Friday, June 19, 2015

Selling Bellator 138

Selling Bellator 138
June 18, 2015
By Ryan Porzl

This Friday, Bellator will hold their Bellator 138 event on Spike TV. However, I see many hardcore fans skipping this event because of the main event between Ken Shamrock and Kimbo Slice. I decided to write this article to explain that the event is worth seeing because there are some gems to look at.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Debunking the Rousey/Cyborg Talking Points and Looking At Why This Fight Hasn't Happened

Debunking the Rousey/Cyborg Talking Points and Looking At Why This Fight Hasn't Happened
June 4, 2015
By Ryan Porzl

"Rowdy" Ronda Rousey vs. Cris "Cyborg" Justino is a superfight that fans have been looking forward to for years. It's also a fight that could potentially be the biggest fight in Women's MMA to date. Unfortunately, things have prevented the fight from happening. With most of blame going to Cyborg because she has not moved down to bantamweight, I've decided to write this article to debunk the talking points and show that while Cyborg is no saint, she's not to blame here. Also, I will take a look at who are really responsibile for the fight not happening and why they don't have much to gain from it happening. Before beginning, I want to make it perfectly clear that this isn't an anti-Rousey, anti-UFC, and pro-Cyborg article. It's me trying to clear the air on ridiculous talking points and who the fans should really be calling out if they want this fight.