Saturday, July 13, 2019

Disco Demolition Night at Comiskey Park in Chicago 1979

Forgot that yesterday was the 40th Anniversary of Disco Demolition Night which was a Baseball promotion where shock jock Steve Dahl blew up a bunch of disco records between a double header featuring the White Sox and the Detroit Tigers. Many fans also threw disco albums into the field like frisbees and then stormed on to the field to stomp on the albums and riot trashing the field and starting fires forcing the White Sox to forfeit the second game. Many often view Disco Demolition Night as the beginning of the end for the Disco fad. Many people in Disco were apparently the original politically correct social justice warriors accusing the event as well as people who hate disco as racist, sexist, and homophobes.
Now if only we could get another since I'm sure there's some shitty acts and genres who's CDs could use a Demolition Night.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Alice Cooper - Living - (1969 - Pretties for you)

Also kept forgetting but Happy Belated 50th Anniversary to the first Alice Cooper album Pretties For You which had it's anniversary on June 26th.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Terry Funk Japan Theme "Spinning Toe Hold"

Keep forgetting to mention this but Happy Belated Birthday to wrestling legend Terry Funk who turned 75 on June 30th.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Most Underrated KISS Albums

Most Underrated KISS Albums
July 6, 2019
By Ryan Porzl

In my last KISS article, I pointed out the top five worst albums they've done. Now, I'm going the opposite direction. Again, KISS have done at least 20 studio albums (not counting the solo albums) and like any band who have had that many, there are those people love, those people hate, those who people feel are underrated, and those that are overrated. Like any fan, I have my opinions on what is underrated so I decided to do this article to bring up the albums that I feel many fans and even the band themselves don't give enough credit for and why I think they're good. Again, I'm mostly going to look at studio albums and none of these are in any order.