move to RAW since the WWE would want to do Angle/Lesnar for Smackdown at Wrestlemania XIX and I wouldn't want to move him over just for one match. That's about it. Kane and Rob Van Dam were already coming off failed title shots against Triple H and both lost a lot of momentum. Undertaker was on Smackdown and the WWE wanted the Smackdown World Title match to be Angle/Lesnar and Taker wasn't red hot or anything special so he wouldn't have been a good choice. Chris Jericho was a villain as was RAW World Champion Triple H so that wouldn't make sense. Jericho also wrestled HHH a few times in 2002 so it was a stale match. He was also feuding with Shawn Michaels at this point so you would have to cancel that match for Wrestlemania. Shawn Michaels was in the same position as Jericho.

My final two would be Steiner vs. Chris Jericho. Jericho asked for the #2 slot in the Rumble because he wanted to start the Rumble and win it like Michaels did in 1995 (Michaels already asked and received the #1 slot in 2003). Jericho can put on a great performance but just miss accomplishing his goal as Steiner eliminates the iron man of the Rumble. There's also the possibility of Steiner getting more popular with the crowd by eliminating the villain Jericho who would look great and unbeatable as the Rumble goes on.

The 2004 edition of the Royal Rumble was held on January 25, 2004 and saw Chris Benoit win by last eliminating the Big Show. With Benoit out, my pick to win the Rumble would be Shawn Michaels. I would want to save the HHH/Michaels match for Wrestlemania instead of having it at the Rumble. These two not only had big history but were coming off a very good match at the December 29, 2003 episode of RAW which went to a draw. Since nothing was settled, you can do another match for Wrestlemania with the story being that Michaels needs to win the Royal Rumble to get another title shot.

Eddie Guerrero would have been my first pick to win since it would've been nice to see him win the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania. However, Brock was champion and needed to lose the belt before Mania since the plan was for him to face Goldberg. Meanwhile, switching things and having Angle vs. Guerrero at Wrestlemania with Angle as the defending champion wouldn't work since Angle and Lesnar had been done too many times. Orton had potential but he wasn't there yet and was feuding with Mick Foley. Kane and Triple H were villains while Kane vs. Guerrero wouldn't work and Kane was scheduled to wrestle Undertaker at Wrestlemania. John Cena had potential but wasn't a main eventer yet and was scheduled to face Big Show at Wrestlemania. Finally, no one else was in the main event and in a position to main event Wrestlemania XX.

My finals would be Michaels vs. Kurt Angle. Both got title shots at Wrestlemania so why not have them as the last two? These two would also be capable of having a good performance to end the Rumble on a high note.

Royal Rumble 2005 took place on January 30, 2005. Batista won the Royal Rumble match when he last eliminated John Cena. With Batista unable to compete, my choice to win would be the Intercontinental Champion Shelton Benjamin. While Benjamin wasn't the most charismatic wrestler or the best talker, he was an awesome athlete and wrestler who was capable of stealing the show. Triple H was the World Heavyweight Champion and these two had history as Benjamin scored a huge win over HHH on the March 28, 2004 episode of RAW. With Wrestlemania 21 being on April 3rd, it would be almost a year to the day that Benjamin scored the win that established him as a singles wrestler. So there's a big story here. Along with that big win, Benjamin was doing very well as he was also the reigning Intercontinental Champion and putting on many solid matches. Another story could be if he can become the second man (behind Triple H, ironically enough) to hold the World Heavyweight Championship and the Intercontinental Championship at the same time. Benjamin was also in the Money In The Bank ladder match but since there was so many guys in that match, you can take Benjamin out.

John Cena is an obvious second choice given that he went on to defeat JBL at Wrestlemania 21 to win the WWE Championship. However, I wouldn't go with him. In fact, since he was United States Champion and would go on to lose that title to JBL's chief of staff Orlando Jordan before Wrestlemania, I would have JBL distract Cena which would allow Jordan to eliminate him from the Rumble. This would add to the Cena/JBL rivalry and give Jordan some momentum before he won the title. I wouldn't consider others. Eddie and Benoit already had WWE/World Heavyweight Title reigns the previous year and Eddie was about to begin a feud with Rey Mysterio. Orton was already challenging for the World Heavyweight Championship at the event and even if I switched things, he wasn't catching on the way the company hoped and he would later go on to face the Undertaker. Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle would start a rivalry at the Royal Rumble and face each other at Wrestlemania so they were unavailable.

My final two would be Benjamin vs. Chris Benoit. Benoit is a former World Heavyweight Champion and one of the best wrestlers in the world. By having Benjamin defeat Benoit then it shows he can hang with the main eventers. Best of all, with Benoit being a great wrestler, he would know how to make Benjamin look amazing which is what you want for a title challenger at Wrestlemania.

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