Tuesday, December 6, 2016

So today is the 115th birthday of Walt Disney. How about that? Too bad he can't celebrate since he's still cryogenically frozen underneath the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland. I think out of all the conspiracy theories out there, I think the one about Walt Disney being cryogenically frozen underneath Disneyland is the one I want to see be true the most.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Just saw Doctor Strange and I enjoyed the movie. Benedict Cumberbatch did a great job in the role and we do see Dr. Strange grow as character with Cumberbatch doing a great job playing the character as the cocky, egotistical know-it-all to someone who matures by the end of it while realizing there's more to life than his ego. Chiwetel Ejiofor is also great as Mordo playing him as a good man but one who falls at the end of it because he loses faith in what he believed in and becomes twisted because he believes everything he believed in was a lie. The special effects and music were also great while the movie had the typical Marvel stuff like the one liners or funny moments after a serious one.

Star Trek IV The Voyage Home

Happy 30th Anniversary to Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Kiss Carr Jam 1981

A great instrumental that shows the talent Carr had.

Queen - Innuendo (Official Video)

One of my favorite Queen songs as it's from Innuendo.

Sadly today is a sad milestone in music history as it's the 25th anniversary of the passing of Freddie Mercury and KISS' second drummer Eric Carr. Mercury passed due to bronchopneumonia as a result from AIDS. As is well documented, Mercury only confirmed he had AIDS a day earlier almost like it was the last thing he needed to do in terms of getting his affairs in order. Of course, his illness was a badly kept secret since it was obvious especially by 1990/1991 he was sick and that fact Queen suspiciously didn't tour after 1986 despite continuing to release albums. Mercury was only 45. Carr passed due to heart cancer which he got diagnosed with in February 1991 and fought it all year including open heart surgery and chemo which seemed to work but then suffered an aneurysm only two days after his last public appearance at the 1991 MTV Video Music Awards that September. Sadly, Carr then suffered a brain hemorrhage and never regained consciousness. Carr was probably KISS' best drummer as he seemed to fit in more than original drummer Peter Criss and brought a harder style to the band which gave them heavier sound which Gene Simmons said. Carr was 41 and was the first KISS alumni to pass away (the only other to date is third guitarist Mark St. John in 2007).