Sunday, April 3, 2016

Saw Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice last night and I really liked it. I was a little worried given the negative reviews but I didn't think it was bad at all and didn't get why so many critics hated it. I thought the acting was good, the visuals were good, the costumes, and fight scenes were all good. Ben Affleck pulled a Michael Keaton as people were skeptical but in the end, he did very well. Don't get me wrong, Keaton will always be my favorite Batman but he still did good. Cavill was good as Superman and Gal Gadot did good as Wonder Woman though we didn't see as much of her. Doomsday looked great though I wish he had some costume or his green shorts as he reminded me of Dr. Doom from the original Fantastic Four. I kind of enjoyed Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor as he's kind of nutty and goofy which he does well and I like they tried something a little different then the same Lex Luthor we've seen countless times since Gene Hackman. It reminded me of Penguin from Batman Returns where they tried something different instead of the same old, same old. The stuff with Batman was a huge improvement over Christopher Nolan's stuff. The costume looks way better instead of the DK and DKR ones where he looked like he had a skinny neck and fat head. The Batmobile looked awesome and The Batwing looked good too. I also liked the time. Unlike The Dark Knight and Dark Knight Rises, I felt this movie needed to be 150 minutes and never dragged while telling the story. I also liked how the movie was dark as it seems like the DC Universe will have a different tone than Marvel and thus won't come off as a ripoff. My only negative was Hans Zimmer's score. I've never been into his music with the Nolan trilogy and it's very forgettable. Having also done Man of Steel, this is his fifth DC Comic movie and I think they need someone new. They should try to find someone that can capture the magic of Danny Elfman's amazing scores and have that brooding music but also stuff that's blood pumping, sad, beautiful, and epic depending on the scene. As for those who complain it was too dark, I would ask have they learned anything from Batman & Robin? If not then go watch that or the 60s show (which is good but still). I recommend Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Not the greatest superhero movie but still good.

WWF WrestleMania VI, VII and VIII Theme - The Grand Spectacle *FULL AND ...

The REAL Wrestlemania Theme!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Gotta love hearing that Harrison Ford will return as Indiana Jones but it will be in 2019. Look, Ford is one of the greatest action stars in American Cinema but he'll be 77 when it comes out. Even Charles Bronson stopped doing Death Wish movies before he turned 75 and here I thought Death Wish V coming out two months after his 72nd birthday was getting up there. Then again, if he can survive a nuclear blast by hiding in a fridge then he'll be fine.

Time for WWE and Others to Once Again Acknowledge Chris Benoit Existed

Time for WWE and Others to Once Again Acknowledge Chris Benoit Existed
March 21, 2016
By Ryan Porzl

The story of Chris Benoit's double murder/homicide is well known by now as well the fact that many including the WWE have tried to avoid discussing Benoit and have more or less erased him from the history books. While there was no justifiable reason for his actions, it's still ridiculous to try and pretend that he's never existed. Before I begin this article, I want to set the record straight that I don't agree or condone what Benoit did. However, I do think he did what he did not because he was a monster but because was mentally ill which I go further into.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Seinfeld- the dominicans

I'm not getting political here but I hear that President Obama is visiting Cuba but my problem is that I think he'll only meet Raul Castro and not his or Fidel's brother: Dennis, er, Duane who Kramer's Dominicans supposedly rolled cigars for. Sorry, with Cuba in the news, I had to get that Seinfeld joke in.